FA 2019 pg. 587 on hydronephrosis +Distention/dilation of renal pelvis and calyces [.l Usually caused by urinary tract obstruction (eg, renalstones, severe BPII, congenitalobstructions, cervicalcancer, injuryto ureter);other causes include retroperitoneal fibrosis, vesicoureteral reflux. Dilation occurs proximal to site ofpathology. Serum creatinine becomes elevated if obstruction is bilateral or ifpatient has an obstructed solitary kidney Leads to compression and possible atrophy ofrenal cortex and medulla.
I ATDHE itsh uectp,ir tusj klei eoveyrne es,el ol,l so I did emso oemr .gdgingi evnoreyE eblow is cro,ctre thta teh esnonttapire is teuisgsggn an siectnifou ro.pcses ITsU nca scaeu cuate iiolhpnetype,rs adn if rion,chc ogrprsesse to r.onchci poirtlyPehnsie is a iirieltnuoastlutbt aesed.is I ufnod isht omnfionarit erggdnira ,it nad in the atls tpa,r it bidecsers eht osrsg ohlytgpao fo ncocrih pshpoteiielrn.y rFom ym rtraineopttn,ei ti dosnsu kile awht hte ipructe is g,oihwsn but I as'wnt elab to fdni a /teuerstbtj sa gdoo eno neonil e,yt so I 'odnt wkno for .srue
eAtcu atutuiiTotbillrnse :hNipeitsr tuAec mnmoatnafili fo uetbusl dan ieiriunsmttt nca sueca FR,A dan fi hte raoytifmnmla ssrcoep rtssiesp hsit cna ovlvee into rcnhioc riuluneitisobtattl hetnsiipr dan iochncr esltinttiiar roissfbi nda buartlu ahptyor itwh sikr of rporgionsse to egsdeatn- kyenid sidaes.e oTw aojmr getoeasrci fo tucea utnstaliubleritoit iesprihnt rae ctaue ohretplnsieiyp dan aucte vyiytesrhtpnesii biuntesotaliltutri niirhsetp.
cueAt nehiipelroyp:st esuCda yb ielrbacat eiconnift sotm omcloynm .E ocil ft.eoninic sHynpevtyirsieit ttuitiolsnbalierut i:etiphnrs Cdaesu yb an iaecgrll r,ssnepoe ofr ea,eplxm to a gurd ro rohet eabcsntssu taht rae eitnd,sge hscu sa brealh idseer.me
By afr the otms noomcm uoert of nnciftioe ni ectau tsppihlroyeien is na dsancegni efiinonct in the anuyrri ta,tcr for le,xmeap deriedv ormf a icbtleraa adbdler tinecifon. uAtce loyehieipsrpnt = veiseetnx nfiuxl fo NMPs niwhit teh riuiimn,ttets bseultu sl)u(tii,tub and lesunm of ubtlseu (BWC ca)tss (yt/lJDyi.h:2bt/pBP/it.)
Wthi eetpscsnier ro crruencree of etacu ptpnieesl,iryho eth edsesai oerspcs losvvee onit ihcrnco ehrsoi,elppntiy ihwch yuualls si ineapacdocm yb daekmr roeions of eht lipyalarp pti glritneus in olidtain of teh tdcaanej clayx ts)aiic(se.lac
Teh msot rcaceirittcsha otiplghcoa efaurset of cionchr ryeetiopipnlhs rae teh osgsr ngaehcs ni eht ednyki whit oberbdda-sa ssarc in het parhanmyec lenoyvigr esara of tacoilcr nda derlalmyu aphroty wtih jaadetnc eic.csaltisa lA,so hte snetarepotin sgustesg sondhieoyhsr,pr dna rmof my ,eashrcre nseyhiors,dorhp when iherensvrc/c,o nac teconibtru ot eht edarkm olss of ortcxe dna if/sosacsbrisr of hte lldaemu (0mANE..tNhmRthE/L/bha.e7.u:pd/A/RetptatHlMdwuLsTeh0) dna seaccalsiit hicw(h I khitn si epersnt on hsit .crepi)tu sThi si eht otlssce urectpi hiwt nioriecstdp I ldcuo dinf htat shmtcae the tsem iesontenartp .i.e( erryteudrho nda nyhprhrosso,eid gguegntiss sutoevliearerc lrefux lginead ot ceontfnii morf a" onlg tsdianng cstnrbutioo olabb(pry ic)anteo"ngl os iklyle rofm a hl)dic heLa/M/htd:.Ru8beE/aH0NlwuRttesAp0mt.m.tLEA/dNphh.T.
l,Aos to nmnieto on teh eotrh msocemnt exnspsiegr utrraitnsof htat the saem crptiue wsa edsu rfo mosutr nda barutul ,rphoyat fmor twha I d,are hatt srsog hgao,ylpto is the lgeeran apearencap fo oerrthdreuy due to euiovrtstcb ythorpua i(e.. uabutlr ypta,roh oi/ifr,arsrsgcsnib sxateaiicyccasl/l noi,lidat nda inht tlcrocai mri due to rtyp.aoh .toiegyhanolloPncom says ahtt teh cctaissaiel is aeedegtxagr ni sels evrese taaiscrsapl/e nocttrsubio niecs GRF is ont uedrsssppe itni/tomtdlolukeuyovbclwtpho/y.iimwwat/.pnecs.chststrhgepto/o:).
oHpe hits hsepl vyneoee!r tI urse peledh e,m utb tkoo YWA oto ngol ot dtnrsnae,ud ll.o
euprS oginnany yhet aer ginus eth sema ucrpeti UBT uoy cna wnsrea iwth cesprso fo inainitlm.eo oN sams in eth urctipe os tno iastanehsoorstpmolb or C.CR 4 yera odl so not yiimsoa.dlos metS oesd not ellyar euc yuo otni bumornsmae .NG endstaI ti altsk boaut TsUI hchwi woldu ahev noimltfaarmy rcsseoeps -&g-t; iealtitsitnr nnmlmaa.ifoit
sI hsti ngasyi ehter si lcreursiteevoa ?xrfleu I luodc avhe wmosr this esma maeig asw no mfro 20 or 21 nda eth esawrn aws iWlsm utmor
Why is isth inilrattIes fomlaait?nInm I rnnestdadu hsti si a VUR uiagnsc iyo.phedhnrorss
ircuPet swsho eiladtd etrreu and ralne ipvsle
ohicCnr LEOYPisinphert l(pyeo = lsepv)i ;tl&= nreeurrct deiessop fo ceuAt hyosPpnlirteie t=&l; TIU
hsTi eanptti lilyek sha cveestoeailrru lxeerf gelinda ot nruteerrc s.TUI
ceturiP sswoh edatlid reertu nad ealrn espilv.
cCirnoh OPYLEhnpestiir leopy( = psv)ile ;l&=t rnrruetec pdsoseie of utAce pthesionlyiPre lt&;= UIT
Tihs taeiptn leliky sha eaevieltsorurc erfelx ldgiaen ot ucreerntr TIUs.
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iaUyrnr attcr csnnofteii rae eht tmso cnommo raiqcude ausce fo eVtuorisecic Rlfeux )R(V ni ilech.ndr VR cna lead ot xelufR pyoahtprNeh, iwchh si cahrczdereiat yb onhcric ttouibtsiaelnrluti finotmanialm thwi bsifosri adn nacr,irgs nidlage ot elnra euar.lif