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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#27 (reveal difficulty score)
A 78-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Metastatic carcinoma 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by notadoctor(175)
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atttciMesa esseida is emro coomnm naht rayrimp eobn r.tsoum

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lba9587  thigM be ellpfuh to esndiocr e.g of a lnug o.mrut neo eio?nsl oreuy’ ngelain lngu r.impayr liptlMeu inssloe ni l?nug S.EMT Q esmt ehre ndiu,ldce smnero“uu ictly leionss agnlo the tarrleebv mclno.”u u,hTs E.MTS +
jurrutia  sol,A naip thta si orsew ta hgtnsi nda petssrsi ssrdareleg of vtyitic.a ePs 'gta si tylplayci ipysmmtaacot loguh(aht pani si eht tmso ocmmon t)yomspm and dolwu veah rohet gisfnind froe,simted(i VA ssuh,tn e).tc +
jurrutia  o,slA anip thta si sreow at gtinsh dna iesprtss gelearrdss fo .citivtay 'sPaeg t si aplytlicy ttcmapsmyaoi lh(ghotau aipn si eth somt nmomco pmtosmy) nda uldow have oreth nsdfigni (rdeei,tmofsi AV sshut,n .cte) +
umpalumpa  srdcianee APL si rwed,i isoinrdgecn htta eth onelis si .ityc.l +1
l0ud_minority  plpaa@mumu I eearg tlyic essloni 'otdn eamk snees twih an veteedla PA.L ikeL an itdio I uoghtht eosilatd PLA and csoeh tePga esaDsei +

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submitted by j000(17)
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liumtepl eylmoam is the tmos omnocm ARRMIYP nagynlmaic fo beno h()mt,apoa so 'its ont MM.

tis' ont pegat lck(a ohret x,S ldwuo osal ahve etilocscr )olinses

syltmo iyelkl rlnea or ungl ernacc mtaets ot eth oneb

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submitted by oznefu(22)
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I’m vignha boerult nntdiudaengrs why thsi si a ertebt chcieo tahn gaPet aeidses, slyieapcle ihtw eht eicnredas L?AP

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zelderonmorningstar  t’Pgeas ouwdl sola wsho omse sseli.rsoc +5
seagull  AKL is cdareisne in nbeo rowbadken .oto otPetrsa levso dagrnsiep to eht lmraub p.neiS tI's keil eccrccn-aaiok rof earncc. +32
aesalmon  I inthk het eWors" at gtih"n ndsle istlef reom odstarw t,esm and eth tp digamcrshope nlae rwasotd topasrte cae,cnr chhwi ovlse to go to het rulbma sepni vai eth Bsaton spe.xul I pkiecd gPtea but i inthk heyt ulowd eahv vgien iogtsmenh mreo lngelti fi tehy wndtae epa,gts slohyiogt or ntahreo luec +2
fcambridge  @galusel nda ,msoneala I knhit 'reuoy a ibt fof .rehe Pearotst tmes wdluo eb st,ooitlbcesa not sotoetyicl as si bedrdicse ni the g.ttnevie +17
sup  hYae I sohce Ps'tgea too bzc I udriegf fi it tawn's erspotat ncacre ihc(hw sa @ridfebagcm sadi dlowu ersptne w/ abooistetscl )nseslio heyt louwd igve us roahetn ipgsentren xs of het mcsiaettta caecrn ng(,ul nrl,ea knis) thta himgt tpnio su ni htat .oreciditn I got aiddsertct by eht rdeiceans PAL too and efll ofr aPget (: +1
kernicterusthefrog  idgbmea,@fcr ton lx.acyet ,Yse taetrpso tsme sdnet ot eb tbiosst,caole but btaou %30 ear nufdo ot be tclyi, rpe ihts :usdty /.86esiw2cC4/cn/ipcnhg/bimt:..h7t5rosamv.nMwlw2plt/P/ lyldintAdo,ia teh inhgt bone pisan ioptn to em,st nda tPsa'eg is cmhu mroe cmomonyl uodfn in eht lcnraai nosbe adn pleiurdapacn slten,eok atnh alai.x hsiT duloc olsa eb CCR t!sem +
sweetmed  I nmaliy ulred otu epasgt eaecusb hyet siad eht lsaiychp amixtoainne asw mnl.roa eH ouldw fed aevh erhto mo.ptmyss +4
cathartic_medstu  romF wtah I eerbremm romf semaiMa:Phtaatssto ot bone si uyslula cottoesiyl whit xitenpoec to ,rsepotat which si seoit, mest sysa UUERONSM ciytl elssnoi nad nodsus ermo kile sttasmasei. +5
medguru2295  If thsi is Mtiscatate c,ranec it is klilye MM. MM srdsaep to het aslinp droc nda aseusc Lctiy ot n.seIisl is TON etratspo sa tasetd leihW Aimcaoodecrnan edso sdpaer ot hte rePo,tast ti epuscodr nlyo BIALTCS sien.los +

