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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
A 17-year-old boy is brought to the emergency ...
Hypokalemia 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by moloko270(77)
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lsso fo iufld sggrteir dtsaeoenrol ,opotdunrci os iapntte liwl ahev etpanrmhyeira dna ilmekphyaao sa a uslert

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makinallkindzofgainz  atd ASAR +6

I realise now that diarrhoea causes hypernatremia! And the reason we give ORS is to restore the blood pressure by giving Na and Glu not to correct sodium level!

My 6 yr of medical education was a myth

+2/- apurva(101)

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 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by liverdietrying(111)
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dGoo ftca ot imcmot to oreym:m you loes rbiacb ni hte ltoso h(ecne ywh arhedari euassc noinnano gpa eacomitlb )isds,icao nda elypseialc oles ospumitas iwth tvelaxia absue (as emidtonen ni teh nouqsiet e.)stm ts-whtucot:/rcweeleptia/dnaieaobhc-derhlrmt-ir.ysndtni-aol/sea-mtctwto-/esawboiane.dpta

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sbryant6  Im' ngigo to og tkae a gib baiobrcaten ppoo nw.o +32
happysingh  i ulwod egsutgs taht uyo olok noit ti a ibt oemr. Wyh ? Ha d an nbme enqtsiou (wcihh csfoenud hte this uot of em) u,cz uicmelB Pt. ohw wsa ngubsia seaxLaivt hda( hte pu am;&p onwd ra)rsow dan this is tahw it evag : aiv Latxe Abeus — lMactbieo Aiklaosls  : +↓K     l-C↑                   p↑H   so3 -COH↓ noe fo hte sniopt of dinoiicsttn IS the nreseaci in C-l hwti xleivata baseu s(v. ingvm,toi ihchw saw a k-eneerkj iectorna enwh i reha li)baumi +3
lola915  I ththugo rheaarid sesuac Nno naion pag omcailebt ascoiisd spgpayhihn@ +2
texasdude4  syea yaw to eerbmmre : Bciar"b tuo the utB"t +2
weirdmed51  nsteod sidiasco turels in Plmka'ae'Y?EiRH +1
abhishek021196  iamlBiu osarenv cteetorleyl hencgsa t/d miistliviiartuvg/oaenste/cxd seuab cerlytiseevp - p.lw/4020t.1./0w:go0pr/5tt/a3awffm5/ph3hp1sa/ +

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submitted by drmohandes(193)
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oYu oystml leso OCH3- adn +K ni olso.t

osLs of C-3OH ldsea ot a omnrla ninao pga btoliaemc siscaiod A92(0F1 g.p 508 SS,'A)AH'RD in hwihc we soal ees a paocoymrsetn secrenia ni l.C-

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submitted by iviax94(7)
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I was webeetn kmahpaleioy (eud ot iarhrdae) dan rurmehlephympaac/ceaiyeirci e(iscn aeswt si hoicopytn adn wudlo easuc pmtoecsyrhio vomule notoar)i.ntcc I tdni’d vhea a ertag awy to eicdde wbteene ieauiChrcrepyphyar/me os I figdeur eyht wednat p.ohyK sI rhtee a tebret itoalaenr ofr hyw het yherp sarnews rae rt?cncroei

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liverdietrying  I tihkn oyu -ueotvhhogtr sthi noe a letlit bit hitw the miicy.ruracmaeepch/eehapyril oodG cfta to mcomit ot :mymore oyu eslo aircbb ni teh otosl ecnhe( wyh hrdariae aesscu nionnaon pag mtocieabl discas,oi) and llseyicepa oles saupitoms wthi ailvxate esuba (sa tnmeneodi in eth tsqineuo tem).s olabwiet-hodwla-:ctda-.ouatteiimcsmr/tww/-iees/-ntrtntosalethpcnhc/bae.eyrosiarddaptne- +3
w7er  laBaliycs tehy are asignk tuoab eycettlrole ntaeudbiscr hatt seuac slocplea nlyaim ude to klopehmaayi fomr lexaitav usaeb ueaebcs darrieha ecasu peayhamilokm nda aols eascu crisean ni rnine tannesinogi etsmy hichw lliw uftehrr eascu eaamoplkhiy nsgeiurl auarocardlsicc eaolcps ): +1
hyperfukus  i uogthth hte uaireeyimrhpc itghn too utb i tanws' rasmt nouehg ot tknhi eyth nedtaw kopiahyalme like u :( +2

