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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
A 17-year-old boy is brought to the emergency ...
Hypokalemia 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by moloko270(77)
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sosl fo fuldi risgrgte orteldsenao ndoo,icturp so tetiapn llwi veah empyraaienhtr nda ieypoamahkl as a sultre

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makinallkindzofgainz  adt ASRA +6

I realise now that diarrhoea causes hypernatremia! And the reason we give ORS is to restore the blood pressure by giving Na and Glu not to correct sodium level!

My 6 yr of medical education was a myth

+2/- apurva(101)

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 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by liverdietrying(111)
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doGo ftac to mtcmoi to meor:my oyu leos crbbia ni het losto n(eche ywh ahardire ascuse ooanninn pag mctoebial )aicis,dso and aeelysicpl selo apssmiout tihw ailvatex uebsa (as meieondnt ni het useiqtno ms.e)t an-tepiad-t/lmrs.adtciw.erta/-tmeitbbth--octoaynsae-twohiuesled/sioewrwcalh/ctaerpno:dn

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sbryant6  mI' niogg ot og take a bgi aniercbotba oppo .own +32
happysingh  i wldou sutgseg taht yuo oklo inot ti a tbi o.emr Why ? a dH na bmen qesntoui ihhc(w nfecduos het tsih tou fo m)e c,zu cuiBmle tP. woh was gbsauin eaaLtsvix (dah het up pm;&a odnw )asrrow adn sith is twah ti eavg : vt xeaLai ubsAe — aceitloMb iossAalkl :  ↓K+     -↑lC                   ↑pH   ↓-o3OHC s neo of het posnti fo ciiontidstn IS het iescrnae in Cl- hitw ixltaaev eabsu .vs( mngiovti, cwihh aws a kjekeren- conietra nhew i hera luib)ima +3
lola915  I tohhgtu eriadhra ueacss oNn nanoi pag actielbom iicsdosa anipsghy@ph +2
texasdude4  syea awy ot rrbemmee : b"Brcia uot the tBu"t +2
weirdmed51  stenod odiicssa surelt in aePaliYERkH'?'m +1
abhishek021196  Bulmiia nesvroa ryoelcelett henacsg td/ tesudmvi/igniaixoirtlsca/evt uabse seeitcyvrelp - //w1h0at3glr./.ah/w0p0po3/0s2afw.ttf/5m4pp:15 +

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submitted by drmohandes(193)
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Yuo lostym leos -HCO3 dna +K in osto.l

osLs fo -HCO3 eadsl to a raolmn annoi gap lmeabtoci sidiaosc 01(92AF pg. 058 'RASAS)H',D ni which we alos ees a yaeortsnompc reciasen ni .C-l

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submitted by iviax94(7)
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I swa ewtenbe kipmelhayao ude( ot aiadhrre) and aprhaciimeeyeyule/imrcrcpah necs(i wesat is onohpcity adn duowl acuse ipotemhsrcoy omevlu nacnt.orto)ic I idn’td vhae a tearg awy to ceeddi bteween hciyu/reamyreCaheippr so I uderifg eyth nawdet ypoK.h sI heert a rbtete etlorania orf hyw teh hepry ssnwrae aer rcocntie?r

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liverdietrying  I nhkit you -hhtotvregou shit eno a etitll ibt thwi the ayci/hrihcemeacpraluermipye. odGo tacf to ctmimo ot ye:mmor you olse aibbcr ni the stolo c(eehn hyw arhdeira seucsa nnnanioo gap cobmealti ,isosca)di dna cepielsayl eslo poutmisas wiht xviaetal baues (as nemnideot in het sqtienou m.)ste r-ewieabwlttdearoh/cstwoentncdusanranimelo.:itoyrptiwb/ea-o-hp/cdcae/td.-se-ish-tmtatal +3
w7er  sclBayila etyh ear iganks tuaob ecorleeltty srubeancdit hatt cesau clplseao nylmai deu to amaykelohpi mofr leiaaxvt beaus acsbuee aaehrdri ecsau ehmpyaoamkli nda aols uaces rsianec ni ienrn egionnstnia syetm iwhhc will thuefrr csaue yklpaohaiem gielnurs darlicaroccsau aplsceo :) +1
hyperfukus  i ghotuth eht ychearemuipir tghin oot tub i w'snta asmrt gnoeuh to intkh yeth ntdaew plyehikmaao eikl u :( +2

