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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Interstitial inflammation ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—keycompany(351)
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rynraUi tatrc oinicfestn aer hte ostm omcomn qeucriad caseu of iieuocrtVesc lxuRef (VR) in rcn.idhel RV cna eadl to leuxRf eaoptphhyrN, cihwh is zctriheaaecrd yb ohicrnc sinluoeitatlbutirt inofaminmalt tihw isrfsboi nda snrcria,g aeglidn to rlena urliaef.

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lancestephenson  Can oeoenms eeslpa lnipxae saw'ht ggnoi on in shit erutp?ci hiTs is hte AEMS CEPTUIR used ni BNEM 02 nad 12 thwi one of hmte egbin a 66 o/y iwht talheruiol lcel acacmrnoi nad the trhoe bengi arltbuu h.prytao I tusj tdon' wnko reamyno +49
spacepogie  'Id be phayp ot ensd mthe a itgf dcar to euhcarsp orme cskto mgieas fo isdnyke orf use ni futeur .xesm.a. +20
diabetes  i ktnhi RV sldhuo elda ot rtiabell eiyknd dgmeaa nda eher noyl telf kieydn is oclueffe.tddash ew uosspep taht rgthi diknye losa is fcaeedtf ? +1
skonys  heT dik etsg owt UsIT nda hsi kedsyin eukn elemevs.hst AEAA.AWAK losA vleo owh het kdi ash nioc~~rch ntifnoiaamlm ta 4 yrs ol.d rGbagae icp ot.o +1

FA 2019 pg. 587 on hydronephrosis +Distention/dilation of renal pelvis and calyces [.l Usually caused by urinary tract obstruction (eg, renalstones, severe BPII, congenitalobstructions, cervicalcancer, injuryto ureter);other causes include retroperitoneal fibrosis, vesicoureteral reflux. Dilation occurs proximal to site ofpathology. Serum creatinine becomes elevated if obstruction is bilateral or ifpatient has an obstructed solitary kidney Leads to compression and possible atrophy ofrenal cortex and medulla.

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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I EADTH isht ie,prutc tusj ikel yreveneo ,esel lol, so I idd esom roem ding.ggi oyreEvne bowel is cr,tcero ahtt teh eiroetnaptns is uggisgtsne an oiunsefitc cssor.ep ITUs nac esauc ceuta iy,oenhspilterp dna if coi,rhcn persesosgr to n.horcic itsyiehoPnelrp is a etbaiitturousinllt .easdise I noudf thsi raioofimtnn grgeaindr ti, dan in the slta pta,r ti iecrssedb eht osgsr olpygahot fo oirhcnc srlpiynpeieot.h ormF my npito,tairetren it susdno ikle athw teh turepic is g,nhwosi ubt I sawn't bael to infd a /ujtetrtbse as odog noe nlnioe yt,e so I dnt'o ownk rfo rsu.e

cetAu ltTsnuloribiitateu hptiiNse:r cueAt nfaoimanimtl of lueustb and sritnttiemiu nca usaec R,AF and if het fnmylarimtao spesocr stpssier itsh nca vveelo tnio ccnirho tiebautlsuriitotnl ihisrptne dan hnicrco tetiilsrnati biiosrfs dna abuturl tyhroap ihwt risk fo rpoinorgses to gsdaetne- nkeidy ieaseds. Tow ajorm eaetscgoir fo acteu utbtrulstoiiaitenl iirsnepht rea etauc tnselropihipye nda uceat yhytisneptriiesv ttsutntrilaoibueli irpsnti.he

ucteA itelrs:pyinphoe duaesC yb aeltbirac cneftonii smot loycmnom .E icol ctonfe.nii iHvntpyyesreitsi itatresliiutboltnu s:rtnpiihe auesCd by na aicellrg sseoen,rp rof pxaee,ml ot a drug or ertoh suestsbnac atth ear is,ndeget shcu sa eharlb smideer.e

By arf teh mtso oommcn uteor fo tonniifec ni tacue pietilpheornsy si an cdigsaenn ecofninit in hte uairynr att,rc rof paxmee,l ederivd rofm a tabcilrea abdredl tcoei.nfin tAceu ypieoehirtlspn = eneetivsx lnxfiu of NsMP iwtinh the tstim,tiiernu beulust l,utitbsiu)( nda snulme fo ulsbuet W(BC ac)sts (2t/yPttlD:iB//

thWi crnepestise or ucrrreeecn of tcuea phiteer,pisnoyl eth edssiea rsosepc eseolvv ntoi cirhonc ltnisehpyipeo,r cwhih lauslyu si ccnaepmaiod yb rmekad eoisnro of eht llippryaa itp tgilsernu ni ialniodt fo the dtnaeajc ylacx si.ica(letsc)a

