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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 45-year-old man with Li-Fraumeni syndrome ...
Decreased binding of RNA polymerase 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +67  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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Did noeyna eedn to read taht tsla encesnte keil 50 esitm bacseeu the ouhrat efressu ot seu tetebr arrammg. Just gtrsarfu.nit

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link981  thurAo :alioantre Wt"ha is rr?ag"mma +6
qfever  Did yanoen raed klie 50 mstie dan lilts tge ti ?rwgon OL,(L m)e +22
drbravojose  cltayulA eevrn ndaeunsrtd tawh eth orutah nyaigs at yna .tmie OLL +3
alimd  uShc a hsttiy qneo.tius Do we eallyr eavh uhsc sqisotnue no teh lrea mxea? In ym inpioon yhte usjt hrtwo nujk neiqusot ot teosh nessmetass +1
nootnootpenguinn  hO my ode-gsosn hnakt y!ou I was os amd ta weeohvr tweor ihts ithtsy qeot!sniu to(G it nowrg )llo +

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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ehT gramram of eht actlau Q was nun.igcofs

oT emka ttbere enss,e ti sdhluo say i"chhW of the inflolwgo si hte msot ylilek lrutes on het ctnsrrapniito of egesn tath ihibnti lelc iiivdosn nad hatt acinotn teh ocsenunss ueceneqse .AA.T".T

,So eht Q si nkigas bauto eth t53p nege adn ciefaipcylls botua eht t53p neeg ormteopr ieonrg.

eorPmotr onegisr aevh a TTAA bxo s(yoviubo,l aeignnm rhic in AT- bsae psa.)ir -AT aseb arigipn ash 2 nergdoyh on,dsb whchi kemsa temh esiear to vealec &t-;g- swlalo orf NAD itroinrctpnsa to courc rome .alisye ARN oPl soed raponcisrtnti fo DAN ntio N.RA

heT eitenr -emtsQ salkt tobua ohw maLrui-inFe is ued ot a utomiant in tp35 ,eegn aleindg to a aklc of oturm sipseosnpur t.yvtiica

oS, if het rptomroe oireng ATAT box fo teh 35pt eegn is uaed,mtt then hte 53pt ngee will not egt iendsarcrtb &;t-g- hist si hyw herte liwl eb rcddeseae ARN Plo nin.idbg ANR Plo lwil ahve a edecdru iyatbli ot inbd tp35 -&-tg; slse routm rossrupse egne tnsoainrtrcpi g&--t; less omurt .eunisopssrp

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jcmed  atth lduwo eb eolvyr aeys of ehmt hogtuh yee rlol +
whk123  tBse n.ptoialnexa +
fhegedus  adn leyuddns vrytegehin amesk essne :D nkahT you fro a raetg a!oalnitxpen ): +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by fenestrated(32)
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roF shti noe I hknti twha ouy ahd ot wkno is that sarnpinitTcro At(Ng&)D-AN-;R is rpmdfroee by NRA .ormte lpIasey was ont ADN oyelrpsmae useceba htis eon lsreciapte )(N;-DtA&gND-A

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fenestrated  enbetew isnrdceea or esdeedrac nibnidg I ikepdc eesrcedad abcuees it was a onttimua wichh fadcfete the yogndher donsb hwihc is how eodctnuilse nbid ot hcae roeth +1
makinallkindzofgainz  tish is owh I ogt it itrhg +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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3p5 si uttadem nda tcna idbn teh AATT xb,o so athw papensh ot nrtspoiintcar fo byhoitnrii s?rniopte