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by castlblack(78)
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I evha rade lal the cmen,tosm btu oenn lapxeni ywh yhraapmtonie is g.owrn eeThr is feyitineld +Na in solsatth....ot why tgrlasus+a si hryteariodn rof edsp aiaedhrlr sns.iseck Low +Na essacu olw VVE ginpenilax hte owl BP, hhig ,RH ao,lplr and da.hyoteirdn sI it cocerrt ubt ujst otn as rctreoc sa C?

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waterloo  I otnD wnok whta uoy aenm by olw .EVV But erhs'e ym hthtogu rsseco.p hiT s pt lots ostl fo trewa, nda nehw oseoenm easkt a ltvieaax isacgnu tmeh to vaeh rahdriea ttah lliw adel ot oitcablem dosicai.s A urgiefbnf heinmcsma ofr het redesceda aicrbb ni the loobd is orf +H to veale clels dna K+ ot go inot hte le.lsc So he sha ot have ylimhaokaep lw(o K+ in ruesm.) eThy geav mih IV lufdi,s os ihs PB dlhous eb ddhaee ckba to lnomra. I uldwo inhtk sih ASAR lliw hlcil to.u tuB it aestk etmi to oeccrtr the iassocid, ouyre' kinedy owtn' sutj ameiidlytme ospt rabse riabbc os ueyo'r doyb lilw ltsil be ifnbrgfue atnigas hte aosicdsi (H+ out fo clle, +K n).i +2
waterloo  rsor,y I orwet rdeeinacs bcira,b I ntema EEDACSDER cibrab ni the do.olb And laso oushdl evha trienwt y'"oeru yknedi 'twon utjs aemmiyidetl STTAR ebasr new cbibr"a yM B,da tnw'sa tgryni to dda to nscofnoi.u +1
drdoom  i hkitn yb VE``V orhatu nteam C`EV` arltracee(xllu ve.)umlo tor,lo@ewa epacpaerit hte eilpoxnaatn tbu nkhti tmgohnise si of:f osls of CO-3H iva earadihr hodlsu tsurel ni aieicadm, hhciw uowdl pseopo eth moutrseppni of +``‌H vlaiegn l,cel +K ginog ´n´.i +2
waterloo  eyh so syorr, I tsmu eavh enbe psrue tired niptsgo sht.i ntCa' ebveeil I dame os aymn eti.mksas edaR oevr ti ,iagan and ti ssdoun lkie bbe.ishigr hisW reeht saw a awy ot .edeelt yM +1
waterloo  I ihtkn I eidtr to nlapiex oto had.r noLgkoi at tihs eusqinot ,aigna I tihkn earyll teh lony itsh si nwhe you seol tath humc ouveml, yuo leso cabbri adn +.K htngioN erlayl to od iwht e.sda-cbia My .b +1
drdoom  no iosre!wr +1
castlblack  VVE = ecieftevf arlascvu mu.ovle knaTh uyo for itnrgy ot ehlp btu I sllit d'otn e.trnasuddn I lilts eearg thwi my bveoa cenishmam as tcr.ecor Whrtehe or not 'tis tsmo crtceor kid. +1
amy  what otbua eth lnog tmyaes hba?t He laso etasw a tl,o dna osruefp ngawstie si gniog to uaesc ?oyahireptnam +1
helppls  thsta wtha I aws nigkhtni as l^^^elw I edgufir eh asw ntgeaswi tuo a otl fo lCNa +1
icrieeverytiem  heT Q nnisoetm tath eh elsef beetrt tfrae an unisnfio of ldisuf so I dssumea nay yeapmtianorh htat eh hda suemtv' eben edvesorl. +1

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submitted by apurva(101)
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chCinro dohrireaa == iVt D blpmratsniaoo = aHopylcmicea s(ay in os)ncrh

tAeuC drihoarae = aerHetip,rmany paomiel,ykHa ppiapoesaethrhmhy

oDaheitdnyr nac lsao cseau ceampurehyiri dna tpp utgo t,kacat but rfo noygu tp i itnhk sthi wlil be rventleari

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