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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
Purified serum antibodies elicited by ...
Proteins X and Y express the same epitopes 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by usmile1(154)
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If uoy oklo ta Uolwrd nuqtseio DI 19292 it has a fwoelnrdu ontxiaaelnp ofr hti.s I f ythe aserh hte esma tppseoe,i ti wlil aevh a dnwoward eflo sIp. yeht haers onne of het mesa itsppeo,e hte niel ilwl be nolhtarzio oasrcs eth rpgah nigaic(itnd no ehacng sa the aunomt fo Y deadd sre)nsaiec

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eacv  mgo YS!!E nkasth drUlwo I gto it cce!rort txlcyae hits xq eaksd eht ctexa tpooipes gnhi!t ahHhaa I vedol ti !! +9
pg32  nvEe etfar irdagen teh ordlWU eptxaonlia,n I am ltsil otn ruse woh the rwsnea htta eras,d ertPino" Y peressexs all of het ipospete eeerxpssd by oetinrp X, ubt enpiotr X sedo t"n.o.. si cent.riorc dBsea on eht ,hprag I ot'dn see a ayw we nca lrue tou ttah nawrse ccieho nda it donuss oemr ylielk hatn btoh X dan Y hnigav eth TCEXA SAME poet.spei Can eyanno xani?lep atWh wuold the pahgr ookl elki fi eth tuoqed wneras icohec swa rcoect?r +3
69_nbme_420  fI yuo emak up an eexlpma hiwt usmenrb, it rllaye eps!hl P“oterin Y sepxsrsee lla of hte peosetpi pxrdseese yb ,X ubt rotpein X esdo otn xspeesr lla fo sepoptie esxpseder yb nroetiP .YfI” ew yas ortpein Y hsa eteiospp ,1 ,2 dan .3 henT iorPnte X hsa peioespt 1 dna .3 ehnT we can lrlyeca ees the anirtesoliph eth UMTNOA of Y adedd eltaiver ot X bunod odwlu OTN be aie.lrn Satedt onraeth way – ew deen na apxlioyneeltn eorm ntoamu of Y to PEYMOTELCL bdnuin X nda tefrheoer heert wlodu otn eb a neo ot neo ndociiept ni eht lrpahmgiaSr i oilcg plsiepa orf eht nswrae oichce tath astets iroepnt" X pereessxs all of het pisoepte esrdpexes by iroentp Y, btu etpnrio Y osde ont spesrex lal of het peiposet eerexspds yb noertpi X..Eg. If ienptor Y hsa teppseio 1 adn .2 nAd roetpin X hsa spptieoe 1, 2, adn 3. rHee gaai,n ew heav tidifsesa teh wsanre cehosci ntcood,nii nda on retmat hwo mcuh ew renaiesc einrotp ,Y etipron X ilwl tlsli aehv teeppoi 3 bdnuo in ihst ecs.a +5
69_nbme_420  Juts ot ciarlfy orf teh ftsir eni:cosar We hvea 3 itpoeeps no Y, nad 2 ptipesoe on X. Ttha ,masne susanmgi hte eeptsiop rea lal rspetne ni uaqel tnoua,ms fi I dda 003 amrsg of iptrnoe Y to teh luiotnos - oyln 020 sgrma wlli nibd epnroit X. NAD NLOY 200 masrg of riponte X anc eb oudn.ubn eHop the runsbem h!elp +1
fruitkebabs  rFo ndyyboa istll kctsu no eitrnoP" Y esexrsesp lla fo het eipepsot expdesrse by nrtepoi ,X utb rptnoei X eosd ton", ahgtluho tsih taemnttse yma be rteu, reeth is not egouhn irftinaonom ni eht noiutesq ot orpev ihst. eW wkon ofr afct taht seauecb hte uAtmon fo lbealed X nbudo racsehe 0, at the very lt,eas iptnore X dan Y rsesxpe hte asme ppseiteo scine ta a ainretc reaninottn,coc Y is bael ot tyolepecml diacselp lal X morf hte me.ssyt hisT tdn'oes lcuexde hte topiybssiil taht trehe yam be rxate tspepioe on Y, utb ti 'dtnseo evrpo ti eih.ert +4

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submitted by amarousis(27)
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os who uowdl the arhgp okol fro otepnir x sepxserse lal fo het eippesto epesdesrx by porneit ,y but otnperi y sode tno xpeerss lal of hte ppeisteo sredpxese by pinoter ?x

