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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 21-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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You vhea ot nthik atobu sthi giusn the pncecot fo IATLNOIDOCN TBAIBPLROI.Y torAnhe ywa ot aks ihts yetp of otenuqsi is ilke s:iht I“ swoh uyo a eptnati iwht puontsneosa ihchW hrote tnhgi si tmso ikelly ot be ture oatbu ahtt nos”pr?e rO yuo can hpaers ti stehe yw:sa

  • vineG a INOIDTNCO (tonuopansse eumpon), wtah otreh gdnfini is otsm lklyei to be eth ce?as
  • vGnie a oopl fo pepole ihwt stpenaosuno rmeohpxto,nau twha treho ignth is osmt kllyei ot eb urte atuob the?m

nI thero dorws, fo lal popeel how edn pu twhi sunooeaspnt nuopme, the omts oonmmc ehrto inhgt touab meht si htta thye rea MEAL &a;mp T.IHN

fI I egav ouy a tcebku fo eaopssnuotn oupmne tapisetn -- adn you dcrahee rouy dhan in theer adn depllu eno uot -- hatw eoisrcna owudl be emor conmm:o In royu adhn oyu heva a omreks ro in oyru nahd you veha a hitn a?elm Ist’ the

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someduck3  Is thsi hte tebs oahrpacp ot lal fo het nos"sttgre iesipsrpogdn ksri frta"oc epty u?tenisosq +
drdoom  heTer is a tonw fo 0100, nem. Nnie duhenrd fo tehm orwk sa rwelays. ehT ehtor 100 ear eneesing.r Tom si rmof isth He drise sih kibe ot .okwr nI ish refe mie,t he kslie gonvsil thma lz.zpuse He ubtil sih now etrpucmo. ahtW si oTs'm ptuicoacno mots elyilk to b?e nr:Aswe moT si tmso kielly to eb a !relyaw oD'nt tel issnpamtous cisdartt uoy form hte oermlhigewnv roecf of reseh oratpi!yiblb "vieGn tath Tmo is rmfo siht w,nto shi ostm klilye ictapocuon f(rmo hte lievaalab ta)ad = y"we.lra +4
drdoom  hreeT is a twon of 00,01 upntonossae muepno i.tentasp xSi hdednru era lal,t hint and e.alm heT ehtor 040 ear oesthginm .lsee oTw hdudenr fo hte ,0001 smeok tect.griaes Teh oreth 008 do on.t athW skir catfro si smto lsrongty ctoaasised hitw asoounnsept neou?mp Aesnr:(w toN gibne a okmsr!e ... esecbau out fo 010,0 ,eolepp hte ostm mnmcoo trait si TON giokmsn [008 .m)berse]m +5
impostersyndromel1000  ihts is Ls nhIWt!akD ugy +3
belleng  !fetbauilu ol,sa i nkhti otbua dods tiaor vs. tavieerl artio si ctrvestpoiree of ocselatr-noc tdssiue ot dnif rski aotfcr or oesexpur htta rleoeacstr itwh geatrr traoi of dsaiees. eirltaev kisr si na ientsiotma of dincneiec ni teh tuuerf ehnw olnkiog at nedfrtfie torhco +
drdoom  ioyedoremntpsm@sr I vloe me osem yotaibipbrl adn .stsaciitts Glda ym rtna wsa esuluf P: +
hyperfukus  @mddoro i etah ti wchhi is ywh uyro ntar wsa eeymxrtel sufuel oll i erdaeln a nto ankths do.romd! +1
dubywow  I tchaug eh swa nti.h eTh loyn oneasr I 'ntidd ickp nGeder and oydb sutiabh si eabuesc eh wsa tno loyver altl 5)(.'1"0 I dkalte seflym otu fo ti beeascu I hgutoht hte yodb tbsiuha swa too oma"nrl" ecaebus eh asw ton hbot htin NDA ltal. Gto to ekep nitglle slmyef to nto khnti oot hrda no shete. Tanskh fro teh anxaipton.le +1
taediggity  tI tisn' usjt tath isht ersonp hsa srelEh nolDas and ehte'ry rome rpeon to ounpoaetssn ?u?eonp?m +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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If I eavg ouy a tkbceu fo uanontseops uneopm natpetis -- nad ouy ehacrde uroy adhn in eetrh adn elpdlu oen otu -- htwa neoacisr oudlw eb mreo m:noocm nI uryo andh uyo heav a okmers ro in uory ndha you vhae a thni ?lema ’tsI eht t.etarl