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by castlblack(78)
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I heav ared lal het emc,otmsn ubt neno eiaplnx hwy oanmtayepirh si gwn.or ehrTe si edefilyitn a+N ni ..aho.ssol.ttt why arutlassg+ si tanoiredyrh orf pesd ladhreira skss.ncei owL +Na usscae wol VEV pxeaninilg eth lwo P,B ighh ,RH rlapol, adn oanrithye.dd sI ti rtrocec but utjs tno sa tocrrce as C?

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waterloo  I tDno konw wtha you name by olw E.VV utB ehrse' ym uhotthg rsscop.e hiTs tp olst ostl fo ,awtre dan nhwe monosee aestk a texvaial agsnuic mthe ot hvae dhiaaerr thta lwil aedl ot ceatombli ai.scsoid A uifgbefrn mcahmseni fro teh ecedsdrea brciba in eth blodo is fro H+ to eaelv cllse nda +K ot go niot eth llsce. So eh sah ot aveh myekohaplai w(ol +K in .srum)e eyhT egva hmi IV fs,ldui so ish PB luoshd eb edeadh kacb ot ola.rmn I udwol itkhn his SAAR wlil hcill .otu utB it setka itme ot coectrr eht caosid,is u'yore eiynkd tnwo' sjut iemiylaedtm opst aersb iracbb so yue'or dyob illw sltli eb fuginbref aitsang eht diasocsi +(H tuo of ,clle +K i)n. +2
waterloo  ror,ys I etwor ardeinsce ,bircab I antme EDSCDREEA ricabb in the bdloo. And saol dhlsuo ahve ientwtr u"yero' dkeyni 'otwn utsj tldiayimmee TRATS eabrs wne abrbci" yM da,B ws'tna ngriyt ot add to unosf.cnio +1
drdoom  i nhtik by E`V`V oahtur tenma EC``V lrecax(letlura ove) @,oerotwal peraicepat het aieaoxnptln but tikhn iesonmhtg si :off sslo of O3CH- vai radiaerh dohslu usrlte ni ,eidamaci ciwhh lduwo epspoo the umerpispont of `+‌`H eagivnl ,elcl K+ igong ´n.´i +2
waterloo  yhe so ,yrros I msut veah eneb prseu tidre pnigtos h.sti t'Can eievlbe I emda so ynam tsamk.esi eRad eovr it ang,ai nda it susond ilke esri.bbhig isWh rteeh asw a ywa to ledee.t My bda. +1
waterloo  I ktinh I iertd to aplinex oto darh. onLigko at hits tseuqnoi an,gai I htkin alelyr eht nylo isth is nweh ouy oels htta hmuc mv,ueol ouy oesl babcri dan +K. togihnN llaery to od twhi aca.sideb- My .b +1
drdoom  on wr!osire +1
castlblack  VVE = fifveetce svuacarl em.lvou aTnhk ouy rfo tinyrg ot lphe utb I lilts tond' trneausdnd. I stlil reaeg wtih my vbeoa cmmiehnas as roct.rec heWterh ro ton s'it tsmo rtecrco dki. +1
amy  thaw atbou teh long mtayse bah?t eH alos taswe a lo,t dna sruoepf wtieangs si ogngi to asceu tepimanryha?o +1
helppls  tstha awht I was nitkgnih sa ^lw^l^e I duigerf he was geiawtns uto a tlo fo aClN +1
icrieeverytiem  The Q tnensomi hatt he elfse reebtt rfeat na ifsuoinn fo ifusld os I sdsauem ayn aitehmyporan ttha he ahd us'tmev eben lveo.dser +1

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submitted by apurva(101)
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ihocCrn raiaderho == itV D roaaoilnptmbs = cpliamyeacHo a(ys ni socrhn)

AuteC erdiaorah = iypm,eraeHtnar ,ileypmoakHa pypphheemthaiaosr

ehyrdDontia nca oals ausec hupriaciryeme dna tpp tguo kt,tcaa tub for oygun pt i thkni thsi iwll eb lveanrreti

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