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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 50-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Drug effect 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: pharm

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 +25  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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ohNewre ehva I enbe bale to dnfi yhw hte ellh htsi si a tihg.n

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yotsubato  tsI nto ni A,F ectSyk,h or h,oataPm or U w.rlod I kwne it wsnta acecrn beaeusc ist rle.iatalb dAn tesaeibD dema no essen ot e.m So I sjtu wthre wndo ruDg efceft dan adwlke a.way +10
breis  es^m^a^ +
feliperamirez  hTe noyl pbeolssi nanteapilxo I nthik si tath hse wsa enrdu a K gnisrap dciiuret, cush as laptononcsorei chwhi( luodw deal to atgo) +
chandlerbas  ouy adh me at sit ton in tehcksy ); +3
j44n  i ghtouth TNH ddcuine temyp alsle owdlu cuase tsih aceubse ehty otg peyt II eaeuidbts. oS if uyo ndee a por rzabe hrnteu leohrl ta me. +,dis%2D%20turbance%2C%20and%20impotence.

if you want to save your time and not read an 8 page research article like I did heres the summary

Other classes of medications that cause hyperprolactinemia include antidepressants, antihypertensive agents, and drugs that in- crease bowel motility. Hyperprolactinemia caused by medications is commonly symptomatic, causing galactorrhea, menstrual dis- turbance, and impotence.

+1/- j44n(141)

 +21  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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loGanj dha a tlueecr atth tnemodnie taht "If a tptniea ash g,charealotar rwivee erevy rugd ryete'h ikntag ecins mnya gdsur uasce .gthoearaclr"a

hTe oynl tnghi fo siloepbs ecnreealv in htsi estm-Q is thta she aestk a oinet,cdami ereotferh het rwsaen fo d"ugr ecfte"f is hte tmso ilykle rsnoae ofr reh .hraalcgoerat

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hungrybox  I iltsl ihntk htsi oseutqin is yttpre SB. But nghavi idtudes osme more, I nkthi ts'i essl BS hnat I inrlogiayl to.uhgth taamPoh sgevi the tereh oamrj asuces of cahrgtealrao as pilpen ,iouimantstl toclornaampi fo arertoni i,tarpiuyt adn ugsrd ees( 1.61 - reBsta htP)ooal.yg lOyn urdg cetffe is an snawer ecchio rof isth qsn.outei +9
hungrybox  To tup anoterh way - fbreoe ouy ytr to go ghhtoru eyerv nrsaew che,oic sngaki osefrluy d"lwou ihst cause rr"g?eatclhaao ,enatsId ask ylsrf,uoe hWat" era eht scuesa of atearacho"lrg? ccAinodgr ot .rD ,Saratt htye rea pep"inl ,titaoimnlsu mpcnaloiator fo otanreri rtiytp,aiu and u.s"grd +3
hungrybox  eTh utqensio d'esont ysa antihnyg ttha ulwod otnpi uoy wrdtao pnplie oiulmns,aitt ilek "ti ylon sseem ot erapap hwne she tusp no a t/alyrsishp nt/uscrrpsst.eo/" tI laso eksma on tnniemo fo olerpimbat nnilssedb ich(wh ludow opitn uyo ot an anreotir ipiuttary mru)t,o os yuo nca uerl uto lactaripo.onm heT ylon notpoi tefl is udgr cffete. +2
drdoom  oxyu’rhbsgn lful tomcmen e)(wblo heer: a/0xntsrmo70s2.wnph0/3/#bmm9m1nebea4:/set/ce +1

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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sA na e0 0:01,dit81 ppoele erdrpote to ahev ised efcftse ehnw tniagk citA.oh yzogmohorddeilarHn emt,h 52 eeppol 0)%(0.2 evah eBstra rgesachid

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neonem  I hknti eth steb ayw ot wseanr stih stqniuoe swa yb rsoecsp of ni.nleaoitmi +1
sympathetikey  thsa'T omes slbtuihl l ol +9
karljeon  aaHh I ilemtidane eth wnsear yb sosrpce fo iia.tenmilno +25
medschul  I enlideiatm sieazdtih yb ocressp of onminitilae :( +3
medstudent65  iSth I tdiaenelmi zeahditis cueaseb fo tieoalninim ewtn tihw THN gnniikth riceantnilra lbeed igeetcfnf eth yruatpiti +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by fkstpashls(23)
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rcoPses of nmoitneiail si eht lnyo ayw to tge ihts rwesna uottiwh tSavan lesvle fo s,iatum as mose wbteoi erngiaw uechrod who etowr teh esoinuqt plaobrby .ahs

eCrcan is alutrineal lmsato all teh em,ti MD n'oestd meak essne orf ayn ,rseaon TNH ilestf tlound'w sueca lmkyi sobob, and amst cllse nadunitarelgg nsdot'e kmae kliym boosb ethre.i ,So adn beuaces nmya gudrs can vaeh kiylm bobos, reuoy' flte iwth dgur cetfsfe by ecosprs fo nem.noiitlia

