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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 12-year-old boy is ...
Glucose and sodium ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—armymed88(49)
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Gsceluo si do-rstprnoteac noit reoesncyett fo SI aiv siduom

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toxoplasmabartonella  That ksmae taht ocluegs eends to eb egvin iwht ms.doiu tu,B ahwt aobut iacbr?b Itn's eth ipatetn glonis tlso of bbcira rmof hdeaa?rri +4
pg32  daH the maes bdae.te I nwek uoosg/muselcdi was eht ttokbeox nwaser rof eytroniradh btu aosl wsa ngdoenirw if ew ustj rnieog teh birabc slso in ..d?hea.irra +4
makinallkindzofgainz  2pg3@ - urS,e they rea golisn baibcr ni eth arei,rdha nad yse hits can feetfc H,p ubt it otend's ttrmea htta mhc.u rueo'Y ton igong ot rcepael eth irbbac rfo lmeisp idehrraa in a tlbs,ae btu rthayedd iprevslyuo helthay 21 eayr o.ld rY'oeu nanog egiv ihm oems laor drerynohita iwht a msnagioiudo/nloesucignct- vr.egebea o'nDt ktnvirohe het oisqunet ): +2
makinallkindzofgainz  hed*drteady +
teepot123  last nda urags, tast'h lal het dki deens hwen ill sempli +1
mtkilimanjaro  Hm I upt rc/Kbiba+ cines shatt lost ni r,rhaadei btu I nihkt hte yke ngiht ni thsi Q si ttah its onyl 6 shuor fo cueta iadrhear dna onghtin else. Yuo dulwo bpor geiv cbabri adn +K ni omer cinroc"h" eradhrai over a wef yads or norelg tno tjsu a fwe ouhsr +1
specialist_jello  ghu i vorehhtougt het itsqunoe and hedagnc ym wsenra ot rkaib/cb +
an1  1TGSL in the tug si a yremrpt.os Gsucole si ddneee to oallw Na ot ernte, wtera llwi lofwol Na iton eht llce dan ereucd tdyaiho.enrd eB resu to ivge a OoPctnHiY RSO ntouislo (more rwtea athn tals and g)s,rau resetwioh eustols v(eom frmo lwo ot ihgh OmS lilw leave the tesisus dna eertn the tv.casurlaeu +

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submitted by gunnersinchrome(6)
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staeisE awy ot inthk of htis is htat itsh si teaaGdo.r ueSr eeoveryn ntihks htta rsotps disrkn aevh sgeclou ofr eth greney hcwi(h si aslo u)etr ubt tehy aosl niontca rausg cueebas teh asNlc/Goue tar-trpcersono in the llmas isnietent leshp evrid rleteoceylt taen.ik thutWoi sgecl,ou yuo otdnโ€™ llup ni osdmui lraeny as ieyflftneci in the gtu nad eht tirfs akmser of hte rtadGaoe ufolrma ta FU donuf htat neoc yhte gvea oelscgu dna seeleylcottr anidtes of tusj atewr to eht ofltobal aemt ngurid ptcae,cir ethy iddnโ€™t teg sa dyteehaddr nad ietrh reltclyotee ceblnaa saw a lto mreo bla.set

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usmleboy  atteaaadaoeteoGW daoeret!aara sukcs! It relyal arylel scks!u +3
mumenrider4ever  oY'uer nnikirgd eth owgrn wraet /m--tbt6vpyc2ouwot?e/wtc.jh:M1.uys/4hIw=wa7 +1
rockodude  og soatr,g we aedm that shit +
username  go agwds +
skonys  yAn yroeohsh?mdi yM saepntt'i wlil eb gntgtei tsgtahri OR twrae to hte .nkce Nnoe fo ahtt lieechrat ik-dvdinlre. +
chaosawaits  okcedour@,d fi lyno FSU had edam ;ti dw'e all be nkniigrd oeSlnmei iFuld ;) +1
impostersyndromel1000  hiasaao@ctws rdatredeun ncmomet +

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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The tneatpi is dahytddree. edeN to ivge ewrta to

Wreta slfolow If somidu is ddeda ot het ut,olinso rewat wlli lolwfo eht om.uids ,wNo eneeorcytt petuka of sodium si itdmdaee by iSolesGmoduu-c re.osnptartr e,Hnec eht soonlitu needs ot ctoiann dosmiu nda cgloues ni rrdoe ot veah teh toyetsencer teka up eht mis.uod

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—beto(28)
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oGuecls is aodocts-enprrt inot neoseetytrc of SI via suodim

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Glucose is co-transported into enterocytes of SI via sodium

+3/- beto(28)

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submitted by partybrockk(7)
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diK oybbalrp ahd roleach -- ivgign +Na dna lceguso easkt vaganedat of uled-cmsosuogi oerrtrtpconsa ehytber hpegiinneslr yeslleottcer nda e.ynger

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hipster_do  oT dad no to hte heraaird dki -- 1SLTG is eth uc-oeaglsN ryosermpt nda it astialtcfie neemovmt of twera otin hte s.eoetcyernt taWer veosl ot lfolow iumods udrano, I htink omisdu vroe ohter esecteolrlyt yreplu scaubee imosdu si leyglenra teh hteihgs coneioctarnnt lc.oteyetrle +1

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