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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#16 (reveal difficulty score)
Which of the following best explains impaired ...
Increase in axonal capacitance ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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nI eacs you nawan go ueprs drne nda rdae toaub niemy,l eac,tcanpica and ser,anicset shit guy eods a gdoo job.

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nwinkelmann  hiTs alyrle elhdpe ,em ta setla the sctuirep i.dd Hrees' my anepriertontti of hte seritpuc ni not pseur niccesfiit :tmrse tcaeanpiacc si klie eht c"ca"yiap ot ekep oisn esolc to hte nmm.rbeae yleiMn utps a abierrr benwete het nios in het dccnueviot erovnmtinen FEC( or CI)F adn eht nevre eranmb.em hTe hrighe eht ntciapace,ac eth locres the onsi ear ot eth rbenea,mm so 'sti lkie het grhcae eceftf si ore"m enotp"t os hdrera ot aghcne the rmaeenmb ,ttipnoae arseehw if hte sion rae rearhft from teh ,baemmner het eaghcr cfetef is s"els "tepotn so eiaser ot ahnecg hte mbmaeenr ltaeipnto dna utsh eriaes ot e.dlzoripae ,Tuhs twhi ymleni, terhe is eacserdde ciaypact fo eht sion to eb seolc to hte mnbmrea,e so in ynmailtdeigne ,doontiincs eth niso nca be yerlla elsoc ot eht b,amrnmee i.e. hreigh ca.pceatanic +30
sweetmed  htsi lpeehd a tlo! +
roaaaj  leWl ne!eipldxa +
euchromatin69  ro see u dlowr 791 aesm copntec +1
brise  wdrloU *311**8 +4
imgdoc  usJt to add ot wtha ialnnnwemkn siad adn aaetolber rrhtfeu on teh inlk yb mc.l nI alnnruoe ,saonx aiccncpaate kpese niso csloe ot het mbreenma na(oins nad )o,sniact os whne naxo teadraonpilozi dose ,occru a tirpono fo eht ncaisot neamt to eipladeorz het naxo lliw tcaayllu be uianldzteer yb het nniaos ta the mbnee.rma MEYAEDILNT nxosa calsbialy vdoiepr a irbrrea so tath hreet aer LESS osanni inlign het rnein ucfesra of the xaon meb,naerm so SSEL onsitac teg earzendltiu by eth eagvietn sn,onai so RMEO iocnsta ear LAVEIBAAL ot zlepoaired eht nax.o owN, emreanbm cise:natres lnmiey ereiscnas oanlax seeni,csart ihst nmaes it ERDSCESEA het bylitai of citsano ahtt etdnere het naxo omrf KLNGIAE cbka uto tion eht .FEC MORE cstonia rea aiablevla to ozereplaid het larnnoeu MaLN EAYxETnD.Io XANOS CENRIASE EAECS,RITNS dan ECERESAD AAIPCENCAT.C +2

For the video provided, skip to 4:25 for the description on capicitance

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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eScro:u yM.iwtinpieseei/:winkat/irkh./dlop/g

myel"ni dspese teh nostaissinrm fo larcetceli plesusim cldlea inocta opaitetnsl ngalo idyeenlmta axnos yb ilinasutng hte axno nda iudrcnge olanxa embnaerm aancipeatcc"

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littletreetrunk  I itnhk siht askem ttoal snese, utb how oeds ti ton LSOA stop tfas laaoxn stprarnt?o +5
laminin  naaxol rptstnaor si snaorrttp fo elsoengarl caybiotlernldii galon the onxa in the tmaplyocs sneci imynle is on teh stedoui of teh axno inonemtdyaeli etsd'on ceatff htis os.erpcs esu :cor roi_xnnwkhai/esdtApsgi:iwaipr.t//.pknttrol/aoeaA"nx lo ttr,orpnsa sola ealcdl milaxoapcs rnopsartt or coalaxipsm wol,f is a rlulcale spcesro lpsnesiboer rof vmonmeet fo dhimcrntia,oo ipd,sil pncystia ssive,lce rseoit,pn dan hetro lecl tprsa ot nad mrfo a nseu'onr lelc ,ydbo gthohur eth tmopylasc of sit oanx." +5
yotsubato  naolxa rpattrnso si miedetda yb nenkiis dna ilbueoctMru xtions ikle ecrsnivniti clbko eeths +4
drdoom  re@tietlnuttkrle "xlnaao trtrp"naos si voeemnmt of lkbu dgsoo iav tcbouuilsrem ic(hhw nur orfm aosm ot m;si)tenru i,osn no teh erhot ad,nh vmeo ni na rtlacecel"i wv"ea atht ew allc na caoitn ttlnpeioa! no noaxal l(aburctri)omu stprrnoat rq!idereu in htero dro,ws eimtnond-aeily lliw ahve no tfecef no teh rsrntotpa of bukl s;oogd tub it wlil yleral sesm up ohw fsta lcte"cilare a"swev svtrreea teh nrnu!oe +


AXONAL TRANSPORT. The directed transport of ORGANELLES and molecules along nerve cell AXONS. Transport can be anterograde (from the cell body) or retrograde (toward the cell body).

+7/- drdoom(1206)

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—visualninjacontender(18)
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e-mti nsatonct= istcnResae x tecCcapiaan lw e-ro meti tstoancn = erfats ioontucdnc -ymlein olwsre acaiaecpctn - teyrebh wlginroe etmi nontacst nda ignarcnise ucntooidcn esdpe we(orl aciaptcy fro rnenuo to odhl ghearc may wllao eth rghace to "mu"jp omfr edon ot oden - I yma eb ikganm ttah tasl prat pu tub ahtt is how I ntuedradns ti)

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handsome  ah'wts rouy feecrrnee to hsti DCO +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by hello36654(5)
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os hwy si io"natssce of sfta aoxlan raot"nstpr w?rgon 'notD tademyneil snoxa, by oini,dntfie haev sfta cncuna?otced oS mnyeetiddael xsnao wlodu ahev so"esciant fo asft alxano s"nr,otrtap cihwh si hte ranswe ,A ght?ir

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diabetes  i ikthn it solsw owdn ,no sencstaoi . +1
gdupgrant  eeBsauc sfat naolax rtsoatnrp sefrre to teh atornsprt of esvslcei nactiniogn trittuenmrreasnso ro moes dink fo clle ptucodr pu adn odnw olbtmrusucei in het ona.x It stn'i treeald to altcau taiccleler lngsia +8
kcyanide101  llayiBasc a ymrsuma of ti all is eht enymil hthees ertcase a oitsinnalu hhwci rduecse ccnieaaapct and iseecsnra .ansrs..eec..ti hTsi suseac garsche not ot elak sa hyet htne eltumcaacu in the denos of rrev.ian setEainsl tnsmniioarss is eatsrf sbeeuca hte olyn enlkiga sccoru nebteew eht yeminl hhsate hrwe(e noi ghxsneeca c)rc,uo LwtthAwvp?Feh4mtwwtGa/_s=Dja/ou/:cuo9cyb_.. +
kcyanide101  os sjtu iineagm het noi lofw egchars rae npjimug mofr neo dnoe fo viearrn to hte ntxe +

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