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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#16 (reveal difficulty score)
Which of the following best explains impaired ...
Increase in axonal capacitance ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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In aces you nnwaa og srpeu rned dna ared tbaou lenym,i ict,cnaapeac dan ,eiscaretns ihst uyg sode a ogod boj.

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nwinkelmann  shiT rylale pldhee ,me ta tlaes het uticrspe idd. 'erHes ym otreeittnrnaip fo teh rpsciute in tno rspeu eitnsicifc rm:est picneaacact is elik het a"cca"yip to epek snio loesc ot teh nre.eambm nMeliy ptus a eiabrrr eetwbne hte oins in het deictcnuov nemienntrov EC(F or F)CI and the veenr mreea.nmb heT igrhhe eth etci,acpnaac eth orlsec hte ions rea ot eht mnbm,eera so its' klei the recgha eftecf si r"moe tpn"eto so adrerh ot gaecnh het ranbeemm ,pitonaet weasher if eth sino era ertrhfa orfm teh mb,menera eth chearg effect si lse"s tnpeot" so seaeir to nchage eht merbnmea tlaenpoit adn uths eearis ot dlezoi.repa hu,Ts hiwt yelm,ni rethe si srdecdeae ciaapcyt of hte nosi ot eb oslec ot het ,mabnmree os in magiyldeetnni icoinso,dtn eht nois can be lrlyea escol ot eth mermaeb,n ei.. rihghe acacnetpic.a +30
sweetmed  sith edpehl a tl!o +
roaaaj  Wlle dpxeeial!n +
euchromatin69  ro ese u lordw 719 seam ntcocpe +1
brise  oUdwlr *1*138* +4
imgdoc  tsJu to dad ot hatw wnnnnalkiem sida nda rbeataloe rteufrh no teh inkl yb In eroulnna n,aoxs capcaetacin keesp sino esolc ot hte aemmbnre niasn(o adn co)tsa,in os newh noax neoaildptaoizr sode cc,our a otnopir fo hte icntsao tmean to erzepiodla the axno lwil yatculla eb zneldieuatr by the annios ta the ane.emrbm YATEMINLED oxasn asallicby pdervoi a irebrra so thta reeth era SSLE onnsia gilnin eth niren fcresua fo teh axno nmeb,rame os LSSE otiancs etg aeizrtdelun by teh egivtean nisaon, os EOMR asoitcn rae LAIAEABVL to epaolrzdei the .onax ,wNo ebrammne snseetarc:i ylniem eriecanss xnaoal asnrtee,cis shit ensma it CEAEESRDS hte altyibi fo asiotnc atht eredetn het xoan frmo LIEGNAK cbka otu tion the EF.C EORM aoncist ear abeaillav ot azilepodre het rnnoulea TLYAIanEEM x.DNo NAOXS ACENEISR RNAI,SSEETC adn RDESEECA TN.AEIACCACP +2

For the video provided, skip to 4:25 for the description on capicitance

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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o:eScur /iioekM/styek.npli/rwgdaphnii:/.weti

nyeil"m psseed het ntinssmirosa of rteieccall sepumlis edclal cnioat satonitepl gaonl aimedteyln nsaxo by gtnnaliius hte anox dna greicund nxlaao enrmebam nciecpaatca"

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littletreetrunk  I iknth tish kmesa oatlt s,enes tub woh edso ti tno LSAO tpos saft oanxla r?otrpnsta +5
laminin  aalonx tpnrsorta is roasprtnt of realsgeoln riodnyeballtici oangl eth xaon in eht ylcstaopm ensci ilmeyn si on eth uesotid of the axon oientnlaidmye dt'nose caffet shit osprsec. u e:sroc xliog./eponirtnrt/tepwaAn/.osakp:_wktaiiih/rdsAnalox" oar,stnrtp laos cdleal aasmpolxci ptrnstaro or iacmsploax o,wlf si a uerlllca oesprsc oblnessrpie orf oveemntm fo t,odnmhiacroi ipd,sli itpncays c,lsvsiee eonstirp, and herot llce asrtp to adn from a rnne'uso lcel body, rhouhtg eht aoptcmlsy fo sti ".xaon +5
yotsubato  xaolna rrttaosnp si meadetdi yb isknnei nad nideyn. itecbMroluu iotsxn eikl srvnciinite lkocb eehts +4
drdoom  tnkilu@tlreetert "lnoaxa tspotarnr" si metonmve fo lbku ogdos iva mbritulouecs iwh(ch unr mfro omas ot ;e)tniusrm sin,o no eth etorh an,dh evom in an ta"icelcerl avwe" htta ew alcl an cnoiat toaenlt!ip on anlaxo cm)lraitu(rbuo tsrorpant udree!riq ni teroh sordw, elit-ndoineyam wlli eahv no fecetf no the atntpsorr fo bkul dg;oso but it illw eyallr smes pu who stfa ei"tlaclerc "asvew rvaester het enn!rou +


AXONAL TRANSPORT. The directed transport of ORGANELLES and molecules along nerve cell AXONS. Transport can be anterograde (from the cell body) or retrograde (toward the cell body).

+7/- drdoom(1206)

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—visualninjacontender(18)
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-tmei sn=ttcnao cantReesis x caaietpCacn ewr o-l eitm sattnnoc = esfart oncdtocniu iemy- nl eorwsl tcpccaeaian - hbrytee oingrlwe eimt tonantsc dan nairsnecgi onocnducti edesp e(olrw ptycciaa orf nneour to ohdl ecgrha yam aowll eht harecg to p"m"ju fomr nedo to onde - I may be gnkiam ahtt lats ratp up but htat is ohw I sntnaderud ti)

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handsome  as'htw yuro ereeencrf ot this COD +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by hello36654(5)
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os yhw si snco"setai of fsat nxaaol otnprtas"r rog?nw tDon' edilmetany n,osax yb i,notdfeini aveh ftsa econudatcn?c So minddleyatee xsano dluow aevh tinoescsa" fo stfa onaxla pton"rr,ast whcih si eth ewnras A, ?gihtr

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diabetes  i ihtkn it slosw wdno on, cetansosi . +1
gdupgrant  Bueeasc tasf laaxon nrsoprtat ferser ot teh ntspatror of svcliese aoigctinnn siasntremurtnrteo or oesm kdni of clel urcptod pu dna dnwo cormltsbueiu in eth nxo.a It 'sitn tadeler to lucaat eccellairt alings .tunosirtacdn +8
kcyanide101  lsBalciay a mmrusya of it lla is the milyne heesth acester a ntnsaoiilu whhci esruecd acnpaicacet adn easnesirc This csasue agshcre nto ot elak sa eyth hnet muueccaalt in hte seodn fo aiEstnesl sirtnmsinaos si ftrsea bcasuee hte noyl aeklgni corcsu bwnetee the iylmen sehhta (reewh nio nagexhcse c),cour bwtas.Fmchotw9wwt//:auDoA.y/_ue?phv4=GcjL_t +
kcyanide101  so tusj gnmiiae eth ino olfw esgarch aer ngmpjui frmo eon edon of rnraeiv to het entx +

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