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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 50-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Drug effect 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: pharm

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 +25  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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ewrehNo aveh I eebn lbae to infd yhw the lleh thsi si a ngthi.

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yotsubato  Ist ont ni FA, hetkcSy, or oPtm,aha or U lw.rdo I ewkn it tsanw acnrce uabcese tsi lta.ribela ndA eibteDas meda on nssee ot e.m So I jsut rehwt dnow Drgu etcffe adn waldke y.waa +10
breis  a^em^s^ +
feliperamirez  heT ynol esslobip iaotnnxealp I inkht is atth hes asw duenr a K priasng rudit,ice cush sa elpnaocnorsiot h(iwch louwd elda to )ms.ceayanigot +
chandlerbas  yuo dah me ta its tno ni kthescy ;) +3
j44n  i ouhthtg NHT ncidedu mtyep alesl wloud asuec htsi ucsbeae htye tgo tpey II eidsuaebt. oS if ouy ende a opr aebzr htrneu olhrel at m.e +,dis%2D%20turbance%2C%20and%20impotence.

if you want to save your time and not read an 8 page research article like I did heres the summary

Other classes of medications that cause hyperprolactinemia include antidepressants, antihypertensive agents, and drugs that in- crease bowel motility. Hyperprolactinemia caused by medications is commonly symptomatic, causing galactorrhea, menstrual dis- turbance, and impotence.

+1/- j44n(141)

 +21  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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jolnGa adh a eeutrcl that timendnoe ahtt I"f a itnetap ahs or,rgcaaethla ervwei yevre ugrd ehyret' kangit iecsn nmya dugrs aesuc ergc"laatrhao.

heT lnyo hnitg of isbselpo leeacrvne ni isth smetQ- is ttah hes steka a eciitnd,moa rtheefero eth serwan fo u"drg te"ffce si eth osmt lkiely rneoas ofr her earao.ahlrcgt

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hungrybox  I stlil kthni shit euiqstno si prtyte BS. uBt vgahin sduitde seom oemr, I tnhki tsi' sels BS hant I gnlilaoryi to.uhthg atomPah igvse teh erteh roamj acessu fo racahlgareot as ielpnp t,uiloamtisn amoirtlocapn fo ierrtona aituiy,tpr dan grsdu ees( 611. - ertaBs t)l.oPaygoh Onyl drug eefftc si na nwrsae hoceci rof stih ioutns.qe +9
hungrybox  To upt anrhote ywa - reobfe uoy ytr to go tourhgh vreey rwsean ,eoccih ngasik lreoysfu ow"lud ihst seauc h"?agreartocla etI,dnas ksa fesl,royu h"taW era eht aescus fo "og?lraeratcha rocAncdig ot r.D artSat, tehy are pne"lip niaoums,tilt pmcootianrla of enirtrao pauityr,ti nad ".gudsr +3
hungrybox  eTh teionusq no'tesd yas gtinanyh atht dulwo tonip oyu dtwora pilpen taimlnuits,o like it" lnoy emsse ot araepp wneh esh pstu no a syalts/pihr .//sttposrrc"ensu tI sola akesm no otmeinn fo ableotmpri sbnnlesdi i(wchh ulodw tpnoi you to na trinearo iuyrtaitp t),moru so ouy acn uelr out incotaloa.rmp eTh yonl nioopt elft is rgdu fte.efc +2
drdoom  gsnhyrx’buo ufll oetnmmc bwoel)( hr:ee beec/s71/n/mwe0p:samtx00tn2./se#mm34/robhna9 +1

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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As na 01:0e8,idt0 1 opelpe redpoter to vahe dies feectfs ewnh antkgi oelAoi ctamnhyrrzhg.oHiddo ,mhet 52 ppoele 20).(0% veah sretBa iscrgdeha

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neonem  I think teh btes way to sawrne isht sinetouq swa by pcessor fo iaoie.imntln +1
sympathetikey  s'Ttha oems tushibll l ol +9
karljeon  Hhaa I lamiedniet het nwarse yb cessopr fo miionnleati. +25
medschul  I deltaiemni adtiszhie by porsesc fo iimneoliatn :( +3
medstudent65  htiS I ilmaetined eazishdti aeucsbe of laimnieiont ntew tiwh HTN igntihkn aeialnrtirnc ledeb ngcffiete hte iayrupitt +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by fkstpashls(23)
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rscsePo fo aleintimoin si hte lnoy awy to tge tihs awnser itotuwh aSatvn ellvse of st,aumi sa soem twoieb grainew cordeuh woh ewtor teh seunqoti roylbpba s.ha

acCner is rtlneaialu mslota all eht eit,m MD tseo'nd eamk neses orf nay sr,neao NHT lfteis udn'lowt saeuc lykmi bsoob, dna stma eclls rulegangidtan n'dseot kmae ikmyl oosbb ieeht.r So, and ebcaesu anmy dursg cna vahe iyklm oo,sbb oy'eur letf hwti drug eftfsce by rpsosec fo iel.mionaint

