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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Interstitial inflammation ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—keycompany(351)
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irarynU cttra ecioitnsnf are het tmos omcnom dcreaiqu escua fo ceiscietoruV uefxlR (RV) in cn.delhri RV anc dlea ot lRefxu aoyphrpehNt, hcwih is aairrcdetezhc yb ccinhor tutaelrinsiittlobu ifomntaaimln htwi bisrfosi nad cgsa,irnr ieldgan to realn e.ilfrua

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lancestephenson  anC noeosem eaplse axinelp wtsha' oingg no in shti ?curipet Tihs si teh MASE TEURIPC usde ni EBNM 02 and 12 hwti neo of them engbi a 66 y/o with turlihaleo lcel nrmciaaco dna the ehtor einbg tlaburu tyar.hpo I ustj odtn' wnok enoymra +49
spacepogie  d'I be apphy ot ndes meht a itgf cdar to rseaphcu emro ktcso imsega fo yksiend rof use in eurftu +20
diabetes  i itnhk RV dslouh deal ot tlarilbe ykneid dameag dan rehe onyl ltef ykenid is hauf.dcfsetedlo ew popsseu thta grthi enidyk oasl si ctdeefaf ? +1
skonys  The ikd tegs wto TUIs nda ish desnyik eknu EAAA.KAWA Asol ovel ohw teh kdi ahs n~~hricoc ifotnnlaaimm at 4 syr odl. grabaeG ipc oot. +1

FA 2019 pg. 587 on hydronephrosis +Distention/dilation of renal pelvis and calyces [.l Usually caused by urinary tract obstruction (eg, renalstones, severe BPII, congenitalobstructions, cervicalcancer, injuryto ureter);other causes include retroperitoneal fibrosis, vesicoureteral reflux. Dilation occurs proximal to site ofpathology. Serum creatinine becomes elevated if obstruction is bilateral or ifpatient has an obstructed solitary kidney Leads to compression and possible atrophy ofrenal cortex and medulla.

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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I ETAHD tish cur,ietp tsuj liek eryneeov ,lese ,llo so I idd semo eomr .niggdig eneEvroy beowl is trcoec,r atth teh nreiponsttae is snutggesgi na scifuitnoe rcesspo. sTIU nac asuce aceut hppityoilrsne,e nad if oci,nchr segoepsrsr to ch.rinco pePinotslyhrie si a ilbietsturoinulatt s.sdaiee I oundf isht oonfnitarim rirggdnae it, nad ni the tsla tr,pa ti ribsecdse the ssrog aghytoolp of rchinoc yhseiipntprel.o omFr ym rnneitrt,pieoat it onduss kiel twha eth cpetuir si s,ingwoh btu I nwtas' aelb to fndi a tebrttu/esj as dogo one nonlie te,y so I n'dot know rof uers.

ecAut selraiubttiotunlTi Npiiehsrt: uAcet atlioamimnfn of esuutlb nad ueirtiinttms nac acseu A,RF and fi teh afmtlynamrio reoscsp epitssrs stih cna oevevl itno rhoncic uittitseltlrbuioan prisietnh dna ochncri ettilainrtsi obssrfii dna lbuuatr hraypot hwit skri fo eorsosiprng ot nste-gdae ynkeid Two ojram arseoeicgt of tauce lluiubtetaitntirso tnserphii era ceuat perlsetoyhpiin and auect eipssytrhyeintiv ubntlristitautolie irnihp.tes

Atuec hplonisipeyer:t Ceduas by rtiabclea ofineitnc somt ncyomlmo E. oicl .cnfnieito rvyttyisiepHnies itlotraulutisibent rpiit:nseh aeudsC by an erclalig penrse,so for lpmeaex, to a grdu ro retho bussceatns htta era sitn,dgee hscu as hlreba s.mdereie

yB raf teh ostm nmmooc reuot fo icfonetin in acetu rtenopylsiiehp is an nacigedns iiefnotcn in eth rnaruyi a,rctt ofr ,elpxmae evdedir ormf a acetrbila bdrldae etfinno.ic eAuct iesinptplreyoh = netexvsei iuxnfl of PNsM wtnhii the tesmn,itiutir lsubteu sbuti(iul),t and elmnus of esbuutl (CBW )stsca (b:iy//tD/tPhiptJ.Byl2).

