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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#42 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old man has two-pillow orthopnea, ...
Jugular venous pressure of 12 mm Hg ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cardio

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 +25  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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iifBd croiatd lseups rae nese in corAti nssostei or eaitgnurtorig

taodCir riutB is dhrae twih reaotosscherisl of mocnmo dtcraio yretra

Sowl ngrsii descaedre vemluo itocrad uslep is ccheasicriatrt of coairt ssnie.sto

nonnaC avwes aer seen in cteeopml AV lo,kcb sa hgtir iecnvrelt dna aitar taconcrt enen.pynldidet

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chextra  I m-reriemsdeemb nrloma VPJ sa 8-.21 eofhrre,Te I eikpdc wosr,g"nliiS- voe-rmldudesaeec cdartoi "upls.e sI rehet a aornse hwy hits is OTN a usltre fo ,HF or si ti msplyi nto het tbes h(iwhc I ereag is VJ)D? +1
len49  oFr htose renndiwgo rlnmao JVP is 6-8 gHmm +5
fatboyslim  cetrhxa@ I kniht the eranos hyw s'it OTN go-sinwrlis sudoeevlredec-am itdcroa peslu sn(gi fo taroic )oesintss is aeeusbc teh tptiean had a oh/ oeporgndl tarbulsnes ethcs niap 5 adsy I khtni eh ahd an MI nda is won rneepstgin /w htear rael.fiu +1

 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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hsiT nepitta has hreat alf.ueir rmlNao JPV is -68 gm.mH

giSsn of hrtae iurlafe are bsade on daricca pump nosiyncudft, ns,gotยŽineco dan wlo orfsu.npei

m:ypsotSm unc leid eypn,sda eotornaph, uaeigf;t inssg ucliend S3 arthe onu,sd slera, alrujug usnoev noiitdnste D)(VJ, nad gtnitip .eaemd

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submitted by scpomp(2)
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oaCnnn A eavsw rccou hewn het htrgi taurim tonscactr nsigtaa a olcesd iiutpsdrc .vealv ysacsaClill eens in VA citniosiosad pcoelemt( rahet c.lkob)

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dickass(127)
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etnaPit ahs acltyeu sepatnddceeom rhaet ,raieflu tsmo ikelly ude to na MI 5 dsya oga. oeepndnsr-yemepht-aOada odwlu naem eh lyilke asol sah ljraugu senuvo ndiitsnote nda cthieap ongctine.os

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