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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#15 (reveal difficulty score)
An 18-year-old man comes to the physician 10 ...
C8 ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +22  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—drmohandes(193)
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negirF ioflxne deno y:b

  • DFP = rlfoex tdiurigmo udusonprf xeesf(l )DIP
  • DSF = oeflrx romuigdit iisuriascfple lx(fese P)PI



  • SDF 53//24/ yb ameind C-T5)1(
  • FPD 23/ yb nmadie 1()T-5C
  • PDF 54/ by nlura (T8)C1-


urO pttiaen ta'nc xefl DPI fo ngir ergnfi โ†’ F4DP โ†’ rulan โ†’ C8-T1.

lOyn oebsispl earsnw we cna kipc si C8.

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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To nedapx on h,sti rocctaonnti of oerxfl rmugdoiti ufnrsodup cluesm sulsetr ni infolxe ta the DsPI adn .PsIP eTh noetdn htstecaa at teh pti of hte n,rigfe in rcaontst ot oxrefl iuidgotrm lfriecspsuaii h(taaesct ta het )P.IsP leclaR viornntiean fo het afreorm melcssu is stlmyo fmro hte mieand vne,re pcxete for 1.5 clmsuse (luarn fhal of eoxflr droutmgii upuofndrs dna the rexflo irapc alrisnu, thob pplsediu yb aruln chiwh eamks ti ze to brrmeeem y)ya.

tBu oals if you otg isht nrwgo leki me go edra atht kiln esabuec 'tsi a alrley ecni verew.i

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samsam3711  Asol a edsi neto, sthi is cedlal Jeseyr iegrfn nda is ayrivlltee nmomoc inujyr gmnao tlthsaee l:wrrutan/scof01pw5-/rnt.m/h6.helt/soyeedsw/bgeothij +4
brbwhat  FPD onyl uacsse molepbr ithw dip Flfix onse.d ssuaec jyniru iwht ipp .ofleinx +
brbwhat  suesCa *lobpmer ethhTire w si an nmeb qeonitus ni 42 deartel to itsh ctecnpo sa ot hwta ascuse hw,at +

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haliburton(224)
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a ince irewve of emmtoyo dna tmeoamdre / elfsrexe

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submitted by โˆ—zup(18)
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xFlroe ouiitgDrm :AounsuPfdiorctn xsFele tdilas plheaasng ta asildt enrgaptihlalane itsnjo fo almied rofu ;giitds tsisass hwit onilexf of nenrotIidah:vnn a ileaMd rtp:a ulran evnre 8C( and T;)1 tralaeL pra:t nrraetoi nuseoosretis acrbnh fo mnadei venre (8C nda T)1 hmlseoii.uan-mugatnr/ttnpsp/gxsto:-/sr.a/hrldedfid-osclourf/wedatuu

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—beto(28)
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elx ginr nda ttilel nesgrfi at anJu-sIlPDr f vreenlex ndiex dan mdidel esrifng at -eJDasnImdPi renve

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1)flex ring and little fingers at DIPJs-ulnar nerve

2)flex index and middle fingers at DIPJs-median nerve

+/- beto(28)

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