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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#16 (reveal difficulty score)
Which of the following best explains impaired ...
Increase in axonal capacitance ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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In case ouy wanan go preus nerd dan adre utoba ynl,eim etapacnc,aci nda cteiesrna,s iths ygu dseo a dgoo boj.

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nwinkelmann  iTsh aeylrl lepehd me, at satle teh eicurpst ddi. erHs'e ym enarrteoipitnt of eht uipetcsr in nto uprse ticisfeicn :sremt eniacacatcp si kiel the cicy"paa" to epke inos ecols ot het lenyiM sutp a rbirera weeebnt eth snoi in the oncvtiedcu rieemtnonvn (EFC or IF)C nad teh reenv ern.ambem heT grhhei eht aicectc,naap hte rceols het snoi rae ot teh merabn,em os tis' kile het rhegac fceetf is or"me etp"tno so adrrhe ot hgance eht nemrmeba toint,aep rwaeesh if teh snio aer afrethr omrf eth b,menaemr the ghreca ceftef is ls"es pot"ent os saiere to ahnceg hte arnembem elnpaitot nda usth eersia ot eeaipdlo.zr shT,u hwti ,lenyim ehetr si esadcered yaitcacp fo hte nsoi ot be ocles ot het bm,reenma so in ygnditenlaiem t,ioncdonsi the oisn nca be lraely solec to het ebrammn,e i.e. righeh ec.pacantica +30
sweetmed  hsti eldhpe a tlo! +
roaaaj  lWel d!leneipxa +
euchromatin69  ro ees u dlwor 719 maes enoctcp +1
brise  lUwdor 118**3* +4
imgdoc  usJt to dad to hatw inneamwknnl sida adn eeorbatla etrurfh no eht lkni yb .mlc nI arnelnuo oxs,na eanccitacpa epske nosi losec to the mneermab (ninsoa and ,onistca) os hwne xona ipezianlrooadt sdoe ccro,u a npotiro of the oniasct aetmn ot erlezdaoip the onxa wlli ylautlca eb adnteriuzle by eht noasin at eth mbr.emnea YIENTEMLAD naoxs lylabcais dvroiep a reabrir so ttah eetrh aer ESSL sniona nnilig het nnrie eusfacr fo eht noax emmr,nabe os SESL costnia etg rzeuatledni yb hte egtievan so,anin os EORM ocanist rae ALBEILVAA to erloiezdpa teh .noxa ow,N nmeaerbm ceiste:snar imlyne srecienas nalaxo nta,eseirsc hsti emans it ECSDAEERS the atiiylb of atniocs atth deeentr hte nxoa mofr LGEAKNI bkac tuo otin eth .FEC EORM coitnsa rea ialeavbla to zaerpleodi hte eaonlnru EEoaA.YDxTMLnN I ONSXA CEARIENS R,TCAENSISE dna EERSEDAC AINACCPCTA.E +2

For the video provided, skip to 4:25 for the description on capicitance

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submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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:rceuSo lM:r.datpwn.ew/k/kihieiitginsypo/e/i

nemil"y dspees eth ossnmiitarns of eietccalrl msieulsp adcell caonti plioantets lagon eaytdlemni asnxo yb inalusgint het xoan nad cegiurnd axnloa brnmemea tcaapiecnac"

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littletreetrunk  I kniht this eamsk otlat sesen, utb hwo sedo ti not SLAO tosp ftsa alxnoa on?tpratsr +5
laminin  nxaola tprrsnaot is rntptsrao fo olsagneler lynibiodcatreli galon het axon in teh ctplmsyoa isnec myeinl si no eht osudeit fo teh xnao aioienntymled nest'od tcffae hits sp.seroc su:rcoe itgrpei.oso/kxwwtA/o/:nan/krhs.ditpetilra_pinalanA"xo ,poartnstr alos lecdla sxpoamailc pasnrtrot ro lmxcsoapia o,lwf is a ueclrlla psrocse soipelesnrb orf tenovmem fo nrochimd,oati ipdi,sl nypctais velecis,s iptsn,reo nda hreto elcl raspt to dna rfom a rneosu'n clle y,bod ughrtoh the lmtcsoapy fo its naox." +5
yotsubato  anxalo tprtaosrn is edaditem yb ninskei nda n.neydi ubtilcoureM onisxt klei svcinritnei lcokb eesht +4
drdoom  luttlet@ikertrne "alxnoa asttr"nrpo is oenmetvm of lubk sdoog avi rclotisuembu (hihcw nur fomr maos ot mt)e;nsiru n,iso no teh ethro a,nhd meov in an aricel"clet va"we atth we acll an iacont e!aotptlin no xaloan loaitbuu()rrmc oratrtpns drqur!eie ni rtohe od,rsw -eadionnelytim will avhe no efcfet on eht trnprotsa fo lubk do;ogs tub it illw erlayl smse up woh tafs itcr"laelce wesv"a eravsert eth n!nueor +


AXONAL TRANSPORT. The directed transport of ORGANELLES and molecules along nerve cell AXONS. Transport can be anterograde (from the cell body) or retrograde (toward the cell body).

+7/- drdoom(1206)

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—visualninjacontender(18)
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i-mte nnt=ctoas nastceiesR x aatpceCinac relwo- meit tnnatsoc = sferat cudtcoonni ley-min wsreol nctaiaapecc - ebrythe enrlgwio emit oatnsnct nad gcaensirni uonncodtci esdpe (elwor atcypica ofr eornnu ot lhod crgahe mya wlalo eth acrheg to p"mju" romf oden to ndoe - I yam eb ngmiak tath astl rapt pu utb that si woh I nudrnedsta it)

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handsome  atsw'h oyru neereecfr ot hsti OCD +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by hello36654(5)
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os wyh si iocae"ssnt of tfas nxloaa rsrnp"taot wogr?n nt'Do eyeatmldin ns,axo by nitdoin,efi ahev tfsa acetcnucdon? So eldyenimtdea nsoax uwldo avhe aecints"so of fats nlxaao nor",ptatrs hcwih si hte aernsw ,A grh?ti

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diabetes  i ihtnk ti wlsos dnow ,no coinessat . +1
gdupgrant  sacuBee astf aalxon apsttrrno rrfees ot the ptronrtsa of eilvcses gnnaioitcn enaetnrrtmsiturso or msoe kidn of lcel tcrdpou pu dan onwd lrtbeiuucsom in eth axno. tI nsi't alrdete ot luacta iectlarecl gsanil uan.tcirosndt +8
kcyanide101  lyBasilca a amusyrm fo ti lla is eht enymil teshhe atscere a asiinuntlo cwhih rdceuse capnaatecci dna naecsiser .s..neat.serci. ishT scaseu hrgsaec ont to leak sa ehyt tenh lmcatuecau in eht sdneo of rve.rina iaEelnsts issrmatnnios si tearsf aecebsu eht loyn ignleak ccsruo etneebw teh iylnem haeths hwr(ee oin hgneesxac cr)c,ou +
kcyanide101  so jtus animieg het nio olwf ashcerg rae npjugmi omrf neo onde fo irveanr to teh ntex +

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