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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#47 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Maintenance of basement membrane integrity 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by bubbles(79)
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snteBaem eernmamb tretigiyn si eth nietatemdnr fo flul ulgn eyrveorc ofnlgilow yanpulmro is.ltun


(1) sslo of bnatmese abnremme ttyergiin is rtaicicl in rinigmtedne teh oitpn“ of on ,trrnu”e adn cnbtrtoseiu to teh iylinabit to ietessbhlra aonrlm ugln etrcetihuarc itwh ornoimtop fo fbs;oisri

)2( ssol fo ilealhietp ll,sce oelhetidaln lc,els and snaebetm ermmbane ttreinigy in uusla lritnsatieti nimapeuno daotescsia hwti cpidoiahit lumopnary fbsoiirs dleas ot reydsedto guln iutaererccht nda ueaeltprp ;srfsbiio

()3 nrftominsrag ohrwgt -acβfotr si esaryc,esn btu not yernietl itfn,icusef ot eomoprt rmnepenat io;sbfrsi

4() rsnteitspe /irn/tigayeinnjtaurrtin is cicrlita ofr eth aiortngopap of ;sibofsir

()5 hiicptiado arnlmypou rssiibof si an lepexma of a spcsroe deelrat ot eht tneesiscerp fo an ntag”s(,)en“i iohcrcn ftnmmoi,lania and fossbi;ir dan

)(6 euniqu cllse era iclatrci aclulrle elsryap ni the liaoregntu of bsfiois.r

ti:n tioacci//Cp/mgs22./1.n:m5ot//lp.4tlcwwnracb6t.hwMhevii4Pns

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kernicterusthefrog  ovlLye +
endochondral1  any AF ro amtoaph or uolrdw tonrlr?iceoa +
endochondral1  ro aws tsih a m?nroda +
taediggity  Tepy II euocsytmnpe vsere sa the semt ecll srsor,cuerp tuwo/ sehto oury'e roem ro ssle ceuk:df FA 0220 gp 616 +4

Quoting Dr Sattar, if an injury or cut is too deep so as the regenerative/stem cells are removed/damaged - then healing can only occur by repair. Thus, in this case, the stem cells of the lung aka Type 2 pneumocytes reside in the basement membrane - so, injury to basement membrane would damage type 2 pneumocytes and would NOT allow restoration of normal lung architecture. That's why maintenance of basement membrane integrity is the most important determining factor to distinguish whether tissue will heal by regeneration (restore normal architecture) or repair (fibrosis/scarring). Same concept can be applied to skin (basal cells) and intestines (crypt cells).

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Yuo aveh ot tinkh abuot it tsih ywa: eht sbetenma enmaembr is the ofil“sd”gafcn on hihcw ]rev[tiatoers egalhin r.ccuos ,So eys, emts clsel pet(y II eyos)ecunpmt oldwu be odienlvv in ttha iglahen ocsrspe btu eyht ’utdlonc oetersr eth oalmnr rrcuatctehei no“( rlsba”ai)intoem ohutwit hte ‘stekne’ol of teh nmbetsae namremeb geltiln hemt rwhee to ,go in thwa deiinoctr ot rowg, hcwhi wya is “u,”p c.te fI the basnemet bermaemn is do,edystre you anc lslti etg ah,negil ubt ti nwot’ eb grznaioed algnhie -- l’lit eb ngdsoizearid aengi,lh ihwhc dseo otn areppa sa namlro sueits. gDzasnrodi(ie helngia si ebtetr than on iehln,ga tub htitouw a B,M teh reegagnentir escll t’don ahve ayn iercd”ont“i nda freeetohr cant’ esetrro the lnrmao ttci.aurhceer)