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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hWy snteosa?puno Hse' gaenging ni na citave rsopt ithw na ncsreedia iksr fo cariuatTm .nuiyrj oS we lelrya ujst samseu esh nto injedur aeecsbu eht esmt ntoeds yctledri sya seh' r?njiedu Thsee ussitenqo eald ot oot ynma in( my inio)pno

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nc1992  paeonSsuton epoohrax,nmtu as a nio,ndtcoi is nynciagtfiisl omre lelkyi hnta a cratautim uoatxerhpmno orfm jtsu ubtao ayihngtn tbu a rac acsrh o(k aeybm if eh saw ni a hf)igt. h e T arc arcsh or a ngabibts is losa oemr rbpeobla evlolra ubt 'ehesrt on itpno ni fgniinerr hisgnmteo atth s'nit virddepo +1
nwinkelmann  I pdikce the rcatimtua ynuirj oals. tfAer negidar teehs cmeomnts I okdeol tion it uft.hrer umtariTac poumsen urocc bacseue of tubnl or gentaetrnip schet ta,mrau nda I ufnod tath het CMC omfr of tulnb aaumtr %(;t0&g7) si otomr ehcviel ciaetsnd ahtt acuse tigifcasnin trauam e..i( rbi aser)ctrfu ro eevn albts gotAhhlu it n'dtdi say ether ewre on ehcst wlla rtcfa,ures ta teh mase ietm it did'tn edicaint ayn bir rarcs,tuef ihwch lwodu be tosm ilek ot acesu hte imutcaatr uynirj moepun ni hte teipat'sn aec.s +1
drdoom  heT mste easmk no tninmoe of tr.uaam +
hyperfukus  i sesug hte esius is that you evah ot mussae athw ehyt naem yb et"ogrsnts sgdiopiepnrs ikrs otfarc for shit tian'pset ncoidit"on I kithn ihst is udmb bc eht wnaers si poceelyltm feedtrnif bdsea no htaw ouy rscendio hist ettapisn' NDITC"I"ONO ot e?b eeirht way eh sah a naexmoouptrh so fi oyu naw to kwon tahw adscue htta ist brop him ingbe tvecai or gunibmp otni moseoen tub if yuo deniscor eth olioytge of eht oxhumntopera enht sti het bebl nda taht is mfro hmi negbi a niksyn ksered/uomd i newt ot ihst cb/ s'he olas lnoy 1/05 a'htst otn tlal in ym edha eyth odlcu eahv ebne ricne nda edma mih 1'6 ta al.ost.aes.l i efel ikel i swa a otl of 'qs bkac ni the ayd hwne i sirft denalre iths htiw a anitnroptees of het esropn ilke iirtppgn or hstgnoeim dumb but ythe aylread hda eht bbel dna ehnt gto hte oxnpahteromu +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by cocoxaurus(59)
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Rutepur of raymoupnl elbsb are a mcoonm eaucs of aospsnontue xnoatumehopr ni ugyno tdaul malse hatt rae latl and tnh.i I wnok i'ts loas eotciaasds wtih somnkg,i tub ngerde dna odby iabsuth meesde leki teh oerm ileykl aeswnr ehre ecnis eht tnietap si a oyung lma.e

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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eHe'rs esmo eoemydigpilo ofraomtinni baout taooneusnsp upmone:s eeTrh ear two ndki,s myarirp stopueasnon psonuem )S(PP nad nyasceodr .SS)(P SPsP uorcc ni peolep dgae 302-0 sea,ry hwti a paek deeccniin si in hte leyra 2,0s is yraelr sebreovd in loepep lored ahtn 40 esary, wiht a amle to female raito fo .:6,12 and smot enfuqrlyet rcusco in ,tlal tnih nm,e thuogh mioskng rcnsesaei sirk neve eutr.hfr SPSs cuocr ni nsptitea with ydlirgeunn ugln ditoinoc,sn cush as CldOr/oDeP epsatint. If the n'ptestia dpmagcroeih swa rdloe nad had tyihros fo ugnl ,edeissa btu ttha ta'wsn na iopno,t ethn I ntikh nkmosig udwol eb eht rraeiptappo hiecoc sebauce igsnokm is eth tggbies skir ftarco for lnegnyduir glun ct.ionoinds

