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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#16 (reveal difficulty score)
Which of the following best explains impaired ...
Increase in axonal capacitance ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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In esac yuo awnna og eprus ednr dan rdea btoua li,neym cacaeptnca,i dna aet,rcneiss isth ugy odse a odog job.

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nwinkelmann  hsTi ryllae deelph ,em at letas hte prcsuiet id.d es'reH ym rtapiteneirnot of het resitucp in not reusp sineciictf rm:set tcacipnaeca is keil teh ci"c"pyaa ot ekpe snoi olsce to hte lMyien tusp a irbarer tewenbe hte sion ni teh uvcdoectni oenrtmeivnn (ECF or )FCI dan eth nvree The egrhhi the ecacpcan,iat eht ecsolr eth soin era to eht nmr,abeme os si't elik teh rghace tfcefe is r"emo teotn"p os rdehra ot hecang eht eembmnra apotietn, rehaswe if het snoi rae thraref fomr eht mnmeaebr, het earghc tcfeef is sesl" "ttenop so iaseer ot ecanhg the nammebre ainttpole and uhst seiera ot .radpzeieol Tush, whti ey,limn eerht si escdeedar actcpiya of het soni to be leosc ot het e,manmber so in nmiayegiedtnl o,dsoncitin eth soin nac eb yrelal lsoce ot hte emname,br i.e. hhigre pcetncaaiac. +30
sweetmed  tshi eledhp a l!to +
roaaaj  Well lendexap!i +
euchromatin69  ro ese u ldowr 197 sema etcpcno +1
brise  rlwUdo 3**18*1 +4
imgdoc  tuJs to add to htaw liaknmnenwn sdai and oaleabter hurertf no eht kiln yb cm.l nI nlurenoa sxn,oa caaieacpnct pesek oins secol ot het ebeanmmr nsni(ao dan cat,)onsi os henw anox iaazndroeilotp odes ,roucc a onitopr fo eht sinaoct tmaen to ealizeodpr teh xoan wlli talaluyc be tueraidlzen yb eth sanino ta teh mberea.nm TMIEENAYLD xoans ylalbasci vdrpeio a rerabir os ttah erthe ear SLSE oiasnn lgnini eht eirnn rcausef of eht axon emremab,n so SSEL tcinaos get liueatdnzre yb hte neavtige ,oaisnn so EOMR oticnsa ear LVAAILEBA to reodlaiezp hte .axno w,No baenmmre ntie:ascsre meliyn sisenarec alnaxo tnci,rseesa sthi amsen it ACSEDRSEE het yatilib fo oinstac ahtt tdereen teh axno rfom IEGLNKA kbac otu oitn eth E.CF OEMR saioctn aer ibllaaave ot eradoeizpl eht onrulnae NL OSXAN CRSIENAE ,SETNRCEIAS dna EDARSEEC NCCAAPICA.TE +2

For the video provided, skip to 4:25 for the description on capicitance

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submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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:uoceSr k.ign.lio/terpi//iyask/htdi:wiepnewM

niey"lm psdese eth nioisstrmnas fo atlileercc slmesiup eadcll otaicn lpsintatoe lagno ydneetailm xsnoa yb tginuinlas eth xaon dna girnduce laaxno eaebmrmn ipccctaneaa"

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littletreetrunk  I tnikh shti amkse altto nee,ss but owh osde ti otn LOSA otsp tafs onlaxa oprrsatn?t +5
laminin  loxnaa asprtnrot si nortaprst fo eesranllgo lriaeniibdtylco onagl eth onxa in het soplmayct iencs mynile si no hte deusoit of het naxo entendaiyloim 'tosden fcfeat sith rseosp.c urces: o as.tpent_nao/xrhpwAoen.r/aiikd/iiwp:sriott/lkgxl"aonA pntatrro,s sloa dclael lscpxmaaio atrrnpsot ro spacixolam lwf,o si a llraelcu ssroecp snlbirepeos orf omntmeve of tnahid,icroom p,ilsdi tcsanpyi s,ilsecev p,irntseo adn ohert lcel aprst ot nad mrfo a 'nsunroe clel ob,yd uorghht the lcpotmysa of tsi o.n"ax +5
yotsubato  aolxan napotrstr si ieadedmt by iseknin nad y.indne Muuilectbor iontsx leki ircniivnset klobc ehets +4
drdoom  rltturte@ilteenk axa"nol np"trtaors si vtmenoem of kbul soodg avi elusorcmtubi hwc(hi urn mofr maos to tu)mn;irse ion,s no hte ehtor h,and oevm in an celltari"ec wv"ea ttha we lacl na ancoti eoial!ptnt no anloax orbuil)c(maurt tnatsorpr !reuqrdie in toehr sw,dor m-ldiieyaetnno will ahev on tffece on eht rnstaoptr fo kubl ;gosdo utb ti lwli alelyr mses up woh fast "eciraecltl vwsae" rsarvtee eht o!nnrue +


AXONAL TRANSPORT. The directed transport of ORGANELLES and molecules along nerve cell AXONS. Transport can be anterograde (from the cell body) or retrograde (toward the cell body).

+7/- drdoom(1206)

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—visualninjacontender(18)
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t-emi n=ttcanso scRansteei x acenaaCptic eo -lwr etmi tncoastn = fertsa nocdnioutc e-miynl woserl anipcaatcce - yetrbeh ilgweonr teim cnotatsn nda ansiergicn outcnncdio eespd ewol(r tipccaay for uoenrn ot hlod hacegr yma walol eht hrcega ot ""pmuj omrf done to oden - I amy be igamkn that ltsa aprt pu ubt atht is hwo I anerstundd )ti

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handsome  stwha' oruy renreeefc ot hsti COD +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by hello36654(5)
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os ywh is toassecni" fo stfa noaxla tr"antrosp wngor? Do'tn yidealetmn aos,xn by nfieni,oitd hvae staf ca?cntnecduo oS dtnyedliemea anxso udlwo evah "otnsescai of sfta xnolaa t,raosprt"n wichh si the srewan A, gi?hrt

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diabetes  i hknti it wossl wodn n,o soactnies . +1
gdupgrant  ceBaesu asft xnlaoa noarpttrs rferes ot hte ottarrsnp fo seeslvci tangnicion nsstriutrnotramee ro meos dnki fo cell rudtocp up nad ndwo lmsocreituub ni eht .oaxn tI it'ns redtlea to auatlc cceertllai isagnl onausitd.ctrn +8
kcyanide101  aalsciBly a yamusrm fo ti all si the nyieml sthehe esercta a toiansnuil wichh udesrce ipccctanaae and scseenair rt...n.sceesia. hsiT casseu ceghsar ton ot kela sa they htne acutulecam in het nseod fo ven.rira aEisenstl rssnatisimno is esfrat absceue hte lyon ialgenk oucscr ebentew het imnely tashhe hwr(ee noi gnahxeecs c,rco)u .yuGo9v_tD:_4o/wcApwmbtc/w?awFt/jsh=atLuhe. +
kcyanide101  so stuj gmeinai the ino lwfo serhacg rea njgupim omrf noe noed fo rieanrv ot het enxt +

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