eTh tosm rehcsartiitacc ghtaclpioo rfeaesut fo hncocir ohreitpensiylp rae the ssogr asncgeh in het yiknde hiwt sodr-abdabe scasr ni hte hreycnpmaa oliegnyrv aeasr of cctialor and dlrmeuayl pyaohtr hitw dacejatn csclstaeai.i ol,As the rponneastiet utsggess rsorsnhdhpeoyi, and mfor ym sh,erraec opodish,hsynrre ewnh eec,iovn/rsrhc nca necutrtoib to teh mrkdae osls of xeroct and bcrsioassfsi/r of hte dealmlu (ht./tNtHaethREN0supw/Ahmd.p/:hMRTt.L0eb/m7eALa.dElu) dna iateccaliss hchiw( I hnikt is ersnpet no ihts .uectir)p shiT is the tsecols crtipeu wthi oiipscnetrd I doclu ndif thta tmcehsa eht smte ttseonipraen .i.e( rrhtodyerue adn por,rhysodihnse gtssegnuig etlrucavesiore euxlrf enaildg to ietncofni rfmo a" logn ignndsat nbutrtscoio brpl(aybo nl)at"ogicen so eliykl mrfo a ihc)dl RLuA:pEAedMlh/hpLtths.meEb.utN/e.wmN80aT0.thHt/a/Rd.

os,lA to otnimne on eht oerth centomms nxeersisgp sotfriutrna tath teh smae rpuceti asw udes for omutsr nad tluuarb hrapto,y rmfo wtah I rad,e hatt gorss ,ygphtaolo is eht aelgenr raancppaee fo udrtheyoerr due ot icottrbusev oyhurpta (e.i. auubrtl rp,oatyh ifrairsc,orsbgsin/ ltxilaiyacc/essca l,niditao nda niht lraiccto irm ude to py.ahotr cnoaentoy.llhomogiP ssay thta hte tlecsiaaics si texegredgaa ni lses eevres cl/ssiarapate totcosbnriu neics FGR si not uepdsrsesp c./otesl/ondicy/clostutikarywlmpuohht.tgtoe.itwi:wspot/pbevmhn.)

pHoe tshi eshpl veeyeo!rn It suer ledphe m,e utb koto YWA oot long to ens,danrdtu o.ll

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nor16  cnie ,uotb bj i ondt nhkit uyo edne lla itsh ofr seeht seqisnuot +5
alimd  exnt estp is to do enrimadzdo tlra)i +1

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—adong(144)
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rpeSu ygionnan eyth rae gsiun hte emsa ceptuir TBU ouy nca ewnrsa whti eocsrsp of oN mass in het uictper so not oshsametatolniosbpr or .CRC 4 raey odl os otn omyl.soisida eSmt dsoe nto lelayr ecu ouy onit oumarbemns N.G edsnIat it kaslt obatu IsUT chhiw oulwd hvea nroiaamlfmyt cspessero ;&--gt ieinsltaittr mloi.nniaamft

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skonys  lLo eyth esdu isth cruteip in a dfif maxe adn the awsenr saw a ilmws ruomt hhguot +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bobson150(28)
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Is ihst saygin ereht si eevrucolietrsa ?fuxlre I cdlou hvea womrs hsti amse igema swa no morf 02 ro 12 adn eht nwesra asw milsW urmto

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hello  Yes, it I nkhti ni tboh ve,neisttg hte ipcutre asw aaylclsib e.vrertanli rO ornehat seolsbip cule -- btu ftidelieny tno eedden ot nswrea hte Q. +16
presidentdrmonstermd  My shcool esus ldo "rdeirt"e EMNB iqeunsost orf mxase dna I'ev laos ense htis tecax mesa cpeiutr lumptiel nteirffde ensarosci I nk.ith I itred bemmienerrg athw the stqisenou erwe tub I susge s'ti olstym eveail.nrrt +3
hyperfukus  SEMA +
hyperfukus  I aols put iw'slm mtruo bc ti etfl yerall malraifi ftw +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—gainsgutsglory(38)
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Why si iths taisnIiltre tionmfmI?nlaa I tareudnsdn tsih si a UVR suignca s.rdrshpneiohyo

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skinnynomore  shti dki hsa nhicocr rtiyplseepnohi due ot ertcernur UTsI (RrhVosshnprdyeo/Ui si a ksir .tf)ocra And -tsii = manmoi.ftnial tahT swa my taek no .ti +3

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cathartic_medstu(37)
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eiucPrt shwos iatddle erruet dan ralne piselv

oincChr LYPEOitsinhepr oel(yp = evpsli) tl&=; enetrcrru ospeesdi fo ctuAe Pytpeliserniho ;&t=l ITU

hsiT atpnite lkelyi has ivrrsetlecoaue felxre aednlig to ntreucerr sUTI.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cathartic_medstu(37)
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Preuict ssowh idaldte urteer nad anrel vieslp.

ocinhrC EOYPLnrhtipise opye(l = levisp) ;tl=& cnrrrutee esdopise of eAutc isrPileoehtynp &tl;= UTI

iTsh ntpeati illeyk hsa ecevreulrosait xeelrf egdnlai ot rurerenct .TsUI

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