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djinn  I tdno htkni eth aotur was a na.svat Also I thnki si rhtgi sceoscpr to ktihn "cearcn" nac eb eiaarltlb adn tnaglmian tub teh "r"gud htta useacs shti itns CHT. shiT qunsiote is dab .rtnitew +1
hungrybox  Aiocgdrnc ot ,amtaohP htolcaaagrre is TNO aesacidsot twhi ccrane reve ee(s 11.6 - btaser yl.ahp)goot +
djeffs1  ndgcracio ot s'leustrugsbg nubsmre tsi mroe lielyk ot be /bl ncaecr thna .s.thz.iiaed +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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" hrOte saesslc fo setidaomcin ttha acesu mypterolechniparai uneldci rsta,enpdtinesas thirisapvenneeyt angte,s nad sdrug tath anecries woble itmoilty. cenlratmiieapyopHr dauesc yb dtcsmeoniai si nmcomoyl smct,iapomyt acnuigs roeaclagh,tra ltusnmrea ciab,utnreds dna eop.itmenc tI is pamttrIno ot nsreue that chtarnraopmepyelii in na vdlaiidunI neptait si ued ot midionetac adn otn ot a auucsrtrlt lsineo ni eht lytpii/tmahhtorpicyaau ;aaer sith acn be lecpdshmcaoi yb (1) pogtsipn eth iicmdenaot lopmairyert to nmdeteeri thhewre nclptoari evslle errtun to n,olram )(2 hnstcigiw ot a eiamdnctoi hatt esod ton saceu emotaiapherpnrycli "


dnt-nedsp"n-eodNeoe side tffsece — hhuAotlg oleodsw- hteapry smsee to ziminmie teh cemiatobl ccniasoitmplo idcedun yb a eizhtida or ilt-aiikheezd ii,dtercu ti yam ont esicsaelnyr ienmitale ohtre desi cefsfet. sA na pemxle,a sa ynma sa 52 cternpe fo mne edtrate whti 25 m/dyga of acltioeodhhnrl pdeovle a delceni in xualse fcnitonu 3].4[ eSelp stbcdrniasue cna osla c,uorc iutcarplrayl if hte natipte si on a dum-woosli tedi ][43. How ehets opmsrebl ccuro si not k.n"won


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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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mPotaha vsgei hte ehret jorma ecuass fo aaolracgehrt as nlpepi iut,antoimls tmoaaprcnoil of rerntiao iyu,tarpti dan gudsr es(e .611 - starBe otly)a.ghPo nyOl rdgu efceft si an enwsra icoech for tish equs.itno

To put aehtnor ayw - oebrfe yuo rty ot go rohuhtg ereyv earwns ieh,cco nikgsa oyusfrel l"dwou siht caues lrectarao?g"ha sIe,tand ask rl,ofusye "What era teh aucses fo c?egrraa"hoalt dcArginco to rD. araS,tt yhet rea nilpp"e mitu,siltoan nolaomicratp of eonrtari yaitrt,uip nad .sgu"rd

The uiqnseot tosen'd ysa yhtgnani atht wdoul pnoti ouy watodr pnpiel solnaimut,it elki ti" ylno messe ot erpaap hwne she tsup on a hstiyrlpsa/ c/rsursotsp"t.†ne/ oS uoy can rleu uto elnpip tiaslnmi.otu

It olas amsek on einmont of bplaroietm lndesnsib i(whhc odwul ionpt oyu to na noatierr attipyuri ),mourt os oyu can urel uto rl.nimacpatoo heT loyn ooitpn telf is gdru ecft.fe

Iev' never enes haitynng elik tshi on a qoestiun tub I seusam eht BEMN wludo drwo ti in esom cooetnudlv awy eilk

I linaitlyi rweot shit as a t,mmcbeunos tub I elef iekl ti svedsree tis wno enct.omm I was reevn lleary siedafist with yna fo eht atpaixoesnnl fro stih emorblp, nad I lyfanli aiverrd ta noe htat ekams eth osmt eessn ot m.e

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hungrybox  ,hO nda ,sbeedsi ppinel nstiliuomta nda ipnolacatorm nt'rae nvee arswsen lol +
drdoom  tesm[sy em]lair uoyr tnoucac ash enbe gprue:dad TOFRMA JINNA +1

One more thing: Pathoma specifically says cancer is NOT a cause of galactorrhea.

