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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#27 (reveal difficulty score)
A 78-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Metastatic carcinoma 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by notadoctor(175)
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catitstMea eassdie is erom mcoomn anth arpmiry ebon .torsum

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lba9587  htigM be pllheuf to edsrncio .eg fo a gnlu one sli?one ’uoyre eaningl ngul .rymraip etMillpu nilsseo ni lnu?g M.EST Q mtse eehr ne,dlicdu esurmu“on ytcli sneiosl nolag teh rtelarbve con.m”ul shTu, M.SET +
jurrutia  Al,os pani atth is oerws ta snghti nda sstepsri lesdgersra of i.tvicyat g eat'sP is ctyylpail mcmoityptaas lohtuagh( pani is teh tsmo mnoomc tm)pmyso dna wulod heav other nisndigf eemitsd(oirf, AV uhtns,s .ce)t +
jurrutia  Aols, inap htta si oewrs ta singth dna ssreispt gdrseresal of vtiic.tay eas g'tP is apclyityl tpaaoycistmm ha(olghut inap is hte mtso onmocm pmyt)smo adn wldou hvae ehrto gifnsidn rd(fseimi,teo AV n,sthsu e).ct +
umpalumpa  iecesnadr PAL is ,ediwr isoregindcn atth eth lensoi is itc.l.y +1
l0ud_minority  uuampplm@a I arege itlyc isnleso to'dn kema esens twhi an lateeevd .APL ekiL an tidoi I htutgho ieaslodt ALP dan eocsh gtaPe essDiae +

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submitted by j000(17)
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iptluelm maloeym si eth somt mcnoom MPARRYI miaalncnyg of oenb hm,apt()oa os 'ist nto .MM

s'ti tno epgat ac(lk teorh Sx, udlow sola hvea itlorscce es)ilson

olstym lklyei nrlea or nglu canrce eamtst ot teh bone

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submitted by oznefu(22)
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I’m iavghn beourlt ntenanrddiusg hwy hsti is a rebtte hicoce tnha ePgat esd,iaes lpcesaliye iwht the aenciersd APL?

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zelderonmorningstar  sP’eagt luowd soal hwos semo .crlisssoe +5
seagull  KAL si raedecisn ni ebno wanekdbro t.oo otsreaPt elosv idenrspag ot eht ulmarb sI't like conaaicek-ccr orf +32
aesalmon  I iknht eht ser"oW ta g"tnhi lsend stelfi orme aswrotd mts,e nda eth pt dsirghmaceop elna tdawsro ttrepaos ran,cec hicwh sleov ot og ot teh rbumal ensip aiv hte otsnaB lxeu.sp I edpkic Pgeat but i htnki yeth wduol avhe vnige nitehmosg remo legnilt fi yeht tdeanw paseg,t sgihoylot ro trheona lecu +2
fcambridge  u@eslgal nad soaaem,ln I ntikh yuo're a bit ffo ttresPoa esmt dlowu eb lotsc,aboeits ton octlesyoit as si edrcedbsi in hte e.ntgeitv +17
sup  Yaeh I soche sagt'Pe oot bcz I udigfre fi ti wan'st tepaorts ecnrac c(hwih as mgb@ifracde dasi udowl eepsntr /w cebiastltsoo )isnsloe htye duwol evgi us tnrheoa npinesgter xs fo eth amatetistc cneacr nug,l( enla,r is)nk htat hgimt ptoni us ni tath in.ceitodr I gto itdctresda by het dsniareec APL oot nda lfel rfo eaPtg :( +1
kernicterusthefrog  @bigrmdce,af ton telyxc.a Y,es pstearto mste estdn ot be oitsestb,aocl tbu taobu %03 era ondfu to eb ic,lyt per itsh uyd:st l/lsce4.mbc8:iw/Pivg./hor/h.nswp./c/Mw2ni6nC27at5tpmt lA,adtyniidol het gihnt nbeo sipna tpino ot ,esmt nda ea'gstP is cuhm emro mnocoyml nuodf ni eht arlcain osenb dna urcpanlpdeia skteeln,o tanh ixl.aa Thsi ludoc laso be CCR tms!e +
sweetmed  I mliayn dlreu otu gespta eeabsuc eyht aids het sacplyih teinoaminax asw l.rnmao eH lowdu fed hvae heort syop.mmst +4
cathartic_medstu  ormF thaw I emremerb rofm MPhoaissatsa: amtet to boen si ylualus yoeotsiltc wthi etncipeox ot tsrpeoa,t cihhw si tsa rreeh,to.Tlsiboefceo stme ssay EUSNRMUO cilty sonesli nda ssnudo moer leik .msesstatai +5
medguru2295  fI ihts si itsMectata n,ecrca ti si lyielk .MM MM serapds to eht ilpsna cdor nda aescsu tLiyc Ilstns. eoi si ONT astroetp as edttas oevb.a eWilh ecomnrdcaAanoi sedo sreadp to hte srP,ottea it eurpdsco nylo LSABCTI sie.sonl +

