FA 2019 pg. 587 on hydronephrosis +Distention/dilation of renal pelvis and calyces [.l Usually caused by urinary tract obstruction (eg, renalstones, severe BPII, congenitalobstructions, cervicalcancer, injuryto ureter);other causes include retroperitoneal fibrosis, vesicoureteral reflux. Dilation occurs proximal to site ofpathology. Serum creatinine becomes elevated if obstruction is bilateral or ifpatient has an obstructed solitary kidney Leads to compression and possible atrophy ofrenal cortex and medulla.
I EHDAT tish r,ucpeit sjtu leik yeoeenrv ,lees ll,o so I ddi eosm remo .gignidg oeEverny boelw is rctr,oce that the nptereastion si igssunegtg an uintioefsc cro.pess ITUs cna sauce eactu eepy,psrlnhitio dan if cciohr,n esgorserps to .hcoicrn oeliiephytrsnP is a ntrliousiatttlibue dasesie. I ufond tsih irnoontfiam igaerdrgn ,ti adn ni the tlsa ra,tp it ecrdsesbi het sosgr yapothlog of onircch snteiyeri.pphol omFr ym ontperire,nttia it snduso elik awth teh ceputir si sgohinw, btu I a'nwst leba ot fnid a /betrjttsue sa godo eon olenin eyt, so I nod't kwon rof sur.e
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ceAtu :tnlreppiiyohes auedsC yb racbitlae fitoicnen otms mocnyoml .E ocli ceftion.in etistsieHnvpyyir otttilntsaebiruilu ispehntr:i sauCde yb an erllgaci e,ernspos for le,mpaex ot a rudg or htore cessnbuats atth are gntsd,eei cshu as lebrah ei.edrems
By arf hte msto moonmc ureto of ifietoncn in aucte soeprplnitheyi si an gisdncean oinntefic in eth ryunira a,ttrc for apl,meex erevidd ofrm a ceaalbrit dlaerdb te.nnficio Aucet nyesirhiltppoe = etveixsne lxfinu of MsNP winhit teh mniri,tstiuet ulsubet u(li)ubttis, nad mulnes of teblusu CB(W )astcs (yBy2/h.i/l/iP:tttpDbJ).
iWth eiscrepestn ro rucerecner of utcea ypeiirth,epslno eth sdseiea reospcs ovslvee iton ricohnc eiihtyosnlp,erp cihwh lasuluy is iecdaopacmn by rkmaed orenois fo teh lrliaapyp tip gsutneril in tniiaodl of eth tecajnda calyx cis.(sliatc)ea
ehT smto aicaesrithrcct lciogphato eaefutrs fo oricnch inilphpoeytser era teh osgrs hscegna in the diekyn ihtw saodbadbr-e rssca in hte cyhnpamear gvoeyirln raesa fo iotraclc adn dmyeruall prtohya whit etjadanc ct.sasieclai s,lAo eth nttioeesrnap gstseugs ,senpdrhriyoosh dan fomr my res,crhae nohoe,yrpdsihsr newh oi/vcnsrerceh, acn nuotceribt ot het dreamk osls fo croext nad ssraci/fobssri fo eht ldeauml (0htAdtMuR7LsNubENem/E/heaL..0/tThRlAptpdha.e:mH/.wt) and laitaiscesc cw(ihh I nihtk is esentrp no htsi .rcpeuit) hsiT is hte eotlssc euitprc whti iernicdptos I udcol dinf hatt tacsehm eht etsm reettaninsop .e.(i yrudetrhroe adn r,nrphedsoisyoh gugnssteig vrtiueoerlscae euxflr nilaged to fcneiitno fmor a" nlog tdnasngi storiountcb rbpbayl(o ln")enoitcga os lylike orfm a idhc)l tR..a/Eep.Ae/htRHTaNLml8thupEN:tueswh.dm00/htMbdA/L.
olAs, ot mentino on teh eroht mocsemnt npseexirsg ttfnaisuror htta the smae iepctur saw euds rof utomsr adn aubltur y,pohart mfro thaw I ra,ed ttha rsosg aohyogpt,l is het nleagre aeapcnpear of eedryuhrort eud ot vocursbtiet yhaurotp .e.(i buratlu o,ryahpt rcg/riina,fssrbois ycaa/lxtsiccesial iolnda,ti adn thni otrlccia irm eud ot oaptyhr. onaiglheloyoPn.cotm ssay atht eth iiccaestlas si gadexeegatr in sels ervsee isap/aastelrc nutbootscir secin FRG si nto rsupesdeps wmuciteuortbks.o/lyoonlhtpoct/t:egwnt.sidvhwty.isoa/l/eptpmhic).
pHeo shti phesl ryeoene!v It user edephl m,e ubt koot AWY oot glon ot sdeundtnra, .llo
pSeru anygnoin heyt rae singu eht emas tircepu UBT oyu can nsaerw hitw specrso fo lno.ientimai oN smas in het iruptce so tno erntoopssmbaltaohsi or C.RC 4 reay ldo so nto id.amooyslis temS esdo nto lylare ceu uoy tnio mmbnsuaroe .NG tsdeanI it ltaks abtuo sIUT hihcw lduow hvea rnatalfiymmo srepessco -&;-gt rstaltinteii aiitl.fnommna
sI tsih niaygs tereh is aesoretvclueri l?rxuef I doclu veah moswr hist easm imaeg aws on rfom 02 ro 12 dna hte snrawe swa lmWis mtruo
Wyh is hist natilrItsie ?ntmaiomIfaln I nsnaddteru itsh is a VRU cuignas rnse.iphoohrdsy
etcPriu wshos dlatide trreue dna lerna vselpi
iCnrhoc OPELYnitpshrie yloe(p = )veslpi ;=t&l renreturc eespsodi of Aucte rptehlioPnsiey &=tl; ITU
shiT taptnei iyekll sah eviraouestelcr frexle geainld ot nreucrter Is.TU
ceuiPrt woshs dadeilt eruter adn aenrl pviles.
oCnhcri ELOPYertpsniih pley(o = ls)ievp l;=t& urrtercne epdoiess fo tAuce oPetepyhrnlsii =tl&; ITU
shiT atteipn lkiyle has vlutersoeicare leferx ldaieng to rrtuenerc .sIUT
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ayriUnr tcrat tnscoineif rea hte msto onmomc qcidareu cuaes of cieVetoisruc uRflex )V(R ni .dhlrince VR can dale to elfRux hypprthNaoe, cwhih is ezitcarhredac yb oncrhic lerbuiauintttltiso mtnalfnomiai iwth sifbrosi dan s,airrcng inegdal ot alern a.lerufi