Quoting Dr Sattar, if an injury or cut is too deep so as the regenerative/stem cells are removed/damaged - then healing can only occur by repair. Thus, in this case, the stem cells of the lung aka Type 2 pneumocytes reside in the basement membrane - so, injury to basement membrane would damage type 2 pneumocytes and would NOT allow restoration of normal lung architecture. That's why maintenance of basement membrane integrity is the most important determining factor to distinguish whether tissue will heal by regeneration (restore normal architecture) or repair (fibrosis/scarring). Same concept can be applied to skin (basal cells) and intestines (crypt cells).
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I wdolu nihkt oerslniuto sioevvnl the tsem lslec ypte( II eu.ns)cetpyom sI the aittcn bastemen enbemarm teh nawesr uaebcse it timlsi pae?dsr
nca eannoy epaixln wyh )(D eaitasmlpa si tcocnrre?i
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