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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
Purified serum antibodies elicited by ...
Proteins X and Y express the same epitopes 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by usmile1(154)
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fI ouy oolk at lrwdoU sionequt ID 12299 ti ash a uwnoderlf axpniaelton for st.ih If heyt erhas hte asme epsi,pote ti iwll heav a dwndraow sIfp o.el htye aehsr onne fo het smae p,eisteop teh nlie lwil eb htialozonr sscroa the rahpg d(tniiaincg no ncghae as eht notamu of Y ddead ie)nsrasce

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eacv  ogm ES!Y! tnkash dwlUor I tgo ti !ccoerrt xlatcye shti qx sadek eth xaetc ieposotp hni!gt hhaaaH I dveol ti !! +9
pg32  eEvn aefrt ndeiagr the lWUodr ienatolpaxn, I ma sitll tno erus woh het arwnes that drsae, nertio"P Y xspsresee lla of teh seepitpo esseprxde by erioptn X, but rntpeio X deso nt.o.". is c.itnrreoc saedB no het pahr,g I o'ntd ese a awy we can urle tuo ttah nsaewr iehcoc nad it dsnosu rmeo ylilke ntha thob X nda Y ahignv eht TEXCA AMES eeopsit.p naC neynoa epanlx?i What duowl teh ahpgr oklo eikl fi eht eudqot naswre coihec swa tc?rocre +3
69_nbme_420  fI oyu aemk up an plxamee tiwh urse,bmn it lalyre lsep!h Pint“oer Y xseepsrse all fo hte eiposept espdxrsee by X, ubt pteiron X eosd tno reexpss lla of eeitpops sxpdesere yb nPiotre I f”.Y we say irenotp Y ash soeeptpi 1, ,2 nda 3. enhT Piotern X ash tpeisoep 1 adn 3. Tnhe we can yalcerl see teh sleipnhortia eth ANTMOU fo Y adedd irevtlea to X nbduo dlwuo NTO eb eilnr.a Sadtte onahret awy – ew eend an tllnepeiaonxy omre otnuam fo Y to EECYPMLTLO nniudb X nad rtoeerfeh ehetr dulwo not be a one ot one itepincod ni eth gapalrrShmii gcilo pilaeps rof eht rswena eccioh ahtt tasste prt"noei X rxsseseep all fo teh oeppiest sdspexeer by iprenot ,Y but ternoip Y sdoe nto sxeesrp lal of het peesitpo eersedpsx by nritope Eg. .X. If rpneoti Y sha pepoeits 1 dna .2 ndA nproeit X ash oeipptes ,1 ,2 dan .3 Here gnaai, ew eahv isaftedsi eth nwears seocich icnotdio,n dan on maettr hwo cumh ew neeascir ionretp Y, epoirtn X lilw lltis aveh eptpoie 3 bnuod ni iths +5
69_nbme_420  stuJ ot ycflria rfo eth tsifr crsinea:o eW heva 3 toisppee no ,Y dan 2 oseeitpp on .X taTh seamn, nmgsisau hte ppoitsee rae all esprent ni eaqul atn,uosm if I dad 003 msrga fo ntropie Y ot eth utnooils - ylno 200 sgram ilwl bnid eptnori X. DNA NLOY 020 asgrm of pntorie X anc eb .nduuonb peoH het nbeusrm h!lep +1
fruitkebabs  roF ayyndob ltlis kstuc on nrtePio" Y exesesspr lal of teh ppeostei xesedrpse yb oirtnep X, but nipreto X esod "nto, tolhghua hsit nesteamtt mya eb tu,er eetrh si ton egunho raotfnimino in teh qoestuin ot erpov hsti. eW kwon for acft tath asbeeuc eht nutomA fo lbaelde X nodbu archese ,0 ta hte veyr e,tasl pnreoti X dan Y rxespse eht amse opeispte ncise ta a aencrit ennnciracto,ot Y is able ot mtylepeloc siapcdel all X rmof eth .smetsy sihT s'otdne xdeluec hte tiiolsbsypi htat rheet mya eb texra tepsoipe no ,Y ubt it neodt's eprvo it +4

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submitted by amarousis(27)
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so owh loudw hte phrga oolk ofr rteipno x xepsesers lla of teh eeptpios spreesxde yb enrtiop ,y tbu ptniore y oeds nto repsxse lla fo the tspeiepo eerdssepx yb rpentoi x?

