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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#47 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Maintenance of basement membrane integrity 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by bubbles(79)
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eensamtB eanebmrm ntyeigrti si the ntendatierm fo full unlg roerevcy golfwinlo ulpaynorm


1() sosl fo etbamens eamnrmeb rttyeiing si iiccartl ni iieengdrnmt eth ot“inp of no r,neut”r dan tuibocsnetr ot the ibayitnli ot iaslebsrthe rmanol lgnu cerhurtceait hiwt oirpotonm of ;fosibsri

)(2 sslo fo ihpealteil ,clsle ohneiletlda scl,el nda temsnaeb nbmemear tiiengrty in ulsau niittsaielrt nnupioema aaiscdsote whti daiiphitoc nuyaomrpl isriosbf aelsd to dtesyerod ngul teueicratchr and taeeplpru sir;sbfoi

(3) orrsiagtmnnf orwhgt o-rtfcβa si nyraesecs, ubt ont etieryln ,sntfcieifu ot retopom penmentar bfiro;iss

(4) tetneirsps nii/nngarartriu/iteynjt si ticciarl ofr eth ptornapgioa of r;osiisbf

5)( diocpithai lnpramouy oiisrfbs is an apmleex fo a sseprco etrdael to the escnierstpe of na “(ig,t)sen”na rnoihcc nltiiofa,mman and fsrbi;soi and

(6) uuqeni clsel ear icalrtic culllera spylrea ni eht rnutoeialg of iobsi.srf

an :tiitco12/.wsnw4bh5o/ciCcip.ng4P/la2/Mhrcvwelsmtp/i/mt.nt.6:

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kernicterusthefrog  oelvLy +
endochondral1  nay FA or oatpamh ro lrduow rta?ocneiolr +
endochondral1  or aws ihst a ?omdnar +
taediggity  epTy II teycunpmoes rseev as het tems clle erp,ssorrcu t/uwo toesh ur'eyo remo ro lsse :eudfck AF 2200 gp 166 +4

Quoting Dr Sattar, if an injury or cut is too deep so as the regenerative/stem cells are removed/damaged - then healing can only occur by repair. Thus, in this case, the stem cells of the lung aka Type 2 pneumocytes reside in the basement membrane - so, injury to basement membrane would damage type 2 pneumocytes and would NOT allow restoration of normal lung architecture. That's why maintenance of basement membrane integrity is the most important determining factor to distinguish whether tissue will heal by regeneration (restore normal architecture) or repair (fibrosis/scarring). Same concept can be applied to skin (basal cells) and intestines (crypt cells).

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Yuo hvae to hitnk tboua it sthi w:ay the setenmab mrbeeman si eth nadifcsfog“l” on ihcwh a[isotrevr]et inagehl So, sy,e emts slecl pyte( II c)epteuomyns lduow be ldvievon in that lnhaige srepsoc but hety ’dlnouct orserte eht alornm tecraeicuhtr “n(o srnoli”eiatba)m uiwttoh het tsnlo’ek‘e fo eth temsbena nbmmaere lltnieg thme ehrwe ot g,o in what ntordceii to wrg,o ciwhh wya si ”,“pu If the nseetbam raeembmn is rd,otyseed ouy acn llsit etg liga,hne but it n’wto be iorzdgean gieahnl -- ltil’ eb rszadneidiog gnel,hai hiwhc dose tno appera sa oanmrl i.uests ze(rgdisoinDa eniglha is rtetbe tahn no iah,elng tub ttuiwoh a MB, het eggantenrrei elcsl nto’d have ayn rcd”ie“toin nda fretehroe nat’c streroe eth orlamn )rttci.reehcua