Is lyilsacba htaw tshi enoiquts si yrnitg to

So on ATTA box oteomrrp =tg&; eersDceda dibngin fo RNA mpseeyoarl

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link981  uoY idas it, yeth rea "ignyt"r to aks. lhduSo use trtebe mma.rrga +3
titanesxvi  iTsh is no ftsir ,iad adn sysa htta teh ormotrpe onierg is erwhe eeapyslRNomAr nidsb +1
nootnootpenguinn  uaaHkn OTTNA-A .bxo.. hatkn yuo fro tsih lnp!tioeaxna +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by d_holles(218)
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ihsT si a dogo cipurte of na nierexemtp nioswhg :tihs


ncOoenge omulev 2,6 sepga 22219212– 270(0)

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by dantescuttlefish(7)
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Wyh si ihts ont iedarnesc digbinn of AND yepmals?ero

ihTs atntumoi lsuhod ceasu ceullrla iiosnidv ie NAD teniparoilc nda ecsau nedeirsca diningb to origin otlerpcaini eusqscnee ie TTAA by DNA a.osmpeelyr

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brise  st'I tlnikag boatu nsttiuoma no eht oiaisttrrcnnp fo geens thta itihibn het lcle ndsviii.o lsoA RAN sopaleryem disbn to hte pmretroo ie.orng +
nwinkelmann  lsA,o het nouetisq pccslealfyii huoh(gt ni a vyer oyr,dw ucdlvtoneo y)wa adesk hwta het effcet fo teh atonmitu on icrtnsrnpoita NDA plo si ton udes in pi,roanstrtnic ti si seud in itnrl.ipcaoe RAN plo si udes ni iti.snnaprcort nI rmets fo eieascrdn or ddresceea gnnbd,ii iniggnra is tlarsopev/piilyo cgadreh nad neplori si lu/,nolraptoneanr so etrhe ear eefrw nnHoidbg- it,ses adn uhts eesdercad gndibin of the RNA +1
medn00b  olCdu sthi conovudtel qsunoeti olas .t..hmetn..a.a.... iecsn hte eegn ot kmea 5p3 si semesd up due ot het odgreyhn ,dbsno RAN mepaysleor wlil ton eb albe ot dibn to kema het NARm ... oS rhtee lwil be c?neacr aBseuec 3P5 is a tmour supr.speors.. eemlm oknw hnakts sygu +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by jessikasanz(9)
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tol fo wdro voitm to kas twah" dsnbi ot hte TATA "xbo

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by pipter(10)
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eosD enanyo vaeh nay ifeccspi diea on het hisnmemac fo teh 5p3 uiamttno qstnoeui gerraidgn hte TTAA oxb e(th neo hiwt hte lisgen moina adci crnooesniv adn het fertnifed erdoyhng )nd?igobn

I ceosh eth ceeeadrsd ndbgnii fo NRA alesyemrop no eht TAAT eseuqenc of nsege ahtt itbinih elcl ivdsniio aebsd oslyel no hte tafc ttah p35 is a uomtr sorrpuesps a(ak dauetmt 3e5-;p&stlgs oinihbinti fo misoldpvitt;eni&-giul id)ivsion.s

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joha961  mrFo a aromnd ppaer I fon,du u“gbalyrA s’35p mots atmiponrt nfconiut si ot cat sa a spnntrrcoiait rtfcao tath ryelitcd gtslueaer pasreph seavler nduredh of the se’lcl ANR oemslreypa II (PANR acrrIn)bIi-dest ”.eesng So orlnlaym it rncieasse RNA olp bnnd;iig a muitoatn ldouw ecaeedrs .it +1
estsosa  heT AATT obx si trap fo hte tmrroepo ognier ites weehr RAN ylmrsoaeep II nda eorht srnicnrttipao tacosrf bind ot NA.D A eetdfc dwolu oeeehrtfr aeeedrsc dinnibg fo ANR lae.meoyrps +7
mnemonia  oAls yuo can eorsan it tuo I( ogt htis rwong eeucsba uoy vhae to eb eyalrl mu)otilesuc inces ew ownk hatt lsso of 3p5 = are.ncc aCecnr = twan reom lcle iisvniod = tn’do wnta iroibytinh gnee = ssel cotsnptarinri fo dsai +1

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