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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#15 (reveal difficulty score)
An 18-year-old man comes to the physician 10 ...
C8 ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +22  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—drmohandes(193)
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rnFegi loxeifn edno yb:

  • DPF = rxoefl dtmuirgoi dosnrfuup esfexl( P)ID
  • SDF = xfolre oiumirgtd faiusciilsper l(fesxe )PIP



  • SFD 5//243/ yb dmiane CT1)(-5
  • PDF /32 by nemaid C(T5-)1
  • PFD 45/ yb ualnr C-()81T


urO tntapie tcn'a elxf IPD of ignr egirnf โ†’ FDP4 โ†’ alurn โ†’ 8C.-1T

lynO pbsoiles ewanrs we acn pkic is 8C.

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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To xnepad no sh,it iatnoncctor of refxol ruitgmdoi spufoundr emulcs sutlesr ni ixnfoel ta eth DIPs and sP.IP eTh nndeot stacaeht ta teh ipt fo hte ren,ifg in trasotnc to feolxr mdirutogi puriseisfcial ah(cetats at hte sPP.)I llaRce raneonitinv of eht oefrmra mcussel si slmyot from the dmiane rev,en excpet rof .15 slumecs (lnrua hfla fo lfoxre dtomiurgi ordpusfun dna hte reoxlf praci runlisa, tbho lpuiedps yb nrual chiwh aekms ti ze to rmeemebr ay.)y

tBu sloa fi you ogt htsi gownr ilke em go edar htta lnki acbeseu tsi' a aellry cien .ivewre

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samsam3711  solA a dies te,no itsh is elclda Jyrsee ernfgi dna si lyrleiaevt nocmmo irjnuy agmon ttlhseea h/wwe5st1uh.n/6s:ltoenhifraowoe/d.etcj-rtlgr/p0y/msb +4
brbwhat  PDF ynlo sauecs pbormel iwht dip ifosexndl. F esausc yunrij wtih ipp eil.onxf +
brbwhat  esCasu lmepr*bo weTirt hhe si na embn tisunqeo ni 24 draetle to ihts etcpnco as ot thaw sueacs awth, +

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haliburton(224)
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a enic iewrev fo emoymto nad odretemam / lsexeefr

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—zup(18)
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elxFor urgtiDmoi o:dfuouPAtsrn cin esxFel sdilat hsgnpleaa ta ilatsd altapaeignehnlr nsjtio of emdail oruf dgsii;t stissas htiw ofiexln of dat:eInihro navnn Mdeail tarp: alrnu rneve C8( adn 1)T; laLtrae :prta toianrer unesstroseoi nbcarh of denmia nvere 8C( adn 1 T)/

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—beto(28)
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xel irgn adn ettill inefrsg at J-IsarunPDl veexlfrne xdien nad ilmdde sirgnef ta JnIsPdD-emai vneer

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1)flex ring and little fingers at DIPJs-ulnar nerve

2)flex index and middle fingers at DIPJs-median nerve

+/- beto(28)

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