but prostate cancer is not lytic as blastic lesions

+5/- titanesxvi(106)

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submitted by amphotericin(11)
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I duerl uot e'aPsgt sbauece ages'Pt is lsylauu lliczo,eda epr FA, o,Patamh m;&Bap.B ulAthgoh this tepntai iilndyeeft stfi het gpchmeoiard uipe,trc esopattr ccerna is dlifenetiy not eht olny eacrnc ahtt acn zmttsaeeasi ot hte .nboes auecBse teesh rae liytc lineo,ss t'is aolpbbry meso treho ncreac ts'tha reasdp to eht ebnos

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medguru2295  lPbssyio iMpellut .lymoaeM Ttha is isacslc rfo an loerd nosrep wiht akbc anip nda tlyic osiesnl in het abk.c +
asharm10  litytosco-e mpulitel m,ayelom s-tcboetliasO er;stoatP ondt kihnt nbyeod ihts for hits aem,x i vaeh nevre seen a usinoeqt in EBNM or uwdrol htye retdi ot loof su fof on hsti pctncoe so fra. +2
euchromatin69  u lodrw 413 meas ctpceon +
skuutnasty  'dI leik ot traireete sat'hw dteast .o..veab dx ONT MM in tihs otinqesu ebcaseu MM is AYPRRIM ton EACMTTTSIA @ ebno n(wsear sa:rde iatcteasmt 3 ctcnlira;m)oa& +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by imgdoc(183)
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oconsmdrrhaoaC ccrsou in het pih or xaali nseeolt.k 'Id niegaim ttah ti si lyifalcsepci acedlot in noe ngeroi ehrart atnh iultmpel sinelso htohotguur eht eebt.rvar thaTs yhw I erdul tihs tou.

I erudl tuo osoetamaorcs nad gniwe cmoasar abeds no ega .lnaoe seeTh toumsr rae seen in 5-521 raey ld,os and hte inalclic atinmsaotsnfei td'no achtm u.p

Pa'gtse sdeaesi sha an tdveeeal naillkeA pthspahaseo ,lelve utb tehre owlud eltniedyif eb a oieclrsct ephsa of eonb t,odinspeio trrahe nath pmeultil etoytcoisl ol.ssnie eeBs,dis no a nlialcci itegvnte eyht dluwo lkat uobta gienrngal ehda ize,s NC 8 ieenipngmt,m ucsetfra,r tec. vnEe fi uoy did og ihts ,tuero pasgte' diseesa euascs aa,orceotmoss tno pmiltlue lytci osslni.e

sihT felt me itwh csteaitatm ni.rccamoa

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imgdoc  I nylehsot tothhug this asw tilpumel amymleo ebfreo I ntwe het tseattiamc aioacrcnm turoe oll +

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submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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I sloa sehoc gtaPe /: btu idelearz hsit hwich I nd'idt r:eebof

heT ssaetg ear tno iunofrm rosacs infeftder s,onbe so ouy loudc evha eoms bosne hatt rae ni hte iabotlocsets te,asg iwhel ertohs ear ni het ytcil tsaeg


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