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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
Purified serum antibodies elicited by ...
Proteins X and Y express the same epitopes 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by usmile1(154)
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If uoy olok at rlUwod ionesuqt ID 29921 ti sah a weudfnorl aatenlopxni fro hts.i If heyt harse eht easm osetp,eip it iwll veha a ndwdaowr Iflpeo.s htye hsrae eonn fo teh sema pp,eoteis teh enil lilw eb othnriozal scsoar eht paghr iatcni(igdn no gnhace sa het tuaomn fo Y daded saiesc)ren

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eacv  gmo !!ESY saknth dlorwU I tgo it !rcetrco xeatcly stih xq kedsa the xtcea siootpep !ghnit hhHaaa I olved ti !! +9
pg32  eEvn frtea dagnrie eht WldoUr xtpnnai,aelo I ma tslil nto usre owh het earwns atht d,ares Pnit"ore Y ssexeespr lla of het tipeesop epsrxdees yb nptoier X, ubt ternpoi X dsoe ..t".no is roircetn.c deasB on eht hp,gar I on'dt ese a awy ew cna relu uot ttha warens coheci nda it dossnu roem ielykl hnat hbot X adn Y hivnga het CAETX AMSE eotpsepi. aCn yonena lexipan? ahWt lwoud eht paghr oklo klie if teh oeuqdt wnaser iocche aws ctrcer?o +3
69_nbme_420  fI oyu eamk up na mlxeeap with sun,remb it alryel ple!hs etoirP“n Y xreessspe lal of eth psepitoe srpesdexe by ,X tbu eoirnpt X dseo nto xsrpees all fo oesepipt pxreesdse yb ieotPrn fI. Y” ew sya peortin Y sah etpipeos ,1 ,2 nda 3. nhTe nPtiore X has itopepse 1 dan 3. nThe we nca laercyl ese eth prihoeansitl het AOMTUN fo Y daded irlvaeet to X undbo olwdu TNO be nleai.r edaStt taoerhn awy – we dnee an epinlynlaexot eomr tanmuo of Y ot CLLOYMPEET udninb X dna eoreftrhe hetre lowdu tno eb a neo ot oen tidpnicoe in eth hgpmSariiral igloc apeislp fro eth rsnewa ecicoh atht tasste oept"irn X serpexses lla fo eth tpoiesep eessredxp yb ietonrp Y, btu reoitnp Y soed tno xsspree lla fo eht sppoiete dexeespsr yb enortip g. .EX. fI rentpio Y sha psepotei 1 adn 2. Adn rtnpieo X has ieeptops 1, 2, dna .3 Heer inaa,g ew aevh aifsedsti hte neswar osehcci o,ndincoti nda no mraett hwo mhcu we srineaec ripneto Y, otrpnie X ilwl iltls vaeh eeitpop 3 unodb in htsi c.aes +5
69_nbme_420  tJus ot ciafylr rfo the fsitr sic:noera eW vaeh 3 peepotis no ,Y dan 2 ptpoeeis on .X hatT aem,sn isnasgmu teh iteppoes ear lla tsernpe ni euqal ntuma,so if I add 003 agmsr fo itreopn Y ot eht ntsioolu - loyn 200 mrgas wlli nidb pienrot X. DNA YNOL 002 grsam fo niroetp X anc eb nuno.ubd Hpeo hte brsumen help! +1
fruitkebabs  oFr aodynyb litsl kucst on Pt"renoi Y ssexresep lal of teh ptiepeos xsedpesre yb ioptenr ,X utb trpieon X dseo "otn, uoahhltg siht eetmttasn yam be ,etur rhtee is ont unogeh ritmoninafo ni the eqituosn to rpove t.shi We owkn for ftca taht aeecbus the Auntmo fo dllabee X nudbo ahecers ,0 at hte evry e,lats pinreot X nda Y ssrepex the easm pestipoe cesin at a iatcren cnertntaoion,c Y is labe ot ceelyptolm asiecpdl all X rofm hte emts.ys hTsi 'toesnd edxclue eth iibpsoislyt htta ether may be aexrt ptesipeo on Y, tub it ndot'se pvore it .iteerh +4

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submitted by amarousis(27)
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so who wlduo hte gparh kolo orf rpitone x eeersssxp lal of eht spietoep psxeedrse by eponitr y, ubt nietrop y osde ont psexres lal of het pepsteoi serdxepse yb rtinope x?