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drdoom  by "ovtrrtiees"a i anem gnhleia hwchi eerrssot the suvoepir na(d lm)rano ustesi crheitr.uecat orf atth ot a,enhpp yuo nede na aittnc emebtnsa eeanrm!mb +2
nwinkelmann  ,Yes stih a eartg ausmyrm to the opts yb bbbeu@ls nda hte cralite he opdts!e ohnAret awy ot htnki fo het tosiqnue is tno, hwta saucse rpreai, btu what escusa rrvbisileeer inysjro/frsuib.i Ttah ciletra eexpadlin an nmterxeeip taht dhweos FT-tabeG swa rsynscaee to inttiaei ris,sbfoi but fi BM asw niattc adn ebTFtG-a swa rdv,oeem eth rosiibsf dti'dn psersi,t ..ei nictat BM is oveecttrpi nsiagat a.e-TtFGb .nh:pi.ep2sogttlsi46lht.Ccmww/n/a/Pb5/2cvwrmciM4/1.n/ +1

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submitted by shaydawn88(8)
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I dwlou ntkih oitonsrule eosivnlv het tsem slecl tpye( II pmc)eut.osnye sI the icatnt ebetnmas bmnaemer het raswen asbeuec it msitli epdsr?a

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aesalmon  I olwdu loas ekil ot wkno if ynaeon cna wnrsae this sqoitnue - I saw it as a tataSr "noe yd,a oen ,ewke neo onmht" idkn fo eu.sqotin tsI bbayrpol yrev ispmle tbu I isltl on'dt egt it +
bubbles  I oedpst a new etmnomc ineln:ipgax tbsaeemn embnrmae negyttiri is het tgnsoetsr eiettndnmra of llfu xf cvoyreer foongilwl ylurpamno ntlisu :) +5
drdoom  uoY evah to kihnt oubta ti tihs wy:a het nteambes menemrba si teh sa”ifno“fdglc no ihwhc trs]taireve[o ehalign ucor.cs o,S es,y stem slcle ypt(e II uye)cstmonep wodul eb ivnvolde in htat hinagle eocspsr utb ehyt otnluc’d soeterr teh ml**rnao artreictuhec o“n( )rineta”sioablm ihotwut teh let’‘keons of teh benasetm baremmne tienlgl ehtm rhewe to g,o in wath nreodiitc to ow,rg which way si u“p”, cet. fI hte msatbnee nemamreb is e,osdyterd ouy nac sllit egt lahi,nge ubt ti ’tonw be zradogein lngheia -- ’tlli be dasn*rizeogi*d liga,hen wichh osde otn paprae sa nlmaro ueits.s (nzagoirsiedD ineglah is etrteb anht on n,ieaglh ubt iwoutht a B,M teh reatnneeggri sclle d’otn hvea yna riedtno“”ic dna eorerefth nc’at etrsoer het rlnaom cuateerhirc.t) +9
nwinkelmann  s,Ye shti a etarg asrumym to het sopt yb s@bbuebl nad het etailcr he spoe!td hAotern wya to kinth of teh eusioqnt is ot,n tawh csuesa arr,iep tub thaw sacsue ieilvsrreebr yrifrsonjsbi/i.u hTta alirect exipdnlae na menexierpt tath eoswdh a-FbTGte aws nsacyrese to eitaitni ir,sfbiso tbu fi BM saw tncait nad T-aFtebG saw m,oevdre het iofssbir ndid't psit,esr .i.e nctita BM si rttepcveoi tsgaina bTGaF-.te 6.carthsCbg21np4/sPwvceiwMt/ptl4in/lm/./cwi.h5m/:.no2 +

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submitted by ls3076(92)
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can onneya ipxelna hwy ()D lpstaaaeim si trceiro?nc

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angelaq11  scbaeeu lapamsaiet lodwu be a tonnmfstaariro fo eth mnalro eecaurthctir of the eysrtproiar iuihepmetl to eno tath deos not oelgnb rh,tee ni sosepnre ot cnhrcoi itr.ortaiin hsTi nmaow adh cccooenamupl oanempuni ahtt asw ctoryrlce a(nd I rdea ysa oppm)ltry ,ateetrd os seh fdesefru an etacu rahret ahtn a cornich n.stlui +
blueberrymuffinbabey  ubcesae ietpsaalam ts'ni how eth oalmnr ohentrnlgne/igeaiear nesosepr hppnaes in teh .vlaieol the tepy 2 yoenecupstm esvre sa tsem scslosperrlruec/ ot otbh eypt 1 dna 2 ympucoetsne os eht rernnoiegeta is nto aital.peams +1

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