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djinn  I dnto knhit het uotar was a ntsva.a osAl I ihnkt si hgrti osseccpr ot ihnkt cre"an"c cna be labtilaer nda annitmagl tub hte ""urgd htta caseus htsi istn C.TH hiTs uieqsotn si adb tewrin.t +1
hungrybox  cgndciroA ot ,amhPaot laorghaetrac is TNO aascestoid htiw necrca reev se(e 161. - etrabs )y.olpghato +
djeffs1  oidrnccga to s'lerggstsuub mubesnr its meor likyel ot be /bl acrcne than .i.iehsd.tza +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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" ehrOt lcsaess fo dncaiotsemi that uecas hppnitcerrolimayae dcuenli arseenstts,pdani ntvriiytneeaseph n,esagt nda srgdu ahtt seenicra below ytomi.itl rcaemonepaHpilyitr eusacd yb cimsoineatd si lmocmyon iotpamycmst, csnigua largoh,eraact etnlarmus ubinrsectad, nda oep.mctnie It si attponrIm ot nursee ttha pnmytalrehoparecii in an vunIidlida nateipt is deu ot imadenocti nda otn to a urtuacrtsl nlseoi in teh iahmiutarhpciyl/ttopay aea;r sthi anc eb cesoldpahcim yb )1( gspopitn teh iaidtonmec mrapoilyter ot reeinmdet hthweer lnatcpori selelv urnret ot ra,nlom 2)( hcisgnwti ot a oemdiitnac ttah odes ont uesca raynmliprpeioetach "


ntdendopes-n"N-eedo dies stfecef — utohAhgl ose-ldow yarhetp smsee ot iniemizm eht cbamloeti oimnsctcaolip nceiudd by a dithieaz ro aheidetlizk-i dic,eirut ti yma ont eecrnsyaisl tleeainmi hrote edis .fcefste As an e,xlepam as mayn as 52 ptcnree fo emn edrttae htwi 25 /gmyda of rlnhocdlhetioa dveleop a lciened ni lasxeu uocntfin .[4]3 Sleep rctuisbdsnae cna soal r,ucoc ruliplcarayt if hte pteinat is on a uims-owodl iedt 3[4.] wHo seteh rbsplome crcou is otn kn."won


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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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toahPma gesiv hte hteer rmjoa usecsa fo haeaolcgratr sa nlepip tnoaulismi,t ratlpmiocnao of trinraoe uriiytpat, and rusgd see( 116. - sraBte Paloyo)gth. Oynl ugrd eftfec is an erawsn ioecch for itsh n.qusiteo

oT put trenaho ywa - robfee you yrt to go rhuhtog eeryv snrawe h,ceoic anigsk oyelrfus wu"dlo tsih ecsua ecaha"orgatlr? dsantI,e ska yusrfel,o atW"h are teh acsues of eaaro?ltachr"g ionrAcdcg ot .rD rtSta,a tehy rae p"pnile ltnmuiaist,o tarnoolcpmai of tirnreao ,iytiprtua dan "dusr.g

hTe qousinet ondset' say ygiahnnt atth wuldo ntpio you dtraow epnilp tlsi,ominuat keil t"i oyln esmes ot aeappr ewnh hse pstu no a rstyahspl/i rpos/rn.s/u"ce†tst So yuo nca eurl uot penpli

It also ameks no nmtieno fo obaepmlitr ninelbssd hwihc( udwlo iotnp uoy ot an eniaorrt iiartytup tu)rmo, os ouy acn rleu tou orcanmtao.lpi heT lnyo oonpit flet si urdg cft.eef

v'eI eernv esen ntgaihny keil sthi on a onteuqsi utb I mesuas eht MBEN wulod drwo it ni seom oluocdntve ayw elki ht.ta

I iliniltay rwtoe hits sa a ntobmem,suc tub I eefl kiel it reevsdes tis nwo ntmocem. I swa rneve elayrl eisdfaist hiwt any of teh aalxieonspnt orf ihst brolep,m nda I lyfainl ervdrai at noe taht saekm teh somt eenss ot e.m

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hungrybox  hO, nad sisbe,de lnpeip lmuntsiotia dna caortmilpnao tanr'e enev srewnsa lol +
drdoom  eytmss[ ]amreli royu notaucc sah enbe peddrgua: AFMRTO ANNIJ +1

One more thing: Pathoma specifically says cancer is NOT a cause of galactorrhea.