raggiRedn teh a,traum urtcmtaia nuiyrj enusmop stom lonmymco uorcc ude to ootmr evlhcie dicsetna rwehe herte si irjnuy (e.i. ertcrufa) to chtes wlla, dna wtih stalb n.ujiesir hthgAlou the eusniqto dnd'ti fseiypc teh shetc lwla swa vdoi fo fa,terusrc it lsao n'tddi say fcaserrut erew sr,tenpe so I hnitk it douwl eb sfae to esmsau htat hte scinoioll iynurj indtd' vaeh enuhgo refco to ucsea the np,moue psacellyei iwht pikgene in dnim het yolepmieidg fo ryrimpa oetsunpoasn m.npoues

tA aslet, thsi si my ohgutht rpeossc agvnih drhcsaeere ti oemr, won.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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ntPeait ahs a tmohahexir + XRC wshso atachre deivaset rostwad het hmeirhoaxt &;--tg stom kleiyl dgoisisan si soosntneupa nhooxepmarut.

yildaigcEepolmiol, nessontopau upoxteorahmn is smot sadtaosice wthi tihn aeslm

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hello  ,itaW eybam tshi si wgonr ?loicg esePla ecortrc em gdrgieanr hte xame fdingins fi e.endde +
hello  Cna cronfmi thta tihs tlaaxpenion si NCERCORTI idrggnear a.rehtac Deradisrg hsti inxtaoalnp.e +

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submitted by its_raining_jimbos(29)
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rweEhryeev I udofn aoUtT(Dep dan lsarvee )prapse iasd het mikongs is teh tbsgegi krsi ftroac rfo tnepoussano ,htumpenaorxo with yobd iuhatbs nad nedger bgnei a erslse iksr. Am I ustj pctyelelom intmeurninsadsgd the tsnouq?ei

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imresident2020  esY nkismgo si a irks afcotr but ont het tebs otniop agmon eth scihceo iengv. cCkhe FA, it asys ttah it crsocu oemr in llat itnh yonug Sokgimn tnsi’ neve ointdnme.e llTa & thin aemls ear erom ta isrk eueacbs yteh vahe rmoe tgnaieev nlrltuarapie echkC Ulwdor ofr h.sti +
drdoom  You eahv ot khint abuot htsi nisug teh cectnop fo CNAIINODTLO BIATPORBLIY. tAnrhoe ayw to ska htis etyp fo iotnsueq is ekil sht:i I“ ohsw you a ptateni twih npastnsuoeo cWhih oehrt night si toms klliye ot eb ture auotb ihst neaptit?” dSai a tidffrene :awy Gnvie a NIONCITOD unesotosanp[ p,mu]neo thwa eohtr ifngndi is most lkeliy ot be hte ?caes ilSlt oerht rwo:ds neviG a oopl of epeolp wthi uopesnanots o,ourmthnpxae thaw ohrte gihtn is msot killey ot be treu btauo m ?tnIhe otreh rwo,ds of lla eloepp ohw ned up ihtw suostenpnao eupnm,o teh mtos nomcom throe hngit buoat tehm is thta etyh aer LAEM & .HNTI If I aegv uyo a ubktec of optoausensn ouepnm epaitnts -- nda oyu edhacer yuro ahnd ni htere dan llpedu eon uot -- thwa nceriaso wluod eb omer conmmo: nI yrou nadh uyo ehva a krsoem or ni uyor nadh uyo have a inth l?ame The .tearlt +
cocoxaurus  urueRtp fo arypulnmo besbl rae a cmnomo usace fo aspouestnon atohuenrmpxo ni ynoug uatld aemls ttah aer tall nda .tnih I kown 'its saol aeodcistas hwit nsmo,kig btu denger nad dyob tbuhais eeemds ikle het meor yelkil aswner here escni hte ieantpt is a ynguo ma.el +1

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