but prostate cancer is not lytic as blastic lesions

+5/- titanesxvi(106)

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submitted by amphotericin(11)
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I luedr uot aesPg't ueasceb ePatg's si yalulus ,ldazelico epr FA, aPa,htmo &a.pBmB; hhotAgul hsit ptineat niedtifyel tfis eth acdmghiroep ,iutrepc rtoetasp crneac is neieyditlf nto the lnoy arcecn atht acn metsaizaste ot eht ceBaseu ehste rae lycti sneosi,l st'i paorylbb emso ohetr ceranc 'taths epsrda to eht bneos

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medguru2295  isolsbyP lulpetiM eMyalo.m atTh si lcaiscs rof an reodl senopr hwti bkca ainp adn itcly sisnleo in the .cbka +
asharm10  et-looicyst llemiptu malmey,o ts-tlabcoesiO trPaso;et dont tkhni denoyb this for htsi ema,x i evha reenv esen a eqoitsnu ni EMNB or ruwlod eyht idrte to ofol us off on this ptcoecn so af.r +2
euchromatin69  u odlwr 431 ames occpnet +
skuutnasty  dI' ilke ot eairettre tha'sw tsated e.vb..oa xd TNO MM ni sith nistqueo sbaeceu MM is MRRPYAI ont IACATTEMTS @ enob reanw(s asdr:e ttamscatei i&maa)on3r;lc ct +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by imgdoc(183)
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mrdsoraCohcoan usorcc in eth hpi ro xaali nk.oetles I'd nigamie thta it is lsaipeccfyil dleatco in oen oeirgn htarre anht uplmilet nissloe rhhgouutto hte evb.tarer staTh why I ledur hist out.

I edrul tuo ctaroseoasmo adn geinw arcamos asedb no eag l.aneo esThe usrotm are esne ni 255-1 eayr olsd, nda hte anliilcc nftssteiiaonma n'odt ahctm p.u

at'gePs essaeid sah na ldeatvee Allieank htposaespah lee,lv ubt ethre dulwo edlfeiinty be a tresccilo aspeh of onbe psio,eitnod arreth naht ltpmueli iottlcsoey eilo.nss Bs,diees on a lciinlac tegitnve tehy oudwl ltka buota lnreignga ahde s,iez CN 8 pmne,egitnim ,tuasrcrfe tce. Evne if ouy did og shti re,uot 'seagtp adeseis ausecs ,tsarsoecoaom ton ullemipt ticyl lionses.

Tish tfle me ihwt mtiestctaa .caicromna

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imgdoc  I hysnetlo hhtutgo tshi wsa eilltump mayolme refoeb I wtne het tasmctetai icanmraoc rteuo llo +

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submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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I losa cshoe eaPtg /: tub raelezdi this chihw I ntdid' eef:rbo

The ssatge era otn firnoum asocrs fetdrfien ebso,n so oyu ludco aevh eosm obnse atht ear in het ttlcbossioea gst,ea hilew sotrhe ear in eth tcyli gseta cte.


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