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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#16 (reveal difficulty score)
Which of the following best explains impaired ...
Increase in axonal capacitance ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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nI case uoy nawan go suerp dren adn daer boatu mnleiy, ccaanepctai, nda nesisca,tre hsti yug sedo a ogod bjo.

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nwinkelmann  Tihs lyaler hepled me, at lstea the ptuicers i.dd 'rsHee my tttnroinpeeair of het irueptcs ni ton espur sicifcntie :tmrse catncipcaae is keil het ay"iapcc" to ekpe onsi celso ot eht lyeMni sput a berriar etnbeew the osin in teh cdtiecvnou enmntorievn F(CE ro )IFC nda eth neevr arb.eemmn hTe hrehgi eht ciaptccae,an teh ceslor het soni are ot hte ,eanmmebr os tsi' kile eht cegrah cetfef is moer" ptoetn" os dhraer to enachg the aebmnerm itanpoe,t awehser fi the snio ear hreftra rmfo teh mbnr,meae het hacerg ecftef is es"sl etn"tpo os resiea ot gahecn eht armbneem pltanoite nad shut easier to p.oizeldaer Tsu,h twih mn,lyei ehret is esecdedar aatcyicp of the oins to be oscel ot teh rb,meeman os ni emianegntdyil ntoosdiinc, hte inos anc be lelary sloce to het ,eneambrm gehrih atpcincaca.e +30
sweetmed  isht ehpeld a !otl +
roaaaj  leWl dlxe!penia +
euchromatin69  ro ees u wordl 917 aesm cecptno +1
brise  oldrwU *3118** +4
imgdoc  sJut ot dda to wtha ielnmanwknn asdi dan eloaaebrt rtfurhe no het nlki by .mlc nI aerunonl x,anos caanatcceip ekpes inso oelcs to the nmrabeme sonin(a dna oscatn)i, so wneh xnao dlrenaptozaioi dsoe occur, a oprntio fo teh sncoiat tanem to ioepzrleda the xaon will tluaaycl be lnzteudraie yb teh inanos at eht an.mmbree YMTALEEIDN xsaon caalsibly iorpdev a beiarrr so thta rhtee are SLES onnisa inlngi hte nenri fuersac of the xano rnmmbeae, so LESS itcsoan teg lizaedrtune by eht evniateg is,onna so MORE aniotcs rea LLIVAEAAB ot lieezdpoar the oxna. Nw,o arbnmeem esnsirc:aet neilym sraenisec axnaol iests,cnera shit aesmn it RDECEEASS eht btliayi of ocistna thta netered teh xona ofmr GILANEK kabc out tnio eth EC.F OREM siantoc era iaveaabll ot pdoalzerie eht nueralno M.LaDnAYEETNo xI NSOXA RCSEAEIN ESNIAETSCR, adn RASEECDE ACCATPAI.NCE +2

For the video provided, skip to 4:25 for the description on capicitance

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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oercSu: i:ipthnwaeid/tn/egpolik./wiie.Ms/kyr

minely" pdsees eth sintaminrsos fo elratieclc psuielsm ladelc ctaino itsnateplo nglao tdmeaineyl nsaox by lugaistnin the xaon adn reundcgi alxnao abmeremn tnpeacaiacc"

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littletreetrunk  I inhkt ihts smaek ltaot es,nes btu hwo edso it otn OLSA psto afst nalaox tpr?otsanr +5
laminin  xoalan ptrsarnto is tnportsar of oganselrel oiitdellbaryicn lagon eth aonx ni the cypmlsaot ncies nelyim si on the tdioeus of eth oxna inmteoleadyni nt'osde ffaect isth oc:usre"aoAlx t,rospnart saol lcdela macpoxlisa rotpratsn or pocimasaxl fwo,l is a laucrlel rssopec nrlspeiboes for teevnomm fo ,diocroiahmnt sild,ip tisapnyc slse,ivec ,ioetpsnr and reoth llec rtsap ot adn fmro a ronnu'se llec o,dyb ohugtrh hte tmoyplcas of ist n."xoa +5
yotsubato  lxoaan tpnrsoatr is temidade by snkniei dna nnd.yei ctMolireubu xnsoit leik tevirnicisn klocb ehtes +4
drdoom  tr@ltreenetilktu loxaan" "sottnarpr is etvnmoem of ulkb sogod iva clsomertiubu (hwhci unr romf soma to r);neustmi ,onsi no eht htreo dahn, vmeo in na ce"liraletc vaw"e hatt ew acll na conati onattlep!i no aolxan (cmol)ubiruatr taroptsrn ieqrd!eru in rhote dw,sro intayenied-lom wlil ahev on cteffe on eth anrrspott fo ubkl dg;soo tbu it wlli llyare sems pu hwo satf lacectli"er ewv"sa eetsrrav teh nn!uero +


AXONAL TRANSPORT. The directed transport of ORGANELLES and molecules along nerve cell AXONS. Transport can be anterograde (from the cell body) or retrograde (toward the cell body).

+7/- drdoom(1206)

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—visualninjacontender(18)
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it-me tcnoan=ts sacneRites x aaincaecCpt -ewrol mtei sotnactn = erafts icoonudcnt nyl iem- welrso cpciaetcaan - yrbeteh liwroegn mtei ostnctna and nnsicraieg ntdiuoccno despe o(lerw tccpiyaa rof onuenr to dohl ahergc yma walol the gachre ot m"pj"u fmro noed ot node - I yma eb mkagni ttha stal trpa up tub htat is who I etrnasnddu )ti

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handsome  w'htsa yuor refeenrce ot tihs DCO +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by hello36654(5)
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os hyw si et"scnaios fo stfa laxona rtrontp"sa ?onrgw Dot'n tdneleaimy an,osx yb i,neifintod vhea sfat ecnaocdtc?un So tldmdeeayien saonx luowd avhe inosac"est fo saft olxnaa ntrr",psoat whihc si het rasewn ,A gh?tri

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diabetes  i ktnih it swslo ondw on, esaoincts . +1
gdupgrant  Bceseua ftsa naoxla tprtnsaor feserr ot eht sarpnottr fo csveseli nngionitac ssineotumaerrtrnt ro mseo dnik fo llce trdupoc pu dan dwno icoueultsmbr ni eth onx.a It nti's daeerlt to atcual reclailect lasign ndusnrt.ictao +8
kcyanide101  sclBilyaa a ayrmsum fo it lal si eht eylnmi hehest tacsree a ntnuiisaol cwihh ceesrdu paancitacec dan iersacnes hTsi acsuse chrseag ont ot alek sa they enth aeucucltma ni het denso fo vr.aienr alinEesst astnsnomsrii is fasrte ceasebu eth lnyo nligeka ourscc etewenb hte lemyin asehht wer(he noi axgeechns cc),oru we/hoc_ptywG/wttau:moDv4s_.AwbuhcF/Lj.=t9a? +
kcyanide101  os utjs eginaim eht ino wfol rgechas rea njuipgm frmo neo onde fo viarner to teh txen +

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