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drw  hnet omse -aXint tancno atrceeol ot Y veen Y is edadd at eeatrvhw ghhi dsoe. ta thsi noidotcn,i teh neli nca eevnr hctou the -Y.asix o n het c,arnoytr fi Y essxrep lal setoeppi no eth X, btu X edso tno seresxp lla poetiesp on the Y, ttha msnea some Y tseepipo are nto nese on .X at htsi ndocnoi,it I tdno' knwo awth lwil eb hte einl okoled .eikl +1
medbound57  I nhitk htta teh 'lsine rnwawddo olpse dluow eb ,ertepes iencs Y hsa ermo ietss ttha the otdbaniy wuodl bnid ot. +

why this is wrong- prtoein y has all epitopes of x and protein x does not have some epitope

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submitted by usmleboy(19)
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nA adiybont can ylno cgoeiezrn a glnsie .peotipe eincS ew ees eht mero Y dedad asled to lsse X ndubo, tenh ouy anc eronsa hyet hraes het msae gidninb ,sesti adn Y is riogwrvopene .X

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srmtn  GOM hits si teh oaerns y!wh ahtnk !!yu!o +
srmtn  tub teerh rea nditaeibos hatt anc ttirncea thiw 01 sapmep.pie.oxleet. .Ig..M oryrs ogt tols aiang :( +
chj7  Fro onynea illst nweiglld no ,htis hte rsseocp hyte alkt otuba in het inustqeo semt is ioypslsb oanolyllpc u(sth hte essui fo itlmulep p.pi)oeets +

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submitted by rhizopusmucor(1)
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I dnfou ih,st I nikht ti sgiev idkan fo an xia:enntlpoa If hte rorsesenig of log /('AA() )1- no -olg B si leinra with a sople of 1,- ehnt ihts tnscaidie taht eht gmiatannso is eiiemtvcpto adn by nneotifdii teh iosantg dna ointstnaga cat at the EMSA igiercnoton tessi. oS ailybcals eth reom uoy add Y, het less X is ub,dno hciwh masne yeth evha a esam tasuctrlur tcoepnnmo (eppo)ite adn tmus cat on hte emsa i?tse 'oDnt know fi isth ksame


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submitted by stepwarrior(29)
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tshi inqetuso saw tture ,SB but hte wya I ijeidfstu "easm eoepit"sp saw htta ti sdia n"i hte xntecot of matsnir-ue ",X ..,ei hwhci seoppite dlwuo vhea ebne peoddevle in eth entoxtc of hte eaoiibsndt p.stener sI't kllyiuen that Xnai-t iantiseobd odulw ibnd ot peoepsti on Y atth etn'ar no X. uBt uoy uodlc reuag eerth aer eortaecithl eoeisppt no Y thta duolc eb ndobu by etnharo ayibtdno tath 'dsotne stxei in sith

Vrye dwnar tou nad took em 5 imsetun to ayutclla gfruie tou no teh s,tet entsolyh a asewt fo imte in my nnpioi,o btu tehre ouy og.

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submitted by peachespeaches(2)
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eacusBe it is a tiarshgt rowdawnd os,ple yuo can olas tlel htat Y and X era uonbd ni misrlai sawy yb bseiontadi. thWa siertfentaefid teh ,owt et,nh 'itns pptoiee dbgniin btiica,yapl ubt hte rncane.itntcoo llA seel aelqu iwht bidgnin essti, moer Y wtih an nhaignuncg maontu fo X liwl dael ot ssel X b,dnou ni a 1:1 mrenna.

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submitted by ilikecheese(46)
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ghHi X is obudn wenh wol Y is da,dde dna olw X si budon enhw Y is oe. dddSa YEAMB htye ear omgicpent fro the aesm ibdnngi itpps/epotoe edu to tish ihtoaepinrls iep(=opet naiobtyd dinibgn ???i)??s????? et

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submitted by breis(56)
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uyro essgu si as dgoo as .......n................i........e.............................m.........

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nala_ula  I ptsne so gnol on thsi nuqeotsi nda ahahah +

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submitted by am.cassandre(0)
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naR cssaro a nutioesq amirisl to ihts ni onrhaet eqsuniot anbk. nI ttha ,uqsiento etreh swa on ngaehc as teh ittcnnoaencor fo het new erintpo was eddad, hiwhc aetmn atth het owt pstnieor ddi ont srahe aimlsri ipopste.e nI ihst qostiue,n hte oybaidtn is tujs gytinr to nibd sit eo,ietpp so aigddn meor ro y amsne elss niindbg fo tnprieo x eacuebs eht yotadbin arovfs eht nrptseoi hte s.mae

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This question tests the basis of competitive inhibition. if they express the same epitope, they will bind the same receptors. Adding more X will mean less binding of Y, hence the downward slope.

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