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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old man comes to the physician ...
C7 nerve root 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by paulm(9)
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Pre rolUdW I(D 55153)

hTe 7C root si eth msto ytqnurlefe fectfeda ervne toor ni nasiettp itwh lricecav houip,tcyadlra suirgetln in diitcfse sarsoc het emniad dna ilrdaa nerve iri.nuitbstosd

glnt"igni anteiossn fo s"fnegir → idamen eenrv

i"pretsc eclsum eexrfl is s"eedcrade → adialr veenr

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carmustine  nehrtoA opiamttrn ticinondia htta itsh vovseinl eht anidme envre is eth weeasskn ni nortaiPon fo eht foemrra si odrfepmer by eth rnortaop esrte nad het aotprnro a,rdsaqtuu obht of hwihc rea vrntaenide by eth iemadn .venre +4

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submitted by mcl(670)
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onPotrra erset nda qtaauurds rae hbto pelsidpu yb indaem eevnr /C//8(CT/C71,6C5 so asht't tno usrpe hl.lfe)up ieEtsonxn fo the moerafr is rildaa vnree s(alo T1,-C5 aosl ont llehup).f sTih osde llet su si it tnac' eb eadtlois iedanm ro rai.dal pTsecir entnod eelfxr is 8,7CC/ hichw narsowr ti dwon to esteh otw.

anC yenano aexlipn yhw t'si C7 vroe 8C?

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joha961  mSea on.eiusqt Hwo olucd ouy dteremnei tebenew eht eccfisip vneer rotos 7(C v.s C)8? +2
mcl  eoeSmon I swa nktgali to d(an psto eb)lwo swa isyagn thta rfits ida nntsmoei prescit si ,7C so hstta' hatw svulehdo' eenb het big nigth ofr .us +4
joanmadd  you tmhgi ees meos rnaul evnre tvnivneolem fi C8 wsa dvionlev her +1
passplease  utb he ahs ieelnazdrge tiiglnng wihch is ni htbo nrula and deanim sn?ioger +
chaosawaits  l,osA C7 is teh toms omcmno fcadefet nvere fI i'ts a ceoich tebwnee C7 and hgitmsone e,les og iwht C7 ywalas sulsne uyo nac tyiildivfene pveor ts'i +
freemanpeng  I hitkcn ist' eht inlgeS C7 olei--Csvl-ner-cia pdhuyisroottaalM(c mcmoon o:ne -667C );cdsi oN usch tignh sa gnielS 8C .esilon lltucayA oerm 8C dan T1 seiLrew(onlo ku)ntr +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by oslerweberrendu(4)
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odcrcnigA ot rUold,w QDI: C797711 yotmeom is voielndv ni lbweo so.x ktiesoenonL ilke it sesel!tt

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by welpdedelp(270)
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oS I khnit atht uisse of irwst eisonentx roa/dn niefgr pdro dulwo be erom ilaadr nerv.e ,evHoewr eerth wsa emor oapirmlx as,eknsew so it odulw eb 7C.

"78- lya meth ishag,tt"r eth pt utlnocd' yal" ehmt ih"atsgtr os it uwlod eb C7 otor

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welpdedelp  A*s na ,tdianiod ndmiae rneev vtveeoinmln oludw eavh neaeld ermo dratow 8C nath C.7 +11
meningitis  oD ouy heva yemraon sefluu esmcnniom fro braaclih ?epslxu +
henoch280  AF pg 449 for oimmencns +
winelover777  Dt'snoe oolk kile htree rae yman in AF .9012 1S/S2 - eklBcu ym s.oeh 43LL/ - uhSt eht ordo. /C65C - ikcP pu ktsis.c +
drzed  4S-S2 pseek teh pneis ffo hte rfolo :) (ceerrsmta ler)xef +
peridot  Wa'hts yczra ddzre@ si htta in AF 9201 ti yssa L21L- leeti("ssct )ve"mo no 94.p8 os I wdnroe if ttah gchdnea +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by obliviondo (1)
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rcicgonAd to AF 0192 recpiT eeflxR si dieaetmd by C6, yes 6C ONT ,C8 nad C7 [nI OLD,B inyimpgl ti is reom amro.i]ttnp

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peridot  hisT si on 984p. fo AF 2019 ofr noynae siocuru +
thatmd  FA 1202 gp 672 heva C7 in dbol rof rtpscie exfelr +

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submitted by delamj(3)
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My htthguo esrpcos no thsi qoes:iunt

  • wneseksa fo mra snxineeto dna inpaotrno = uodssn elki unescusmaltuuoco vrene 5CC-7()

  • iprcTse ethcstr xeerlf 87)CC-;(

Relts:ouu pB scie is 5-CC6 os /or 6C. C8 notdes' fit amcucunooesuutsl smeluc tiancos otnaic so o/r C.6 dMneai adn Radali evrsne heva dneffiret sucelm acsntoi so o/r esoth sa llw,e aeinlgv sjut C7 setb fittgin teh negvtti.e

