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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Interstitial inflammation ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—keycompany(351)
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iraUrny ratct eontscinfi aer het otsm coomnm eacidqur cuaes fo iueiorstVecc lxfRue )VR( ni eihn.dclr VR acn aeld ot eflRxu Nhpehryptao, wihch si ihtedecrrzaca yb chrinoc lsiuattitrltnbouie notiinmamafl tiwh ssoifbri nad ranriscg, ldgiaen ot nelra lurefi.a

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lancestephenson  Cna onemsoe lsepae axpinle sawh't ggino no ni siht upirct?e hsTi is het MSEA UECTIPR dues ni NBEM 02 dna 21 itwh eno of ehmt bgine a 66 /yo tiwh alhtreuoil lelc roaamincc dna eth teorh ebgni rtlbuua h.paoyrt I tsju odnt' nkwo oyenmra +49
spacepogie  dI' be yhppa to ensd ehmt a ifgt racd ot hsruacep remo tckos eiamgs fo dknisye for eus ni ureutf +20
diabetes  i hknti VR uohsdl elad to rlliebat ynedki maaedg dan rehe ylno lfte knidey si atusolffd.ehdec we spspuoe ttah thrgi dkiney aslo is aetcdfef ? +1
skonys  eTh idk tges tow IUsT adn sih ykseind kuen smevthees.l KAAAWEAA. oAls eolv woh teh dki sha c~ohrnc~i itifaoammnnl at 4 ysr .ldo Grbaeag pci oo.t +1

FA 2019 pg. 587 on hydronephrosis +Distention/dilation of renal pelvis and calyces [.l Usually caused by urinary tract obstruction (eg, renalstones, severe BPII, congenitalobstructions, cervicalcancer, injuryto ureter);other causes include retroperitoneal fibrosis, vesicoureteral reflux. Dilation occurs proximal to site ofpathology. Serum creatinine becomes elevated if obstruction is bilateral or ifpatient has an obstructed solitary kidney Leads to compression and possible atrophy ofrenal cortex and medulla.

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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I TEADH stih rticpeu, tsju keil royeneve ,else ,oll so I idd meos oerm gn.giidg yonevEer lwbeo si ,teccror ahtt the tenetoirasnp si igstneggus na tfconsiuei r.scosep TIsU anc ecuas eautc yehenl,oprtisip and if cnhro,ic gsosrpesre ot chin.rco iytolePnrpeihs is a turlilutttasibeoni e.sedias I fnudo thsi innooaitrmf enagigdrr ti, adn in teh astl rtap, ti seridsebc het gssro oohaplgyt of oirchcn eore.ptliiyhpns mroF my tnentpiietor,ra it dosusn elki htaw the pcreuit si ,onishgw ubt I wt'san ebla to fndi a bturteejt/s as doog one neonil ,ety os I 'tdno kwon orf erus.

eAutc tbTaltltiiiesnouur th:Nierips eAuct nanifmtomial fo lsuuebt and mittiurtneis acn eacus F,AR dna fi eth tmnyoamraifl epscsro itesrpss hits nac vvoeel otni ocncrhi ltlttiorietasubniu piirhntse nda ccnhroi isialrtnitte ossbrfii dna baultru photrya with ikrs fo prnoiesrsog ot dgeat-sen eniykd e.iasdes Two amroj ciesegrtoa of aeuct unibetttilurisatol erihtspin are auetc ieslppoyriethn nda utcae yretiesphtnyviis uaiietlrttnlstuoib hser.tinpi

cuAet ople:thiiysrepn Cesuda yb ialcaetbr inniecoft stmo lncommyo .E lcoi .iinnfocet neiitHtyerssviyp atitltnbeuiiluostr enirtshpi: uCased by an ralicegl onssepe,r for lemep,ax ot a gudr or orteh sscbnestua htta aer enigsed,t shcu sa lebhra esere.mid

yB raf eth stom nommoc erout fo netionfic in eacut thrpieniyspleo si an cnaeginds oitcenfin ni eht iuaynrr rat,tc for pmae,lxe ievredd orfm a rliectaab ddalreb .ieofcinnt ecutA lyneohsiteppir = sxvenieet xfulin fo NsPM nwithi eht tim,urensitit lbsutue uttlsu)ib,(i and eulmns of bseuutl C(WB c)tass (hD/yBp/./l2bit:tiPJyt).

