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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#16 (reveal difficulty score)
Which of the following best explains impaired ...
Increase in axonal capacitance ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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In acse yuo wnana go pures nerd nda reda tuboa ilymn,e nc,paieacact dan es,icaesnrt ihst uyg eosd a odgo job.

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nwinkelmann  ishT leyrla dpehel m,e at ealts eht sitreucp d.di e'Hser my intrrieoatentp of hte cesiurtp ni otn epurs iicfeitncs e:strm epnacaiacct si klei teh pcycia""a to peke onsi ecsol ot teh ynleiM upts a rbiarre etnebwe hte nsio ni hte ticoudcevn treiennnmov (FCE or CFI) dna hte rvene .nmebmare heT gheirh teh pccai,tecaan eht ecosrl eht snoi rea ot eth meeabm,rn so 'sit leik teh chrega effect is o"mer tept"no os ehrdar ot nghcea het mnebrmea pttoe,ani whserae fi eth inos ear rhferta ormf hte ern,eammb teh rahceg eceftf is sles" ttpneo" so erisea to eacghn eth breemmna ttlnoiape dan suht iaesre to az.ieoplred suTh, hiwt e,mlnyi theer is caserddee pcaiaytc of teh inso to eb colse to het enrmebma, os in lageideyinmnt nntoc,dsioi the inso cna eb ylrela lscoe to hte raem,bnme i.e. grehhi ate.caapncic +30
sweetmed  tshi phedel a lot! +
roaaaj  Well d!epiaexnl +
euchromatin69  ro see u odlwr 917 aesm epnctoc +1
brise  rldwoU **13*81 +4
imgdoc  uJts to add ot what enwkninlamn aisd dna rlaboeaet hufrtre no eht lnki by cm.l In aurneoln ,ansox cccaaeptian kepse sion olsec ot eht ebnarmem ani(nos and cit,onsa) so nhew anox eodzrinitpaoal osed o,rcuc a inoorpt of teh ocsinat maten to leoaezpdri eth aonx llwi ytllcuaa be aretndeuzil yb eht aonisn ta het nebeam.rm ITENYEMADL xoans bisalacyl vrdiope a ierrbra so tath etehr aer SELS nsnaoi glniin the nnire earfusc fo het nxao maer,bnme os LSES ocasnti teg arteulizden by eht aventeig nin,aos os ORME tnciaso era VBEAALILA ot eaiezldrop het .oxan Nwo, rmaenmeb :atsineecrs enymil erniseacs onaalx nc,tareisse sthi sneam it RSCDEESAE eth ltaiiyb of constai ahtt rednete eht anxo fmro EGALKIN kabc uot ntio het C.FE REMO ionscat rae laalievab ot eeodapizrl het rnanoeul o.xLYDnEIMNa TAE NASOX EINRSCAE INEERAS,SCT dna DSRAEEEC EAPACCCNAI.T +2

For the video provided, skip to 4:25 for the description on capicitance

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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roc:uSe kptieilwpryn.///igidehkeoM:iatwin/s.

ie"mnyl pdssee eht monnrsaisits fo raeieltclc semuispl aldcle iacton lentsotpai ganol ienyemldta anxos yb itugalnnsi hte naxo dan nrdgcieu lanxao mnaerbme iccpancaeta"

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littletreetrunk  I hnitk siht askme ltato sen,se ubt hwo dsoe ti ont OSAL ostp sfat naolax tpart?nsor +5
laminin  nxaloa tnatsrrop is srapttorn of ogaleersln ldbycitalieiron nalog hte noxa in teh yopmsclta cisen leinmy si no eht sitdueo fo hte nxao edamoinneltiy 'odsten etfcaf hsti .cerspos euc:s or ik.wtat:ixo/ropd.Anestknp_/wtngih/roeraasilp/il x"Anao ntotrr,aps oasl ldleca pxlsoaacmi stonrtapr or asxlimpaoc wlo,f is a rcellalu oespsrc sneprioselb orf meemnotv of ooiradtcmi,nh iispld, paisctyn ilcseves, trpse,oin dan tehor lecl sratp ot nda mrof a nn'soeur lcel d,boy ohgthur teh amsloyptc fo sti "xano. +5
yotsubato  axolan tortanpsr is aeetdmid by iksenni nad ied.ynn olubtecMiru iontxs iekl instvnicier oclkb sthee +4
drdoom  tnkltrlerteteiu@ laaxo"n sanr"rtpto si nmtveome of bluk oosgd iva locmutiebusr (hiwhc unr from msao ot usnt);meir sn,io no the ohetr hdan, mvoe in an crtla"ceeli weav" that we alcl na otanic o!pnealitt no xaoaln i(lt)mucorabur nrproatts edqir!ure ni ehtor sword, -nldenteaoiymi ilwl heav no ecffte on the rrtaonspt of klub ogs;do but ti lilw yllrae essm up woh atsf tcl"iaeclre "ewsva vaeerstr the nn!euro +


AXONAL TRANSPORT. The directed transport of ORGANELLES and molecules along nerve cell AXONS. Transport can be anterograde (from the cell body) or retrograde (toward the cell body).

+7/- drdoom(1206)

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—visualninjacontender(18)
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im-te a=ttoscnn tnRescasie x tacapcniaeC eo -rlw imte ncsotnat = fsrate ciodnconut em-ly ni elrosw pacicnacate - rbhytee lgirwone miet actsnnto nad incsrgenai ocinduonct pseed (lerwo cctapiya rfo oenurn to hlod raehgc aym wlola the hrgace to pj"um" form eodn to node - I may eb ankimg atht tasl arpt up ubt atht is hwo I tndrunseda t)i

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handsome  'tshaw ryou nrerfeece ot hist OCD +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by hello36654(5)
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os ywh si es"toanics of tsaf xolana stoprrant" grno?w Do'nt nlietmydea aosn,x yb itei,fdinno heav staf nueatcncd?co oS idyeeatmlnde osaxn dwulo veha a"oissctne fo asft xolnaa nrtaor",pts wichh is hte rwensa A, grht?i

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diabetes  i hnkit ti wslos nwod on, sicnotaes . +1
gdupgrant  cusaeBe atfs alanxo tasrtonpr rsfree ot the tarsnropt fo eilsescv aonncntiig tstimrrsoutranene or meos dkni fo llce rtduopc up adn dnwo cortmulibues ni eth axn.o It n'its reeadlt ot tualca lcctlireea glsnia i.ratutncosdn +8
kcyanide101  alyBiscal a msyrmua fo ti all is teh lynemi etsehh tesreca a ituinonasl iwchh redeusc caiteacacpn nda srecesain sTih ssaceu ghesarc tno ot elka as hyet tehn mlutuaeacc ni hte esndo fo neirav.r ieEtslnsa ninsissromta si frstae ebuasce eth lnyo engklai rcuosc eeewnbt teh yeinml satheh he(wer ion sxnahcege )cc,our :vw=.w_muc/9ajew/t.Ah/u4ptLDt_o?bwyFchGosta +
kcyanide101  os ujts mgianie eht noi olfw hgrcaes aer giupjnm from eno edon fo rarvien ot the etnx +

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