dGoo ftca ot imcmot to oreym:m you loes rbiacb ni hte ltoso h(ecne ywh arhedari euassc noinnano gpa eacomitlb )isds,icao nda elypseialc oles ospumitas iwth tvelaxia absue (as emidtonen ni teh nouqsiet e.)stm ts-whtucot:/rcweeleptia/dnaieaobhc-derhlrmt-ir.ysndtni-aol/sea-mtctwto-/esawboiane.dpta
oYu oystml leso OCH3- adn +K ni olso.t
osLs of C-3OH ldsea ot a omnrla ninao pga btoliaemc siscaiod A92(0F1 g.p 508 SS,'A)AH'RD in hwihc we soal ees a paocoymrsetn secrenia ni l.C-
I was webeetn kmahpaleioy (eud ot iarhrdae) dan rurmehlephympaac/ceaiyeirci e(iscn aeswt si hoicopytn adn wudlo easuc pmtoecsyrhio vomule notoar)i.ntcc I tdni’d vhea a ertag awy to eicdde wbteene ieauiChrcrepyphyar/me os I figdeur eyht wednat p.ohyK sI rhtee a tebret itoalaenr ofr hyw het yherp sarnews rae rt?cncroei
I evha rade lal the cmen,tosm btu oenn lapxeni ywh yhraapmtonie is g.owrn eeThr is feyitineld +Na in solsatth....ot why tgrlasus+a si hryteariodn rof edsp aiaedhrlr sns.iseck Low +Na essacu olw VVE ginpenilax hte owl BP, hhig ,RH ao,lplr and da.hyoteirdn sI it cocerrt ubt ujst otn as rctreoc sa C?
chCinro dohrireaa == iVt D blpmratsniaoo = aHopylcmicea s(ay in os)ncrh
tAeuC drihoarae = aerHetip,rmany paomiel,ykHa ppiapoesaethrhmhy
oDaheitdnyr nac lsao cseau ceampurehyiri dna tpp utgo t,kacat but rfo noygu tp i itnhk sthi wlil be rventleari
submitted by ∗moloko270(77)
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