So the people who are saying you can rule out cancer because it's bilateral are completely wrong. You rule out cancer because it doesn't cause galactorrhea.

Besides, breast cancer can be bilateral. Bilateral breast cancer is almost always invasive lobular carcinoma.

This is analogous to serous cystadenocarcinoma. Bilateral ovarian cancer is almost always serous cystadenocarcinoma.

Idk how this "breast cancer can't be bilateral" myth started propagating.

+9/- hungrybox(1277)

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by dave_(3)
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seaidTihz ecrdeu GRF -g&;t dcueeRd ancercael fo litprnoac tg-&; hctnilamyeappieor -;g&t ged.shcira

toN ures who recoctr thta ,si utb iasde mrof erccan eignb aae,illuntr I olduw aeactsiso high apocrtlni hwti olss fo emopaidn rtndieni/cehiidbou alecanecr fo oacnriplt ti.lfes

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sam1(22)
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aeihidsTz nca caues cutea enritsiattil ,pstreiihn a mrfo of raeln tiWhotu the ernal irxtecneo fo cianpo,lrt it cna buidl up in eth msreu and ulrtse in elcrrga.aahto

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coccidioinmytitties  eualSx innsdcyutfo edrse[i sdbea = oil]bdi nac be ude ot ugdr dsei tfsfeec ttesnerinesi[yahv,p] pre ftirs aid. diti:Eon ae :8g12P0 1 :5tSnoei5c h PPecr,ys A'1dsist neindcreo ieocsnt: scivexes"e ansumot of otlacprin sioeacdsat tihw ↓oibdli .34]2[ hTsi osge hgttroee hwti rou ealxsu cdnsiuftyon twih tnisar"eveh"ien.pyts Olny oacilgl sshyitnes I nac nhtik :fo it diaezh = lc↑tnrpioa = idlboi↓ + It duwol also emka esnse esicn we rae gnedlia ithw an xceptede ot be eusp-maopsnaolt lfeaem ikml[ ipuontdorc ouwld aehv to be ued to xsooegnue r]ugecu.s Do ntoi my tlruece otsen nad onfdu het :iolofnwgl -storbbeeackl dan edazithis sueac axlsue Iyt dcsn.finuo osal keil 1ssam' ae.loinpnaxt Wree' ingaehrc rehe, tub sti hte etsb I anc o.d +
g8427  Moya lnicci hsows lreac or oydlob einppl eihagcrsd as esid fafetc fo hiseTzia.d Btu enotsd eatst yimkl h.ciedasgr +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by namira(39)
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olbissPe onxnei:talap

fI eht pt is aitkng a itehizda wih(ch si K d,eein)lpgt it ihtmg aevh also enbe ivgne itwh a K iarsgpn udrg chsu as .isieptcarolnon

etSoaclrnponii ahs clconoidoreign sefcetf chsu as gyeatnscimoa nad eaahlr.gtoarc

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sugaplum  I ikthn you oucld lony keam hist mtapiosnus fi ehyt idsa pitatn"e si on nratdsad htn x"t tbu isnec teyh agev the mean chz,t lodwu tno eb frai ot smaseu eyth era olsa tngkai aootirsnnilcp.e I ewtn htiw spcsroe of nioimietnla no shit neo. vnEe dhekcce ssceca nideeicm's drug svedrae etfecf a.r.laecfe.tplgoohiarr not eisdtl orf cthz +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by j44n(141)
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Possleib aeucss of aaaecolhrgtr inudcel: Mi,istoncade such as tienacr sivet,esda rinseespsatatnd, athncsycitpios and hhig dloob serpseru ds.ugr doOpii us.e eHblar esepnpltsmu, such as nlf,nee aesni or nuefkgeer dsee

^ rfom the maoy clicni.... msaehips no eht HTN rugds

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 -6  upvote downvote
submitted by minhphuongpnt07(5)
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zTea&dtigh;i= e;c=&iltryapmhagce xntyoOxi (Gq upolced eor&ttng;-ip cirn =gta+;)&C2 pienlp disrhecag

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arkanaftus  niOycxot will ton korw on rbsaet slriteung on lkimy hidearcsg fi eht lndgas wree not paeep"rdr" yb ipnoa.trcl I'st ikle rntgyi ot zeequse tempy nloabol - ngnhoti soeg otu. +1

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