itWh erpisectnse or eeernuccrr of aetcu epsorhliny,tpie teh sdaesie rsocpes ovsevle onit hcricon poerlneh,pisyit ihwhc suallyu si onaccaipmed yb rkdmae oeoinrs fo het aalrypipl tpi unltergsi ni aniditol of teh acnadjte alcxy (c)asitce.slai

eTh mtso crhicsatricate gphlcitoao rteauesf fo nhcoirc islhpypitnreoe rae eth rosgs shagecn ni teh idyken htwi d-sdebobraa carss in teh racmeyphan reinvoylg asare of tcoricla dan meyldrlua aohpryt hitw ndacjate cialetsisa.c A,los het asnonitreept ggtuesss oophrh,rinedssy nda fmro ym h,seracre ho,poisdsnyerrh ewhn c,see/ihrnorcv nac utntroceib ot teh akrdem slso fo txeroc nad cfsssarrbis/io of the aldulme (hR.apAMwplthht.L/0aH/mb/Ne7uAeRt.N.0LuT/dEshmdtEe:t) nad scscalitiea hiwc(h I nkiht si septnre no tish pr)iu.cte sThi si het seltcos rpcteui wiht rdnseoitipc I lcodu dfni ttah smteahc het mets roiantpneets .(ei. rueorehrdty dan snhri,oypdoersh giesntggsu uvoearlterices fulxer iagneld ot ceiitonnf form a" glon dtnsgain cooibrusttn (apbrybol a"ngicenolt) os yelkli rmfo a ihd)lc N/Nt8H.pE.aeLaLmm/tTMht0dARp/w.ebtdhlh.esAuRuhEt/:0.

,sAlo to inteomn no teh thore enoctsmm psrxsigeen iatsrtrnofu ttah het amse ucterip asw used for turmso and rtbuula phtroya, omfr htwa I ae,rd taht ssrog ola,htopyg si eht nraglee epaaerpnac of odeerytrrhu ude to otrciesuvtb hturaoyp .e.i( ulratbu ,tahpoyr ssaonr/rgr,fbcisii /iicsacyclalexsta and,lioit adn ihtn acotlcri mir edu to .poytahr yognlienPhc.maotloo ssya ahtt eth ciestcalasi si ederxgtgaae in lsse seveer srai/telacsap utcornsboti necsi GRF is ont drespssuep nvicdpt.gk:pwbt/

opHe hsti lehps yeverone! tI urse dpehle me, tub otok WYA too onlg to ,udatnnrdse ol.l

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nor16  inec bo ,utbj i ndot hktin ouy deen all hits rfo heste uoessnqti +5
alimd  xetn espt si to od edinzramdo ir)tla +1

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—adong(144)
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epSru iogyannn eyth aer isung teh msae cpureti UTB oyu acn swrane hiwt spsrceo fo .lniienmtaio No msas ni eth uctpire os ton ieanlatoospobrsmths or RC.C 4 ryae old os otn ys.aimosliod tmSe does ont ayllre uce uyo oint bmomresuan N.G edsatIn ti lstka uatbo sIUT cihhw owldu evah rtfnamloyaim sssoercep gt;--& triatntislie itnomm.alnfai

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skonys  lLo eyth sued sthi rpcietu in a diff aemx nad the easwnr asw a limsw turmo htuhgo +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bobson150(28)
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Is tihs sgiayn trehe si siuevlecretrao rlxfeu? I ocdlu hvae msorw iths aesm eigam aws on omrf 20 ro 21 adn eth aewsrn swa mWils romtu

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hello  ,Yse it s.wa I hintk ni tbho vteestin,g hte tpcireu was laacbysli rretil.evan Or anhreto lbispsoe uecl -- ubt fieldiynet otn eededn ot nrewsa eht .Q +16
presidentdrmonstermd  yM ohoscl sues dol "r"rdtiee BNEM sitoeuqns ofr eaxms adn eIv' lsoa eesn htsi ctxae sema erutcpi ileplutm weim.../ts dtefifner anecsiosr I hnkti. I dteir eemnrgmeibr whta hte oqeusisnt erew btu I gsues sit' styoml +3
hyperfukus  EASM +
hyperfukus  I aslo utp il'mws omtru cb it left rlyale riimalfa tfw +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—gainsgutsglory(38)
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hyW is shti laetrtiIisn ?almfaImontin I denurtsdan tihs si a VRU sanugic honpro.ssirdyhe

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skinnynomore  ihts dki ash ocnicrh toslnyirhipeep edu ot nturrcere TIsU isohU(drspreVhon/Ry is a ksir co) nAd iit-s = anmimtoa.linf Tath swa my eakt on t.i +3

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cathartic_medstu(37)
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ricPuet wsohs tdailed eruter nda arlen elispv

Crcniho EYOPLieistrhpn ylop(e = pse)ilv =t;&l eerruncrt esiepsdo fo eAcut nliioetyPsephr &;=tl TIU

ihTs tinptae klilye ash uliacoveertser flrexe lenagdi to cnurteerr .ITsU

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cathartic_medstu(37)
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Putcier wsosh taddeli uetrre dan anrle pvlesi.

oCcnhir EPLYOrihsitnep o(eply = spvie)l =< erutrecrn sedepiso fo Aeuct prsieyiehPlnot l;=t& UTI

ihTs pinatet lielyk ash uirserolvetcae xlfere gaindel to rencerrtu sTIU.

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