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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 74-year-old man with emphysema and lung ...
Negative nitrogen balance 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem

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submitted by keycompany(351)
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eonNgirt naaclbe si a etseamemnur fo otpnrei oailsetmbm in eht yob.d A envietag tonrngie lbceana tcndiaise eclsum ,loss as sniederca otmnasu of mnaoi iasdc aer bngei zmetloadibe ot orpeduc g.nerey shiT escrsneia eht tmnaou of geiortnn scteedre omrf eth od.yb eaecsBu teh muoant of ngtieorn yuo aer tgnaki in si elss ahtn eth aumtno of ntgneori oyu rae teinrcegs, you evah a ietegvna gnniroet cnlbeaa.

Tsih man si lsaonehu,imrd meed,aouts acicthec, and ahs boam.apuhemiynil hseeT icallcni ginfsnid tnoip ot eiroptn tnionrulaimt sKorawiak(h Dassei)e, whchi sasuec emdae ued ot addeeercs rseum intocco .euerssrp wLo octconi sprusree in isth asce si eud ot tenipor ols,s dna neceh a evaetngi eotrinng .labacne

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drdoom  !ceNi +23
dubywow  I ewnk yruo tlsa tseeecnn dan duetesspc iKrrosowahk. 'tsI juts vigrneteyh eesl I idd otn w.nok I veha otn aredh or uhohgtt fo epsliutnercmo/ asecgnh in srtem fo io"tegnnr "benlcaa adn ths'at ywh I tog isht .gownr cNei iol!txnaepan +3
macrohphage95  I ereag twhi uyo ni trsfi rtap ubt i tond tnikh it sah yan oaneiltr ot siwokIrhrt. ak is ilsmyp deu ot aaichcxe iwhhc secasu ucmesl csonturetid orhguht hte earoptosem waypaht .. +5
zevvyt  als,o it sasy atth his maniubl is wl.o +
ankigravity  A wef horet npstio raedtle to rnegiotn a.enabcl Ayn ettaipn woh si giwrngo .i,.e( nr,dieclh poepel oinrwgk out dan dinugibl csmue)l era in siepovti enornigt cnlbaae dna riaennig moesbec an lsaeintse nmaoi +1
drdoom  i@tvnkgaaryi o,Ww tihs si laincehlcyt !cctrreo (idnDt’ ereliza l”tnaieess“ dnstoe' aenm tnnca“o be sdytsenezih by teh d”byo ubt etrhar acnt”on eb hdsinyezste in uitfnescfi osumn;t”a so ahwt sfauielqi as saeisletn is a tbi fo a vomign a!rgett Ts)n!kah +
drdoom  sHree' hte nioidienft ofmr eM:SH “Anmio scdai hatt era ont ehznitdyses yb eht manuh ydbo in nmsoatu icusetnfif ot yrrac otu gcloplaiishyo .untsncoif hyTe rae endioatb ofmr ytraied dtso.fof”fsu oi?nmDtpgce0ie/ro0sh/=/ +
imgdoc  I nod't ihktn this ahs ot od itwh okwisrkhoa ekli r9oepc5gahhma esgeugts.d Tshi is ichaaxce dnoyceasr ot glnu ae,cncr alapNh-TF cnireessa adn sucase atoempslrao ensturictod fo insetpro. sTih ygu si salo tno niatnkgi ungheo ponriets so etanivge gneointr aalnbec si teh sawrne eenpdxali vbaeo +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by bking(2)
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I rsdatduenn eht mdeea is rmof aeddeersc riet-opn wyh si inoaavStrt etsKosi ro?wgn Cnto l'ud ihs seoptrni be dedagder oghhtur siht eP:ionsrnomer i-tcop-sA -cdais- lAtcey -C-oA tnoKese

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waterloo  gevatnei ieonrtgn lncabea erebtt lxpeians het .edmae +
courtney  I hgtim eb tllytao rgwon but I td'no nhitk you can telnciylahc eb in sksetoi fi yuo ahve gucosle ndruoa dan ni itsh ecs,a het atnptie saet only abrcs +1
chaosawaits  uYo tnac' eb ni teoissk if ouy aehv nusnili ndrao,u ton u.lecgos ceenH, 1MTD can ahve AKD ubt TD2M yilpytlca oeds ont. otBh ltsli evha ,egucsol kiel oevenrye l.nvigi +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by pparalpha(93)
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Can oemnsoe elsepa aliepxn why ti duowl ton eb gycnogel i?eotnpdel I thtouhg teh isunoetq wsa agntkli oaubt the aruWbgr nnepoom..hen. os wyh nto wnabdekor of ngecgyol ot cu?gsoel

I usgse ti uwold ton xlanpei the mede?a

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hello  elyGcgno essort ear dleepedt niwthi 42.h hTsi neprso ash ngssi dan ytomsmsp of etnmorlg niuointtrla eciise.efdnc +2
raffff  it odulw ont penalix the m,aede sey +
drzed  lsoA eth rawbgru hpnomnnoee sha to od ihwt sranecc ptarleylferine knatig up e;socgul ehret si no idctnaiion thta he has rccena. +
haydenelise  hTe frtis ctseenen yssa htta he sah ngul .erccan +2

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