FA 2019 pg.168 on neg sense RNA virus: must transcribe - strand to +.Virion brings its own RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
hte atmgdno ckirt rehe is HIV is gislne ednastd + nsees ioi"dpl."d NBEM swrtrie are tjsu urkfse.c uhhghh
,Ok os ARN pennetedd NAD remealpyso is rfo ervrese ttcasr.sr.eaip.n nlgesi tarddnse + esu RAN teednepdn RAN lomyer.paes naC omenoes ?lniexpa
my opreblm iwth it,hs hyw nc'at ti eb irilsam to epH B urri(accl A?)ND ruvsi is new or leh.iatoctyhp
NAR eenepddtn DAN arpoemslye= erResev nc a2.ptsisrarte irevuss veha vererse iatstapne-srrc otrsriveuser and VHBBH .V SETNDO caeus sneiahlpiect dan ti is payrilalt dubleo ertandsd .And IHV is ss tpoisiev snese dn A uyo hvae ahtt notopi neenge. vcHi .D
hneW uyo reha evesrre trtsprcianaes ANR( npeedndet DAN romelapes)y oyu lsuodh ateyeildmim be khitngin VIH or pHe. .B nI tshi acse, Hep .B 'stin mastngo the nawser ccoe,his ti is a lyatlriap leudob aensdtrd alcircru NAD u,svri not a lufly oldebu adsrtedn NAD s.riuv
hiTs vlseea H,IV ilsegn dartdens ivestoip ssene NAR iusrv. rhotneA lecu is htta hist si csugani inelephsiatc, chhiw amemlditeiy educl me otni IHV sedtocasai ihltpeecnisa iwht aliorlicmg lnor.fratieiop IVH hsa sriptom ni the CSN for rhgmaesocpa a)iirlom.(gc epH B. ncsefti pasteytho,ec nda mI' rawaenu that it nac rsdepa to hte CSN ta ll.a
I tkhin hits swa ernriefrg to vresere tsrnascr,petia nad eth lyon tow seirsvu I wkne hatt esdu tmeh eerw HBpe nda oviHertse/r.srVuI veGni eht xncteot I pckdie e/rHIrstivsreouV hhcwi are SS + nsee.s shTi aws nidk of iwder ugothh esicn het riusv wsa “wn”e ... but vIe’ eaenldr thta “nw”e saylulu asenm eyrv tletli on esteh stest.
yM ssueg is taht ethy are grirferne to Rireurtosv (/IHL)VT-VH a geisnl taddsern stieopiv nssee rinela A.NR oevrirstuseR are okwnn to ryrac ereresv nttripcsrseaa nRe-pAee(Ndndt .emDprNasA)loe-y Teh sailctepineh si waht erthw em off zcu I lttaimalocuya httough fo hte myna ineavtge neess ANR vuisser ahtt seuac iselaehpinct leki( araresnuiv or )yasru.uinbv tAlareyppn rehte have nebe a wfe ssuace of HLTV icsuagn .sh.lpeieati.nc eabym hsit is hwta hety erwe yirgtn to tge a?t dIk but i jtus spnte yaw oot muhc tiem no ihst andm siuotqen n7bw8m/wv/Plpo//lnpgii/.hc7n.5r..acmh8Ms/swe:ttcC8ti1
NAR edddeenp DAN yeorpaslem = eresvre icrapenasrtst (A F 20 p 3,8 ndeur maoe.se)erlt
inveG the usrvi ahs servere cs,raarntsetip ti si leiykl a tivsoerurr srvniapehdau( sola hsa rrveees )citersrtanpa.s
evuerortRiss aer SS+ NRA vis(FsAreu 02 p 1)76
Jesaenap cisteehpnial siurv gccanordi ot r.D eGlogo c)(nib
As onos sa I aws sptenlahciie I hhuottg fo vuilivrasesF wcihh r:ae
SS ⊕ nilear hsIoredaalc i:ndclnuig
Vl,lCeHwYo efv,re gD,neue S.t ousiL pleiatsich,ne esWt iNel suvri kaa ncaisoemtnlgpniheei nad Zaki isrvu
.p 617 itsrF diA 2180
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icrocgdna ot dulebtselm klni sn ss RNA smut ayrrc RAN ednedptne NAR moeslaprey os( ttha is )uo.t
,osal ncdrociga ot eedullmsbt theer ear very fwe sd ANR is,vesur so o"tms lkyiel" lilw eb s.s ,oslA etd-pNdRAeenn AND arompsyele = reeevRs neTctr.aspisra Sniec VIH is a ss ps ANR uirsv twih ,RT vthee'y disbecder na VHI i.ncosu ont user nbeody hst.i