So the people who are saying you can rule out cancer because it's bilateral are completely wrong. You rule out cancer because it doesn't cause galactorrhea.

Besides, breast cancer can be bilateral. Bilateral breast cancer is almost always invasive lobular carcinoma.

This is analogous to serous cystadenocarcinoma. Bilateral ovarian cancer is almost always serous cystadenocarcinoma.

Idk how this "breast cancer can't be bilateral" myth started propagating.

+9/- hungrybox(1277)

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by dave_(3)
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asiidzhTe redecu RGF ;&tg- duedeRc lcaecaner of anictplor g-;t& atprpeiylmchianoe &tg-; drhig.esca

tNo srue woh tcrorce atth is, btu isdae frmo ncacre bigen ntaiell,rua I ulowd sictoaaes gihh caroipntl wtih ossl of inapedmo nbcinoriediutide/h crenaclae fo cratpinlo tei.fsl

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sam1(22)
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idTszheai cna easuc tcuea ratsnttiilie ,pthesinri a mofr of naler r.ailfue tWhotiu the nlera ocexietnr of nti,oalrcp ti anc udbli up in eht esurm adn elutsr in eolhara.artgc

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coccidioinmytitties  eulaSx fdsuinnoyct e[sirde sdbea = bidl]oi nca eb deu ot drgu edis sfftece ]tpseyirtvhnn,[seaie pre irtsf onitEdi: 20ag8e1:P t5 i5:ncoSe1 P,ryPhes c 1td'siAs cednineor :itnsoec ee"csiesxv nmustoa of oplrtinac ateascosid htiw dio↓ilb [.]234 hiT s goes heotegtr whit rou aeulxs ctuonnfiyds whti ree"vptsnahesi."tyin lynO claiolg nsshyetsi I cna kitnh :of thaid ize = n↑caolpirt = bi↓odli + gaarrl.cethao It dlwou sola kmea essen eisnc we aer aldgnei tiwh na ctxeepde ot eb oamlpones-aptsu emlfae m[ikl itropncudo owldu vaeh to eb eud ot eeonsuoxg ].Drgeu scou itno my uclteer eotns nda ndfou teh wofl:nlgoi ctlbaesboer-k nad eszitidha cause sluexa tuinnI c.yodfs salo elik 's1asm polnitx.naea We'er giecarhn r,ehe btu tsi hte tbse I acn od. +
g8427  yaMo ciicln oshws aecrl or dblooy eiplpn siegradch as eisd tcefaf of asheTi.idz But dtnseo attes kyiml dcasig.hre +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by namira(39)
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Posibles paloixtnn:ea

fI het tp is tangik a azdieith hcw(ih si K ,nlepieg)td ti mihgt vhae laso eneb niegv with a K pngsair gudr schu as tcilosrni.paone

taSlonpconriei ahs nncceligoodrio cfseetf suhc sa tecaanoisygm and .aathgrloacer

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sugaplum  I kthni uoy duocl olny ekam htis osistnapmu if hety siad t"aenpit is on rsddnaat tnh "tx ubt nices tehy vega the amne ,chzt ulodw not be arfi to umases tyhe are aslo katngi oncenop.satliir I wetn hiwt srpeosc fo oaileniitmn on tihs .neo nEve ekhccde casces imeniced's grud rdsevea ftecef aco.let.rap.rehaigrlfo nto slitde ofr hczt +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by j44n(141)
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iboesslP easscu of hraelcaragto d:lniceu n,soaetcdiMi ucsh as ratneic t,veadssei eatpasntedsis,nr histnoptycisac adn hhgi oolbd reeusprs ds.ugr ipoOdi .seu rlbHea ,nmpstsepeul hcsu sa eln,efn iesna ro uekgrnfee dees

^ omrf the ayom .cln.ii.c. asehsmpi no the NHT gudrs

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 -6  upvote downvote
submitted by minhphuongpnt07(5)
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=ztd;eh&gTiai ca&ep=mlehrg;ayitc tixnxoyO Gq( celdopu epni-t&ot;rg cinr 2t;Cga=+)& lpepni cadhgrsie

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arkanaftus  ctonyOxi wlil tno orwk on aesbtr sgunilter no ylkim asgiherdc if eth dnalgs rewe ont rpee""drap by anlocrpi.t t'sI eilk gnriyt to qzeeuse mpyte lolboan - hgontni sgoe ut.o +1

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