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drw  hent emos tXi-an atonnc ecetloar ot Y even Y si dadde at rvweetha ihhg e.sod ta isht nii,cdtnoo the elin nac veenr cothu het sxi-.aY o n the rrntyca,o if Y sepxser lal esepoitp no het X, but X eosd otn ssxpere all opespeit no the Y, ahtt maesn msoe Y eppetois are tno sene no .X ta isth indntoi,co I t'ond ownk what lwli be eth nile ooedkl .ikel +1
medbound57  I khnit htat het s'line awrddnwo lspeo louwd be ese,rtep senic Y ash roem iests hatt hte bioatdny lwoud nbdi ot. +

why this is wrong- prtoein y has all epitopes of x and protein x does not have some epitope

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submitted by usmleboy(19)
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An tioanybd anc lyno cernozgei a legins niSec we ese eht erom Y added dlesa to sles X ,odnub tneh uoy cna oneasr ehyt hsera teh mesa bndigni istse, dna Y si pnreroogwiev X.

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srmtn  MGO itsh si eth raoesn yhw! hnkat o!u!!y +
srmtn  but erhte aer beiidsanot tath cna cintraet tiwh 10 ipee.ptslox.eeamp. g..I.M sroyr tgo olst inaag (: +
chj7  rFo eanyno ltsil ldigwlne no i,hts eht scprseo yhte klat uoabt ni the uiqteosn etsm is ssyopilb lonoylcpal hut(s eht ussie fo lmeupitl stp).opeie +

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submitted by rhizopusmucor(1)
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I onduf th,si I thkni it geisv nkida of an naax:epntiol If the sgernosrei of lgo (A)A'/( 1-) no -ogl B is anlrei hwti a elops of -1, nhte ihts datecnisi htat het snaniomtag si ipmtoiecetv dna yb dioneifint eth sginoat nda stagnntoai tac ta hte SEMA toegnnroiic siset. So ialblcasy hte moer uoy dad ,Y eht slse X is bu,dno hwchi ansme heyt eahv a esma tlsturracu cnetoopnm ee()potip and tusm tac on the maes it?es on'Dt kown if tish esakm


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submitted by stepwarrior(29)
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tshi ntoqesiu was ttreu SB, ubt the ayw I sfeidujit esma" epsi"tpeo aws taht it dias n"i het tncoxte of euan-istrm "X, .,ei. hcwih oetppsie uowdl vaeh eben edoedlpve ni hte noetctx of eth osniaetibd ep.etsrn t'sI eklyilnu htat nai-Xt atiiednbos odulw bdni ot esippote on Y htat 'nerta no .X uBt uyo oucld eaugr htree aer rthtaelcoie tespeoip on Y that codlu eb noubd by thnoear ntibyaod tath dosetn' texsi ni sith ca.sinreo

ryVe dnawr uto dan ktoo em 5 mintseu ot uatyallc euirfg tou no teh ,ttes ltnhoeys a etwas of mite ni my opnio,ni tbu rhete uoy .go

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submitted by peachespeaches(2)
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ceasBue it is a shtigatr nadwrodw selp,o uyo nca also llet ttah Y nad X era nudob in lsrimai awys by at.idoesnib aWth insfearefiedtt het t,wo te,nh 'snit iopepte dnniibg iialbpaytc, utb the cnonat.oeinctr All esel lauqe with inigbnd st,sie orem Y tihw na cnhgnniagu oatmun of X illw ldea to sesl X dnou,b ni a 1:1 earnn.m

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submitted by ilikecheese(46)
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Hghi X is bduon hwne owl Y si ,ddead dna lwo X is dbnuo hwen Y is e.d ddSoa EAYBM tyeh aer eicntogmp orf the mesa ingdbni /itpeoetppos ude ot isth opiarntelihs t=(eoiepp atdnobiy dinnbig ?? s?t)?e??????i

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submitted by breis(56)
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ryou segsu is sa oogd as .e.........................................................m.i......n....

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nala_ula  I tsnpe so nglo no siht oistqenu nda ma.e..s aahhha +

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submitted by am.cassandre(0)
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naR rosacs a tiquenso miisrla to tihs in aoenhtr snqueito .bkan In htat unqst,eoi eerht wsa on heagnc sa eht ooeitctrancnn fo eth nwe rpiteon saw aed,dd cihhw entam tath het two onstriep ddi tno arehs rmiails tsippee.o In htis isqnuoe,t eht obdtanyi is tusj rtygni to idnb tsi ,tpeeiop so dinadg eomr or y manse sesl ibdngin of rientop x ebesacu eth oyabdtni vofasr het itoersnp the

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This question tests the basis of competitive inhibition. if they express the same epitope, they will bind the same receptors. Adding more X will mean less binding of Y, hence the downward slope.

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