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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old man comes to the physician ...
C7 nerve root 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by paulm(9)
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Per UrWldo ID( 55)135

eTh 7C otro si the otsm ertyfuqenl fetadcef nrvee orot in etinstpa wtih reiclacv tadihoyapr,luc esuitrnlg in sifedict cosasr het aedinm dna aliadr evner

tigl"inng tnisoanes fo rneis"gf → amedni evern

stceipr" sclume exfrel si deraedse"c → aardil nreve

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carmustine  oherntA aitmortnp caniinitod ttah this eovsvlin het dmenia erenv is the awsenske ni ootpin.ran ortniaonP fo eth earofrm is edeporfmr yb teh oorranpt rtsee nda eth ortnapor suta,qadur bhot of iwchh aer vnedatneri yb eht nemiad .ervne +4

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submitted by mcl(671)
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otrornaP rsete nda uutdaarsq rea hbot peisludp by mdanei renev 68CT,//C7C/(/C51 os hastt' not epusr lf.ep)hul snEonitxe of hte aofmrer si iarald eervn also( ,5T1C- laso otn h.fllp)ue iThs sdoe ltel us is ti nac't eb asltiedo eniamd or a.dilar ipscrTe endnto rexfle is C7C/,8 whhic onwarsr ti wnod to eeths .wot

aCn ayneon ixpelna ywh 'sit 7C vroe 8C?

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joha961  aeSm noiueqt.s oHw codlu yuo inreeetdm ebnetew eth sfcicpie nvere oorts C7( v.s C8)? +2
mcl  eoSneom I saw gtakiln to and( ospt l)owbe wsa naiygs thta ftsir iad inmneost reitcps is ,C7 so ah'tts atwh luo'edsvh eenb het gib night fro u.s +4
joanmadd  oyu mtgih see seom aruln envre onemvvteiln if 8C asw vnolevdi ehr +1
passplease  ubt he hsa aeildegzenr nigglint hciwh si in tbho uarln adn mdenai nr?oiges +
chaosawaits  o,slA 7C is teh msot oocnmm cdfeftea evern otor. fI is't a ihcceo ewtbnee 7C dna msteoghni esle, og iwht 7C asaylw unelss uyo acn lyidieevinft eovpr s'it not. +
freemanpeng  I tkchni ist' het tyeologi. nleiSg C7 -nv-lalsC-or-iiece airt(ocodtyuplaMhs momnoc :one -76C6 s;d cNoi) cshu nthig sa inlSge 8C so.inel lyluAcat reom C8 nad T1 Leoenow(rlis rntku) +1

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submitted by oslerweberrendu(4)
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Aidnrcocg ot w,rldoU D:IQ C791177 emtoyom is onvedlvi in wlboe s. neoosneoiLktx keil it l!setste

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submitted by welpdedelp(270)
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oS I hinkt ttah susie of wsrti exsentnio da/orn fnrgei oprd olduw be mreo lraaid .revne Hv,owree rhtee saw oemr mxlpiaro see,kanws so ti ulowd be 7.C

8-7" aly etmh it,sgtar"h the tp 'ulnctod yl"a mteh ghiat"rst so it ouldw eb 7C toro

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welpdedelp  A*s na indti,doa edmian nreev vnvolmeneit wludo vhae enaedl eorm raowdt 8C ntah 7.C +11
meningitis  Do uyo ahev rnmoaey lufues isnmmnoec orf iablrcha ?expuls +
henoch280  AF gp 944 fro cisnmnemo +
winelover777  Dtenos' kloo like eerth are nmay ni FA 910.2 /SS12 - ekBcul ym ohe.s /4L3L - utSh eth doo.r CC65/ - Pcki up .kitssc +
drzed  4S-2S skpee eht spein off teh ooflr ): rcrme(tsae rexelf) +
peridot  'aWsht ycarz @rdedz is atth ni FA 9120 it syas -L1L2 l"(eicssett "mo)ev on 4.98p os I enwdor if thta egdcanh +

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submitted by obliviondo (1)
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dcngciAor to AF 1290 epcriT lRexfe si taededmi yb 6,C sye 6C NTO ,8C adn C7 n[I D,BOL yliignpm ti si omer ni]tparmto.

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peridot  ishT is no 8.49p of AF 1029 rof eanoyn suciour +
thatmd  AF 2210 gp 276 veah 7C ni dbol rfo ciperst frexel +

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submitted by delamj(3)
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yM thgthuo opssrce on this eqtnsoi:u

  • sewknsea fo arm exnetnois adn opanonitr = usdons ikle uolnscomaecusuut vener ()C57-C

  • sieTpcr sthecrt reelxf (7)8-;CC

Ru:lustoe esiB cp si C-C65 os or/ 6.C 8C 'osetnd tfi tuscouulecsnmoua eslmcu niosatc ictnoa so ro/ C.6 edainM and aRdlai nersve vhea nfierfetd slmuce cnoisat so ro/ toesh as ewl,l vinlega tsuj C7 etbs itnitfg the

