FA 2019 pg.168 on neg sense RNA virus: must transcribe - strand to +.Virion brings its own RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
teh ogmtdna citrk eher si VIH is islegn edndsat + nsese i"ldopid." MBEN wtierrs ear ujts kerfu.sc hhghuh
,kO so ANR nptedndee DNA mrspealeoy si for eevrrse paat..sser.nctri lesign ertnadds + esu NAR eddtenpen RNA eseoy.plmar naC mosneeo lni?eaxp
ym boprlme iwth isth, hyw t'acn it eb rmlsiai to peH B li(caurcr ?NDA) virus is wen or oeatiht.pcylh
ARN ennetpdde NDA eso=yprleam seRreev a2aircrspe.tt ns erissuv veah evserer tea-rcsrsiapnt ouseetrrsirv nda BVHV .HB OTDENS acues lchiptneseai and ti si lplyaarit udeobl atrsddendA n. HVI si ss eoptvsii esens n dA ouy vaeh that ptooni neinec.gevH D.
eWhn yuo ehra eerevrs pentaratircss AR(N etpdeennd DAN lyosmep)ear you uldhos ltemaiymdie eb nigthink IHV ro e.pH B. In this acs,e Hep .B i'tns gstnmoa the nwsera hiceosc, ti si a lylptraai uedlob dnteadrs rcluarci NDA urivs, ont a llyuf bueldo ddatrnes AND .rsviu
shTi esvael ,IVH nsleig ndrdstae tvesipio nssee NAR vri.su Anohrte cule si ttha isth si usganci ac,etiephinsl hwcih tiymiaedelm dcuel me into VHI tdeasosiac altheiniscep wthi iliacrlgmo tfr.oirloainpe HIV ash itopsrm in hte CSN orf soegmpcraah ricgai)o(.lm eHp B. sienfct t,seteaocphy adn Im' unaarew tath it nca aesdrp to hte SCN at al.l
I hitkn sthi saw irngferre ot seevrre nitsarcrtseap, dna het olny two sevsiru I kwne ahtt sude tmhe weer HepB nad erirvoI.rHsestuV/ iGnev teh tceotxn I pckeid esre/IHtvruiVors wchih aer SS + nse.se ishT was dink of wdrie ohtghu cnies het vusir swa e”nw“ ... but v’eI elrndae thta “n”ew uslulya ensam evry llttei no hstee etsst.
My eguss is atht hety are enrrgeirf to vRtieurors )V(HI/-LHVT a liesgn rdntesda pioievst eessn lirena RNA. vesiousrRter rae noknw ot rayrc rrsevee atspesctirran n(d-teeeRNdApn -ypmsr)eN.aDleoA Teh nsilchepeita is tahw rewht em ffo ucz I lotialucyamat utohght of the anym gaeeitvn eesns NRA sevsriu htat cause hiscinptlaee (klie nirsvaerua or i.aybu)uvrns naepyrpAtl rtehe haev neeb a fwe usaecs of HVTL gsnauci .an..htleiciesp yemba isth si thwa teyh ewre ngriyt ot gte ?at Ikd ubt i juts ptens way oot uhcm emit on siht dman noeuqits //lvclp85/tans88..pim/nsb7cim.1.iMeChw/cwgoP/hrtw7nt:
ANR needddpe DNA ypoelarems = sererev teictprnraass (FA 20 p ,83 uernd mletae).eros
ienGv het vsrui ash evserer ,tetnasriarpsc ti is yliekl a rseroivrut usparvdei(ahn olsa sha rrveese ant)epstrrcsai.
Reoituserrvs rae SS+ ANR (Ai vsseruF 02 p 76)1
paaeesJn iniahctspele sviur digrnaocc ot .Dr eogloG n()bic
As oosn sa I was acenihtlsipe I ghohttu fo Fislvaersuiv ihhcw :era
SS ⊕ aleinr crsoaeIahdl n:ngciduil
,YeoHwCllV eervf, ungD,ee t.S ouLsi lnp,etsiiehac Wste Niel iursv kaa gpecimaiheeslinntno and kiZa isurv
.p 761 rstFi Adi 1820
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gdoacnirc ot eldlseubmt lkni ns ss RAN must cayrr RAN deenpedtn ARN lapesyreom (so atth is uo.)t
slao, crocnigda to emlbtesdlu rehte are eyvr efw ds ANR sie,uvsr so osm"t l"ikeyl liwl eb ss. sA,ol etd-nenRAdpeN AND lpsmaoyree = rveesRe snaeTprcasitr. neSic HVI si a ss sp RAN vruis ihtw T,R hty'eve sirdcedeb an VIH ins.ouc not ersu oynbde hi.st