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drw  enht mseo Xin-ta ocannt atreocle ot Y veen Y si ddead at hvertwea high eosd. ta tshi oondiictn, the inel acn nreve uotch the i-Yax.s n o the ny,orrcat fi Y express lla tpepsoei on eht ,X but X sdoe nto xseprse all soppetei on teh Y, tath seamn mose Y soieetpp rae ton esen no .X ta ihst coin,inodt I d'nto ownk hwat liwl eb het elni lkedoo lik.e +1
medbound57  I ikhtn that eht 'ensil dadrnoww loeps wloud be ete,psre cines Y ash rome tsise htat het ointaydb wduol nbid ot. +

why this is wrong- prtoein y has all epitopes of x and protein x does not have some epitope

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submitted by usmleboy(19)
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An daibyton anc nloy gerezcino a ilnges .etipope neiSc we ese eht rmeo Y eddad ledsa ot elss X ubdn,o neth you nac oasner thye harse teh aems gnbdiin ,iests and Y is oivnpgrreeow .X

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srmtn  MGO tshi is het esnora !ywh haktn !u!!oy +
srmtn  btu hrete era bedtsainoi ttha nca teiacnrt iwth 01 pempio.s.eeltpxae. .IM.g. rsryo got lots gnaia (: +
chj7  rFo noaeyn lstli gnlwidle no this, teh cpsesro hyte talk oautb in eht snoiqeut mtes si byislpos nylallcopo th(us hte suesi fo lpitlemu ese.ppoit) +

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submitted by rhizopusmucor(1)
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I dnouf his,t I hinkt ti vgise kidan of an tapnnx:ealio fI hte rioseserng fo ogl AA()/'( 1)- no l-go B is lneari thiw a eslop of ,-1 enth htsi scdniatei htta the amnntogias is vmpiieecott dan yb iofnnitide het gosatni nda nsitatgnoa atc at eth MSAE oiitnecgorn isset. oS lyasaicbl eth eorm ouy dda ,Y eht sels X is bndo,u cwhih smnae htye vhea a mesa lrsatrutcu eopotcnnm eop(e)itp dna mtus act on the smae t?ies o'tDn onkw fi sthi sekam eness...

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submitted by stepwarrior(29)
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siht suiotenq aws teurt SB, utb hte awy I fuedtsiji s"mea p"ptsieeo swa ttah ti aids "in eht txtneoc of e-nausitmr ",X ei.., hchiw ipspetoe lowdu have been leedoevdp in teh noxtect of het abstineodi tn.seerp t'sI nikuleyl atth tna-iX ndsioiabet uwodl dnbi to stoeeipp on Y atth erna't on .X tBu oyu odluc gerau reteh rea tthroleeiac sipepeto on Y atth luocd eb ndoub yb aenorht btiydnao ttah 'soendt tesxi in hsit re.snioca

rVey wnrda otu dan okto em 5 uenitms to alltucay euifrg tuo on hte st,te hsyoeltn a awtse of tmei in my on,iponi ubt ehert uyo .og

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submitted by peachespeaches(2)
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csueBae ti is a aihsgrtt dwwoardn loe,ps uyo acn soal llte htat Y adn X aer unodb in miiasrl wsya by ai.disoebnt taWh feiretitansfed eth o,tw ten,h tsn'i iopetep nbgindi b,pcialytai tbu hte .itorocnanncet llA lees equla wiht ninbdig iset,s reom Y itwh an cnnianuhgg oatnmu fo X iwll adel to ssle X ndou,b ni a 11: anrn.em

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submitted by ilikecheese(46)
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Hghi X is dubno henw wlo Y si deda,d nad owl X si bonud nhew Y si Seo.ddd a YMEBA yteh rae egotnimcp fro the maes inibdgn oepipetspot/ ued to isth otlesinihpar p(t=eepio tabdoiyn dbgiinn ?e?i?s????)t ???

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submitted by breis(56)
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yuor essug si as dgoo sa ...............i...e.............m............................n..........

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nala_ula  I spten so nogl no isth queotnis nad .me.s.a hahaha +

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submitted by am.cassandre(0)
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anR caosrs a noeiuqts limisar to htis in htnorea oqstenui b.kan In atht oeui,sntq teher wsa no aehncg as the ntoneortincac of het ewn orinept saw edad,d ihhcw mtena ahtt het two tonrsipe ddi not hares miliasr ppee.osti In stih neisutoq, teh idntoayb is jstu nrygit ot bndi tis oipetpe, os ddgina remo ro y snema elss inidbgn of niproet x baesuce teh bydtinoa vafsor eth roietnsp eth .aesm

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This question tests the basis of competitive inhibition. if they express the same epitope, they will bind the same receptors. Adding more X will mean less binding of Y, hence the downward slope.

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