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delamj  8C nodt'es tfi oacmsunoesluucut eusmcl atnsico tonaic os ro/ **.C8 +1
lsp1992  I nhikt yuo hvae the nuiftcon of hte oussaeltuuncumoc ernve ogrwn. colsuunatuosMcu evsre'n rmtoo ntcuonif si eixnolf ,cb(spei icirsaahbl adn h)oclarbicacaoihsr adn itupnason.i sclooacuunseMtuu nsyoictfdnu wlduo aeusc enssakwe of exlfoin nad pnausitoni. eWkne sas of oxnsietne dwlou eb ladair .vreen aensksWe fo ipnonrtoa lowdu be imnead +1

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submitted by azibird(279)
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eerH si a prta of hte rWldUo blate autbo vlrceica edhoctiplr.aauis And yse hyet idd asy ttha C7 is eth osmt feqrtlyeun dnovel.iv I itnkh het nswrae is htta 6C udlow lvoveni eth ,biscep C8 udowl vivloen eht fensigr, nad otorpnani is nmdiae oS ti sah to be 7C.


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submitted by magrufnis(0)
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m’I csoendfu aobtu thsi Wasnskee of enotsnexi dan opaoinntr of teh ghrti feor,arm hitw a aedserdce pscrtie lumcse sttcher x.rlfee ehT neswar swa 7C eenvr o,ort but ohw are you abel ot icolleza ot C7 dna nto 6C or C8? I fgdruie atth eioetsnnx is aaldi,r 1-T,5C nad iapotornn is ia,dnme saol C-5.T1 isTprce rlfeex si C7-C8 1F290(A yssa C)67C-. owH lduwo ouy wrraon dnwo to tusj 7C ae?dmga

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txallymcbeal  yM A12F80 sha ”C7“ dlodbe, ningema ti is hte mina nerev o.ort Btu I osla tog isth oen ogwnr so I ’antc be uhmc hpel sesidbe a.tth +1
mnemonia  entosylH stuj a ssegu btu I ehva stih agveu sdnnretngiuad atht cniitsnri dnha sumlsce rea T1C8- os ew hgevitm’ tpexceed omer hnad tomor nndgifsi as llew twih a 8C osi.enl +5
theecohummer  I eowrrdna ti ndow ot 7C ignus eth ftca htat teh 7C temooym si lwoeb neon.tixse I aols naedlre ahtt teh C7 vener otor wsa eht anim iubtoortcnr to eth iptecsr RTD os I tsju ntwe hwti atth. +
mchu21  yheT laos diotemnen taht het pnroes dha ksensaew ntgapnrio the hgirt mfarreo hhcwi si mroeefdpr by teh cebip.s sicepB si rnitenaevd by hte uontculmeuacosus nveer hhicw si CC57- dan sa'tth tawh lepdhe em ckip 7C > 8.C +4
mcl  r,rSyo I htuhgto teh bcspei asw a rnoaitups fo the e?foarrm +16
henoch280  .se.y tsi hte oasirpntu ton arrtnoop +

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submitted by feanor(2)
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heT 7C enrev rtoo is in bodl no Pa4e.49g FA 8201 ni hte cpTeri lfrxee troseo,tl T'shta nhgeuo fro em lol. ihsT ihgtm nsduo a itb edoltcnaa ubt I emrbmeer dgiaenr mrweeseoh htat eevernwh 8C ro T1 osge the iiitrnncs lussemc fo teh dnah aer waalys d.eftefce

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submitted by madamestep(17)
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ehT" xrfoel opurg of msluesc is oelnvivd ni naoitpnor of het rfmeroa dna oefnlxi of eth witsr nda irnsfeg, hwlie hte xenortse gporu fo cumsles is donvveil in hte naiistuonp fo the mfrearo dna tisonxnee fo het tirsw adn sgi.enfr"

Fmor smobAs

eaesWskn of eixnenost aR(idal )n dan arnotpino a(Miedn )n.

6C eaagmd odwul eigv ouy MC i.nsgs 8C dlouw ivge uyo lruan sn.gis C7 goes to daMnie dna ai.ladR

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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Pre eiiWdakpi: eTh crepits e,fxrel a deep notedn erlfe,x si a xleref sa it ilcsite nyntaiolruv actcrononti fo the eitcsrp iirbahc smcuel. tI si tiienaitd by hte vcraCile fo( eth cenk nrigeo) apinsl evenr 7 evren root et(h smlla megtesn fo eth erven thta emergse frmo eth nlapis r).odc heT feerxl si ttesde sa rtap fo het lilorgucaeno ieamntixoan to sessas eth osensry and tromo aaytphsw ithniw teh 7C adn C8 ailpsn neesr.v

,Aosl ofrm a etefirfdn sit:bwee heT pcierst xfeler is tdaieedm yb teh 6C dan C7 evrne ot,osr ylmtndoripnea by .C7 doedyurell///lmeuthuxnfri/os.stentmeh/u.ieger.utpsfnuocsearbspdmy.:mr/.

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this is my way to think(please correct me if it's not correct: a. weakness of triceps muscle reflex --> C6 / C7 / C8 problem (FA P498 2019) b. weakness of extension of the forearm --> radial nerve is involved --> damage of C7 root leads to axillary or RADIAL nerve defect (FA P441 2019)

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