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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 12-year-old boy is ...
Glucose and sodium ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—armymed88(49)
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ucsGole is ordta-tnrcoesp toin neecoyertts of SI avi mduois

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toxoplasmabartonella  hatT kmsea atth olsecug denes ot be enigv twih ms.iudo utB, wath otuba ab?cbri Istn' teh pateitn nioslg solt fo aircbb ofmr ir?deaahr +4
pg32  daH hte same e.tabde I enwk osediolgucus/m saw eht ttokebox snrawe for yatnierrhdo btu sloa swa owingnedr if we jtus eionrg eht cbarbi slos ni ..he.?darrai +4
makinallkindzofgainz  2pg3@ - Sreu, yteh aer lognsi bbciar in hte adh,irear dna eys thsi cna fetcef pH, tbu it dn'oste tametr atth mcu.h ruYe'o ont gnoig ot paerlec eth rabcib fro sielpm erdarahi in a s,batle ubt yeatdrhd ipeorvulsy hethlya 12 aery l.od Yrueo' ngoan vgei ihm semo roal dayerntihor htwi a inutoslioggi/dosun-mcance .eereagvb t'nDo vtkrnhioe hte eioqtnus :) +2
makinallkindzofgainz  *hadtdeeydr +
teepot123  tlsa nda rgs,ua htsta' lal teh idk seedn nhew lli lpmies +1
mtkilimanjaro  Hm I utp +cab/irKb iecns astht tsol in idharar,e but I tknhi hte yke gitnh in tshi Q is ttha tsi lnyo 6 rusho of taecu dhirreaa dan htgnion e.esl oYu wludo pbor gvei bbirca dan +K ni meor hcci""ron diraerha vreo a few ysad or lgrneo ont tjus a few soruh +1
specialist_jello  guh i htretvuoohg the euniostq dan ecadghn ym nawser ot /ckaibrb +
an1  GL1ST in eth tug si a .oeyrrsptm leGcuso is enddee ot lwloa aN to ,eetrn ewart liwl lwfolo aN itno het ellc adn uceerd nriedydt.hoa eB eusr ot igev a nYPOicotH SOR ltiouons em(or ertaw htna slta nda u),asgr reiewhots ssltoue vemo( mrof wlo to hgih mSO lliw aelve eth eisstus and rneet teh aacrusv.etul +

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submitted by gunnersinchrome(6)
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sEsteia ywa to hitkn fo siht is ttha isth si daea.Gotr Sreu nvoeyere nhtsik tath psrots isrdkn heav euscglo fro teh ernegy w(chhi si olas )ture tub yhte sola otnaicn srgau ubcaees eth Guelca/sNo rotrpoeantcs-r in eht lsaml sieitentn elpsh rdiev lteocteyrel nit.ake titWhuo gc,uleso yuo noโ€™td llpu in sumiod ylrean as infieclteyf in eth ugt adn hte ristf mkeasr fo het eadrotaG lfrumao ta UF dfuon that cnoe ethy veag csegoul dna tecelsoelytr tnsidea fo jtsu ewrta to eht lflobtoa tmae ndguir ccap,tier ethy dtidnโ€™ egt sa rtdhdeeayd dan hitre yeorltleect bcalnae aws a tol emro eslbta.

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usmleboy  taartaeW!a daertooaotdGeaaaee !skusc tI yrlale alyler ssukc! +3
mumenrider4ever  Yoeu'r rgkiindn teh rngow eartw /cw=/aec/1tpy-4wmtjh76I2.-b?tMtvhw:uysuowo. +1
rockodude  og as,gotr we aedm ttha isht +
username  og gawsd +
skonys  nAy ?syhoiohrmde yM aispen'tt wlil be egnttig ttihrgsa RO rweta to eht .knce neNo fo thta hritceela r.keiidl-nvd +
chaosawaits  ,urok@ddoce fi onyl SFU ahd edam t;i dew' all be igndnikr iSnemloe Fdilu ); +1
impostersyndromel1000  caoassiha@tw ntruderead cntemom +

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submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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hTe nepitat is atydrdhee.d Nede to iegv twaer ot yrtheaedr.

rtWae sllwoof s.tuole fI siudom si eaddd ot hte onstlu,io tarew lliw owlflo eht usdio.m wNo, ntteeyerco eatkup of suimdo si aeidmetd by ueiomGlcdS-uos o.errtpnsatr ,eenHc the nitusool nesde ot ncaitno dumois nad coulseg in edrro ot ehva the recyoenstet eatk up eht io.mdus

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submitted by โˆ—beto(28)
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lGescou si cttoad-sopnrre onti eencseyotrt of SI aiv uimods

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Glucose is co-transported into enterocytes of SI via sodium

+3/- beto(28)

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submitted by partybrockk(7)
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iKd pbylboar dha ahcelro -- vinggi Na+ adn solucge sktae aenavadtg fo mugce-ssludioo rtcptraroseno heberyt hgpenieilnsr treoyctlesle nda neyre.g

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hipster_do  oT dda no to teh eiaarhrd idk -- S1LTG si eht salceuog-N meyrotrps nda ti altitesifca ovntmeme fo arwet niot eht crteeynseto. Water elsvo to ooflwl duimos oad,unr I nhkti usomid roev heort ctetloserley epruyl ueacesb oiudsm is erenaglly eth tsiehgh aocnttinrceno ecellertyto. +1

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