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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old man comes to the physician ...
C7 nerve root 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by paulm(9)
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Per dolUrW DI( 35155)

eTh 7C oort si hte mtso uletfrnqey feftecad verne root ni antpteis wtih vclceari otcula,rdyaihp nelgrutsi in eiitdcfs asrocs het idmane and airdal renve isitbtri.nduos

igtnlig"n steoasinn of gires"nf → dimnea vener

ce"rptis mluces xrelef is dsrad"eece → darlai renve

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carmustine  nhAreot pmairttno cdniaionit atth tish ioneslvv eth diemna enrev is teh ewaseksn ni ionpo.nart oPnintoar of eht roremfa si emfrredop by teh rtopnrao eerts and het oapnrtro usr,auqatd otbh of whchi rae dnnaiteevr yb eht imdena ner.ev +4

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submitted by mcl(671)
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arooPtnr etesr adn tadquusra aer bhot dpispleu yb ieadnm evenr ,61/(//T5C87C/CC so ah'stt tno spuer uelphf).l eitnosxnE of eht rarofme is aiadrl enver al(os CT5,1- olas not hpf.)lelu Tish seod ltle us is it 'atnc be idestaol neiamd ro .rialda cipseTr dtonne elefrx is ,C7C/8 hhiwc arrsnow ti down ot etehs o.wt

Cna noynea naxpile why ts'i 7C voer C8?

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joha961  eSma t.esnuiqo wHo loduc yuo nemetried tneeweb the pecscifi vneer otosr (C7 .vs )?8C +2
mcl  eoeomSn I aws angtilk to a(nd opts )eblwo wsa angyis htat fsirt iad omitnsne ierstpc si 7,C so 'thats athw dl'vhsueo bnee hte gbi hnitg orf us. +4
joanmadd  uyo mihgt ees mose ralun nevre vmlnveoietn fi C8 aws vloevdni ehr +1
passplease  btu eh has egezarilend lntniggi hciwh si in bhto nraul dan idanem ?noisegr +
chaosawaits  ,losA C7 is eht smto cnoomm fdceatef erevn o.rot If t'is a cioche ebewten 7C dan ngeohstim esl,e go twih C7 awlyas esunsl uoy can lndievyifite rvpoe 'its to.n +
freemanpeng  I hctnki sti' teh .lgoietyo lenSgi 7C e-Cveolnlriai--cs- yoc(hstMladuaitrpo oocmnm n:oe C6-76 oc ;)Nsdi uchs htgin as Slgeni C8 oe.nsil taylluAc emro 8C dan T1 nsoilo(eewrL r)untk +1

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submitted by oslerweberrendu(4)
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rncdAgcio ot ,wUdrlo DQI: 71791 7C teymoom si nedvliov in owleb .sx esonnoLiteok klie it le!tsest

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submitted by welpdedelp(270)
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oS I ktihn htta suise of rtsiw tnxneeios /adnor efrgni odrp dwlou eb more ladria r,Hoevwe there swa omer poilarmx saseen,kw so it dulwo eb .7C

-"78 aly tmhe th",rtigas hte tp ucdotl'n y"al ehmt sth"tragi os ti wdolu be C7 rtoo

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welpdedelp  *sA an t,adiniod adeinm evern oenvenmtivl wuold vhae dlaeen orem oartdw C8 tanh C.7 +11
meningitis  Do ouy ahev yomaren fslueu omicmnnse orf bcrahlai sle?pxu +
henoch280  AF pg 944 orf mmceonnis +
winelover777  Deton's look ikle hetre aer myan ni AF 2019. S1/S2 - lBkcue my soh.e 4L/3L - Shut teh .doro /C6C5 - cPki up skts.ic +
drzed  S4-S2 espke the sepni off the olrof :) (rtseacmer exlr)ef +
peridot  'Wshat zayrc @dezdr si ahtt in AF 1920 it ayss 2L1-L ectist("els m)ve"o on 94.p8 so I rwdoen fi thta dgahenc +

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submitted by obliviondo (1)
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rdcocingA to AF 2901 Ticper xfReel si deeitmda yb C6, sye C6 ONT ,8C nda C7 I[n L,DOB yinpgmil it si rmoe a.rn]ptimto

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peridot  hsiT is no p9.84 of AF 9102 fro noayne uorscui +
thatmd  FA 1220 pg 726 hvae 7C in dobl orf ctripse eexrlf +

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submitted by delamj(3)
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yM gthtuoh ersocps no thsi ietu:snqo

  • enkassew fo mar ntoeexsni nad ontanorip = sosudn leki unoceutoaslsucum renev (-CC57)

  • srpceTi ttchrse relxef -7)C(C;8

eloRtu:su sipc Be is -C56C so /ro 6.C C8 t'snode tfi ussnectuoumolauc eucsml oiasntc tacnoi os /or C.6 dinaeM adn aRdlai ensvre aveh teffndrei cselum asctoin os r/o hesot sa ewll, vaeilng tujs C7 tbes nttifgi teh .itngvete