With snictspreee or nerccruere fo auect ltpnishiepyr,eo the asdesie ocssepr olsevev iotn occhinr oyplii,netsrhep ciwhh uylalsu is aanocpdiemc yb akerdm sioeron fo eth alarlypip itp rnseigtul in initldoa of teh cdntjaae ylacx a.)(citsaciles

Teh mtos ershticctiacar oohcaigltp uaeserft of chronic tiphnpislreyeo rea eth rsgso gasehnc ni eht ideykn tiwh derbaab-sod rsasc ni the crpaenyahm lryeonvig seraa fo itracloc dan raumydell yprhato thwi tajcdaen c.stelcisiaa ,Aols het nttnioaresep stggsseu drhroy,poeishsn nda morf my heasrr,ec do,rhohsnpisyer enwh oee,hsircnr/vc nca tnibcroetu ot teh akrmed sosl fo rcotex dna rbiss/frisacso of eht ldmuael (L/ME/dTpd.0t/ adn cicsetsaial hc(ihw I tkhin is septern no tihs hsiT is eth otsslce turipec wthi idoiencsrpt I doucl ifdn atth hmcesta teh estm tsepetnnrioa i.(.e rotyruerehd nda isonhodehrr,pys nituggegss tlecevaeurrois xfelru liengda ot nitncfoei form "a lngo agindstn ubsrtiocont oyb(prbal i"al)nntecgo os liyelk rmof a cldh)i /aR0bM/ehemwA./A8NtsT/tuthR.0puttdL.EHah:ENdempL.lh.

losA, to toeinnm on teh oehtr ostnmcem xespringse tnsaruortfi taht teh emas uetiprc wsa dsue fro smtruo dan uatbrlu haoy,rtp form awth I ,rdae hatt osrsg atogy,olhp is hte lgreaen cppranaeae fo eouehrtyrdr eud ot ieobcuttvrs hrpuytao .ie(. utburla hra,tpyo si/bsr,sorfiagcinr tixa/lilcasycseac atdinoi,l dan tihn tcracloi rmi deu ot r.hatpoy lPeohgocomltaon.yin ssya htat het aeilasisctc si ageexrgtdea ni elss resvee spacaa/tiresl buoiotctrns sinec RGF is not peupedssrs cei:vosswkamohhottnidoo.syipyt././wu/onltbtptweutictlpcmhger/l.)

oepH sith peshl nyv!oeeer tI ersu eedhpl ,em but ookt AWY oto glon to audtnd,ersn l.ol

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nor16  ecin ,juobbt i ntod nhkti oyu ende all thsi rof eesht osntsiequ +5
alimd  ntex step si ot od mzoeadnrdi talri) +1

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—adong(144)
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Seurp gyainnon eyth aer usgni eht ames repcuit TUB oyu can rwesan iwht pcsrseo of l.iianenmoti No mass in teh epuicrt so otn aheriooosmspttablsn or R.CC 4 yaer old os otn ly.asoiimdso Smte sdoe not rayell euc you into oemnmsarub .GN etdnsaI ti lsakt buato UsIT wichh duowl hvae iantammylrfo cspserose -;>- lsirtiaetnit tioan.ilmnfam

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skonys  lLo yeht uesd htsi eruiptc ni a idff amxe nad hte arwens saw a iwmls tmour gohuht +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bobson150(28)
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Is shit ansigy there si saocevueetrirl lfr?exu I ucdlo ehva srowm htsi amse amieg was no fmro 20 or 21 dan eht swrnae was iWslm toumr

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hello  s,Ye it s.wa I kinth ni tboh tg,seneivt het prceiut aws ciayalslb eritan.elrv rO enrtaho sseolpib ucle -- ubt tinledfyie nto ednede to snwera hte .Q +16
presidentdrmonstermd  yM cslooh uess dlo "rt"deeir MBEN ostneusqi for maxse dna eIv' sloa seen ihst eactx sema priceut eulmptil .iem..tws/ eertdfnif scresaion I htnki. I ietrd igernmebemr thaw hte qeuosnsti rewe utb I gseus i'st syotlm rve.iatnler +3
hyperfukus  MSEA +
hyperfukus  I olas put 'lwmis rtmuo cb ti eftl ayrell lirimaaf wtf +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—gainsgutsglory(38)
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yWh is thsi tsliiIatnre fIl?maanomnit I rdntuedsan stih si a VRU sciguna oeiponsh.rrsdyh

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skinnynomore  tish kid ash cirohnc spihinylorpete ude to turrrncee UITs rhdyoRsneUr(psohi/V si a skir ofac).tr dAn -isti = om.anlitianmf That was ym take no .it +3

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cathartic_medstu(37)
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Ptcirue whsos dleatdi etruer nad alenr lspvei

nCoihcr YEPLOitnsrehip op(yle = esl)ivp &l;=t crenrreut pdsoeeis of Acteu oplehnPiiysetr ;lt&= ITU

Tihs ntteapi eklyil has osceuaielrertv elexfr agledni ot rterurcne Ts.UI

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cathartic_medstu(37)
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eruticP hossw adetldi urtree and nrale eslivp.

onihCrc YPEOLnpestihri l(epyo = veis)pl &l=;t rternurec sdpeisoe fo uAcet nPiehloreysitp =&;lt TUI

shiT anpteti kyelil ahs vrsaectelrioeu rxelfe adnlegi ot reurrcnte UI.sT

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