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delamj  8C endtso' itf nemuutsalusoccou eclums isanoct ntaico so or/ C**8. +1
lsp1992  I inhkt uyo hvea the nuiontfc fo the usclcemasuoontuu evner won.rg tsculoua uMncsou vesr'ne otmro nfiucnto is leiofnx s(iceb,p cbailasrhi nda iia)ahhccooarblscr dan uuatulsonusMecoc iuscoytdnfn loduw caesu nsskaeew fo xfolein dan ea esnskW fo extoiesnn dolwu be aaldri even.r nseWskae fo otnnapiro wduol eb inadme +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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ereH is a aprt of eht UdlWro eablt uobta vecaclri astp.deurhaiiocl dAn sey yeht ddi ysa tath C7 is teh msto ueytefnqlr vd.ilneov I knhit eht arnesw is ttha 6C uwodl elonivv hte scpe,bi 8C wlodu noveilv hte inre,sfg nda tpinornoa is midena eevnr. So it has to be C7.


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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by magrufnis(0)
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’Im uodcfnse auobt tsih kssenWae of sniexoetn adn atnioonpr of eht rihgt o,mrfrea wiht a rddceeaes spcrite eucmls tcsehtr xer.fle Teh raenws saw C7 veren ro,to ubt owh era yuo bale ot ecalolzi to C7 dna tno C6 ro 8?C I rieufdg ahtt sneoeinxt si l,daari C51-T, nda opontiarn is i,eanmd aosl .5CT-1 sicTepr erxfel si 87CC- F(09A21 syas .)6C7C- woH loduw ouy wrrano wdon ot jstu 7C aedam?g

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txallymcbeal  My F8120A hsa “”7C lbedd,o nnmagie it is hte ainm eenrv ro.ot uBt I alos ogt ihst neo orgnw so I c’nat eb uhmc help sdsbiee +1
mnemonia  Htsolney utsj a gsseu but I eahv ihts aeguv genarntnidusd atth iisinrnct dahn lumessc aer -C8T1 so ew tv’gmhei tpdexece eomr dahn torom iifngsdn sa lelw itwh a C8 inse.ol +5
theecohummer  I rworedan it nwod to 7C usnig the tcfa hatt eth 7C oyemotm si wobel e.ntoxesni I losa anrdlee atht the 7C enrve toor asw the amin boirttnoucr ot eth tpicrse DTR os I jstu tnwe whit +
mchu21  Teyh laso dmeniteon htta teh seporn dha awsesken trapongni teh hritg earmofr hhiwc is doeprermf yb het bsce.ip psiBec is rentviadne by hte ueouuloctcussamn eenvr cwhhi si -C7C5 and aht'st what ehdelp me ikcp 7C > 8C. +4
mcl  ,roSry I thtoghu eth cepsib swa a rpanoiuts of the reafrom? +16
henoch280  yse.. sit het turoaspin not onrropta +

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submitted by feanor(2)
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heT 7C vener toro is ni bodl no a4e.9P4g AF 8012 in hte iTpecr xelfer ttoesr,ol at'hsT ehnugo fro me .llo Thsi hitgm undso a bit deaaltnoc tbu I ebrermme rdneiag eheroemws thta erenwvhe C8 or T1 eogs het tnicsniri slsumec of het ahnd rae swlaay tec.edeff

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submitted by madamestep(17)
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eTh" elxrof rpgou of mseucsl is evlndvoi ni tinaoornp fo eht mfoarre dna flonixe of het triws adn sf,inegr elwhi teh xerosetn pogru of clmseus is dvliveno in eth putiasonni of eht armeorf nad nxoeitnes fo the tirws and rgefnis."

roFm soAsmb

neaksesW of xntoseine a(lRdai )n dan taorinnpo idMa(en )n.

6C gadmae dwulo eivg oyu MC 8C uldow vieg uoy lunar g.niss C7 esgo ot einaMd nad dliaaR.

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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rPe pia:iikeWd The epcsirt er,lxfe a edpe tonden lxee,rf is a erlefx sa ti lcsieit rnvoylituan nractocnoti of teh pecisrt icbhrai l.cmues It si datiineit by teh irealCcv o(f teh eknc oenrgi) lpnsai enevr 7 nerve roto het( llmas etnsmeg fo hte reevn htta eeegsrm mrof hte pnisla .or)dc eTh erexfl si etdtse as trap fo hte ualgecnoiorl enmxotainai to ssaess hte nessryo dan oomrt sthywapa thniwi the C7 adn C8 lapnsi rvnsee.

Al,so morf a nefitrfde i:ebwset Teh tcpersi elerxf si edtimaed yb teh 6C nad C7 vnree t,roos yemnnlropdait by .C7 .nr.uumorf.e/enntael/uth:.teludiuyr/efic/tgeorhbmdoxpeps/ud/mslsrsyems.

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this is my way to think(please correct me if it's not correct: a. weakness of triceps muscle reflex --> C6 / C7 / C8 problem (FA P498 2019) b. weakness of extension of the forearm --> radial nerve is involved --> damage of C7 root leads to axillary or RADIAL nerve defect (FA P441 2019)

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