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drdoom  yb rv"tso"erteai i anem ehglani hciwh reesotrs teh ivuperos an(d nrm)loa usesti atue.chcrrtei rof htat ot nph,aep uoy ende an ittanc enbesmat eermmnab! +2
nwinkelmann  sYe, stih a tegra rysamum to hte tsop yb @beslubb nad eht cerlati eh dpts!eo rAhteno way ot inhtk of eth oqunstie is o,nt waht assuec arr,pei but twha asceus rreelersviib uis.iny/isrojfrb taTh atrceil nexipalde an perenxtmei hatt edsowh GeTFatb- saw esyescran to aeiiittn sofb,riis btu fi BM asw ctiant dan b-eFtGaT swa rmoevd,e eht ifbrisso id'dtn t,ipsers .e.i cintta MB si vtietceopr gsiaatn ta.bTF-Ge /lc1/6.w5p2oic./tibtMwwnspr42:mht/.cC/ilPhmev/.nsan4g +1

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submitted by shaydawn88(8)
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I wdolu nihkt oerslniuto sioevvnl the tsem lslec ypte( II eu.ns)cetpyom sI the aittcn bastemen enbemarm teh nawesr uaebcse it timlsi pae?dsr

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aesalmon  I wluod slao kiel ot nkwo if nnyaoe nac wraesn ihts euiqostn - I asw ti as a tStraa "neo ad,y oen w,kee noe homtn" kdin fo s.tequnio sIt bolbaryp yrev silpem ubt I lstil d'not get ti +
bubbles  I opstde a nwe tcmneom xpig:nilnae mabeenst mbanemer tniryteig is hte rsestgtno irtanntmdee of flul fx oyrveecr lgoonwilf nrmyuaplo ltinus ): +5
drdoom  oYu haev ot hitnk tboau it hsti awy: hte asnmteeb emnmbear si eth fngosca”lfd“i on iwhch voteae[rtir]s giehanl ,So s,ye tsme slcle (pyet II umcesye)pont ouwld be dionvevl in atth lihnega spersco tbu htye oucldnt’ rroetse hte m*rol*an ieeturccthra “(no nl)ate”rbmoisai oittuwh eht eko‘nltse’ of eht eanmetsb enmarmbe lnlteig meth where ot ,go in atwh tiiercndo to gorw, iwchh awy is u“”p, .ect fI eth ebnaemts abneremm si r,ddesoety uoy nac lsilt gte age,ilnh utb it otw’n eb ginzdoaer aihngel -- i’llt be oeaigrzidsdn** ,elnihag hihcw seod otn raappe as alnrmo e.tiuss D(drsaingzioe aeighnl si bterte hant on gn,ehail utb hwutoti a MB, hte tgrernaigeen llces dtn’o vhea yna t”eoidrnci“ adn fretoreeh nc’ta errtseo het lmrnoa e.trhui)ecrtac +9
nwinkelmann  Y,es itsh a regta uysrmam to het stop by ue@bsblb dna teh laciert eh pod!ste ehorAnt ywa ot nhtik fo the isuneqto is nt,o wath ecuass repir,a tbu thwa ssuace rbvlieisreer sobiriri.yujsfn/ taTh rtealci aeedilpxn an npemeietxr ttah whedos TbaGFet- aws earnesycs to ntateiii o,issbrfi but fi BM aws ctnita dna taeF-bTG saw oe,vdmre hte ibrfsois itdn'd rests,ip .ie. tcaint BM is tcrepvoeit gaatins T-etG.baF 2nmhmtwns/6w/saw2vbheg://ilPt.Mtn1r.i4.cpi/C5pl4cc/.o +

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submitted by ls3076(92)
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nca eannoy epaixln wyh )(D eaitasmlpa si tcocnrre?i

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angelaq11  aeebucs msiplataae wdolu be a ooifsrratamnnt fo the armnol ueitachctrer fo eht eprsyrairot euthliepim ot eon atht edos nto nlbgeo trh,ee ni sensproe ot hrnoicc itair.roint isTh nomaw adh cnlcoaocepmu onanpumei that aws lcrteryco dan( I reda sya ply)rmtop ter,taed so ehs dserfuef na uceta trrhae ahtn a onchrci n.iltus +
blueberrymuffinbabey  acbeuse ltasapmeai sit'n owh teh mlroan naeiegntegelrirnha/o nsepesro ahspnpe ni het .alviloe the epty 2 meteynpoucs ersev as tmes lslrcrespueo/csr to tohb epty 1 nad 2 nsutyempcoe os het troeegnnraie si ont msatiaeal.p +1

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