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delamj  8C osdetn' fit oostleumccsauunu sulmec soincat oncati os r/o 8**.C +1
lsp1992  I nthki yuo vaeh hte cntfunoi of the tuaoccmunsoeusul rnvee g.rwon sloauMocucutsun sev'rne ootmr unfnioct si ilexofn scpb,ie( icaarsbhli adn hhaaic)blcscirroao nda .uaotpiinns cunausselctuoMou cstiudnfnyo luodw asuce kawesens fo iolxfen nda atiiun.pson a skeWsen fo xeosetnin odwul be liadar .erevn saWesnke of toinaponr uwold eb mienad +1

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submitted by azibird(279)
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reHe si a rpta fo hte dorWlU etabl tubao icrlcvea aiilrcpshoedtua. nAd eys yhte ddi sya ttha C7 is eth msto eeyturlqnf vdveilon. I inthk teh nrseaw is tath C6 uldwo nioevvl eht cep,sib 8C dlowu niovlev het frg,esin dna anoipnotr si deamin So it sha ot be .C7


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submitted by magrufnis(0)
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m’I endcofsu uoabt isht n.eo Wsesneka fo nneoetisx nad pnnaoirot fo hte ighrt a,rmfoer htwi a eceseddra ricespt euscml tretcsh r.eelxf heT raswen saw 7C erevn or,ot btu woh aer yuo abel to ilalczoe to 7C dna tno 6C or ?C8 I deruifg ttah nxeisonet is laiadr, -C15,T dan taoinporn si im,neda lsoa T1-5.C Tpisecr xefler is 87CC- 2A1F9(0 ayss -67)C.C How oldwu oyu wroarn wond to ujts 7C ?agdaem

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txallymcbeal  My 18A20F ash ”7C“ ,dlbeod neanimg it si eth amni enrve .otro uBt I lsoa otg hsti one wngor so I cta’n be hmcu lpeh essebdi htt.a +1
mnemonia  nsleHyot just a sgesu tub I aveh htsi gauve dgterasiunnnd taht ciisintrn adnh eumslsc ear 18TC- os we tg’vemhi epedecxt mero anhd tmoor infndsig sa elwl with a 8C ios.len +5
theecohummer  I wnerodra it ndow to 7C gisun eth cfat ttah eht C7 yomomet is obwel I alos aednerl htat eht 7C ervne otro saw teh mnai totibruconr ot teh prisetc TRD so I ujts wetn htwi ttha. +
mchu21  hyTe aosl ntoneemdi ttha hte eporsn hda neeskasw nagonrpit eth ghrti faorerm ihhwc si redreofmp yb eht .pbesci siBpec si neaendvtri by teh cuusneolmuauocts nevre hihwc is -5C7C adn t'thas hatw eehpdl me kpic 7C > C8. +4
mcl  ryro,S I tohhtug teh sceipb wsa a truosipna fo eth r?eoamfr +16
henoch280  esy.. sit het tsruiaopn ont trooaprn +

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submitted by feanor(2)
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hTe C7 enevr rtoo is in ldbo on g94Pe.4a FA 2081 ni eht eipcrT frelex rol,sotte T'htsa uhngeo for me .llo hiTs tmghi nosud a tib tendalcoa ubt I rerbmeme aniregd osmheweer thta ewvehern C8 or 1T sgoe eht itnisrinc esmlucs fo the nahd era lasway e.tdeefcf

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submitted by madamestep(17)
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"Teh xflreo rugpo of sslmeuc is lviveodn ni potnaoirn fo eth afmorre dna infxleo of hte tiswr dan gfneir,s ehlwi eht eertxnso opgur fo smcelsu si loednviv in eht uspoiitnan fo the reromfa dan neeoixsnt fo the irwst nad "ifr.gsne

mrFo ssAmob

easWnkse fo sxntnieoe lai(Rad n) nad itnnoprao eMaid(n .)n

C6 ameadg ldwuo iegv uyo MC igss.n 8C wdulo giev oyu lnaur ni.ssg C7 egos ot aindMe nad l.aRadi

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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Pre Waiidepki: hTe tprsiec exlr,ef a deep tnodne lf,erex si a rxlfee sa it etsliic ntranluoyvi nticnatoorc fo eth icsrpet hbicari scm.lue tI is eiidttina yb hte varcClie of( hte eknc einrg)o plasni vrnee 7 rvnee rtoo (eht lsmal mtngsee fo teh vener atth srgeeem form eht aiplsn c)dro. ehT exrfle si dsetet as prat of eht corouglnalie eiaximonatn to essass eht noersys and omort hpatayws tnhiiw hte 7C dna C8 pislan .eesvnr

Aosl, mrfo a erfitedfn sw:tiebe ehT cetprsi rlfxee si edmidtae by hte C6 adn 7C nvree ,rsoot nndytrplamoie yb C.7 rhapusnx:rihl/tosoguyn.ufrtedme/eust.ucrfeo/enyi/rllsmpumb..eedem/t/sd.

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this is my way to think(please correct me if it's not correct: a. weakness of triceps muscle reflex --> C6 / C7 / C8 problem (FA P498 2019) b. weakness of extension of the forearm --> radial nerve is involved --> damage of C7 root leads to axillary or RADIAL nerve defect (FA P441 2019)

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