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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
Purified serum antibodies elicited by ...
Proteins X and Y express the same epitopes 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by usmile1(154)
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fI yuo loko at Uwdolr equtonis DI 12992 it ahs a eofwrdlun xpetoalnani ofr i.sht f I htye earhs hte esma sepeto,pi it illw have a adwrdwon lI.epof s htye sahre onne of eht mesa spieeo,pt the line illw be rohlizonta socrsa eht prgha iacnndg(tii no ncaheg sa eth oautnm fo Y dadde isrnceaes)

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eacv  gom !!EYS thaksn orlwdU I gto ti otrrec!c xctealy shit qx kades the xaetc sppeotio nhtgi! ahhaaH I oveld ti !! +9
pg32  vnEe refat airgdne the UodWlr o,annxialpet I am ltsli nto rseu owh the wenras ttah rs,ade nPtri"oe Y sespseerx lla of eht septoipe preesdsex yb niprteo X, tub nopiret X dsoe ..t"o.n is ecr.ncitro adesB on the grhp,a I ont'd see a ayw ew cna rlue tou hatt rwsaen iochec nad it suonsd oemr ylekli tahn othb X adn Y anghvi eth XTCEA SAEM ei.oepstp aCn eoaynn ?npaelix aWth doulw the hgpra kool elki fi the oequtd esawrn cieoch wsa rro?cetc +3
69_nbme_420  fI yuo make up an laemxep ihwt nrsu,meb ti ylaelr !lshep o“nPtier Y sepsrexse all fo het eepiotps sxdpeeesr yb X, ubt ioptren X esdo otn xepesrs all of speetipo sxpeerdse yb rtneoPi I.Yf” ew ysa iteonpr Y ahs sitpoeep 1, 2, dan 3. enhT eoPrnit X has iosepept 1 dna .3 enhT we cna llerayc see the irlonhtpasei het AMTONU of Y deadd raetvlie to X udobn wlduo TON be l.anire Stedta rthenao awy – we ende an lelextpnianyo orem uanomt of Y ot LCYMLOTEEP dnnbiu X nda foeterreh heret odulw otn eb a neo to neo otincedip ni the a rpihlgirmaS cilgo iepspla orf eth enawrs ehccoi hatt aestts opn"ietr X sespreesx lla fo teh eeopsitp deeexprss yb ipnrote Y, utb eonitpr Y deos ont pxrsese lla of teh itsppeoe psrxsdeee yb ntripoe .gE..X fI rnoptie Y has etespoip 1 adn .2 dnA rpoenit X hsa eepoistp 1, 2, nad 3. eHre ni,aga we ehva aistsiefd het swraen ishceco itnoidocn, dna no matetr how hcum ew anseecir ioenrpt Y, iportne X lilw lstli heva ietpeop 3 ndoub in hist +5
69_nbme_420  Jtus to rylacfi ofr het sitfr :siaconer We heav 3 eeopspit no ,Y dan 2 eptospei no X. aTth ,names umnssiag het opseteip era lla nteesrp in qauel aou,tsnm if I add 030 sgram fo nptroei Y ot het uitolnos - only 020 grmas wlil nbdi iropten .X DNA LONY 200 sagrm of ntipoer X nac eb nudo.bnu Heop eth nsmebur ephl! +1
fruitkebabs  Fro nyodyba tllis tscku on oert"Pni Y repsesexs all fo eth pteeopsi edsesrpex yb operint X, ubt itpnreo X osde ton", ghulthoa isth attmtsnee yam be uer,t erhte is not ohngue fmioonatnri in het eoqstnui to eprov hit.s We wnko orf ctaf hatt seecbua het umontA fo aebdlel X nudbo crhsaee 0, at eth eyrv ls,tea operitn X nda Y erxpsse eth asem peoetsip scnei ta a ncratie nitcenct,rnoao Y is blae to plyleetomc asdeicpl lal X ofmr the Tish eostn'd uecxled het itsbipoysli atht etrhe aym be xaret potseepi on ,Y ubt ti dne'tso eprvo it .irehte +4

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submitted by amarousis(27)
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os owh owldu teh grahp oolk rfo ptoirne x xpeerssse lal of the pptseoei ereepsxsd by orptien ,y tub nreiotp y eods nto pxessre lla of het sptopeie sdeesrexp by rionpte ?x

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drw  htne semo n-tXai oancnt ereltcoa ot Y vnee Y is addde at etwvhaer hgih dose. ta this iico,odtnn hte enli cna enrev otchu teh .ixaYs- o n hte tnorayrc, fi Y seprsex lla psieoetp on eth ,X tbu X seod tno pxrsees lal epstioep on the Y, hatt senma omes Y sioepept era nto eesn no .X ta hist tiind,ocno I todn' wokn awth illw be the leni dloeko leki. +1
medbound57  I nkiht hatt hte slin'e darnowwd olesp ulowd eb e,prsete enics Y sah moer iesst tath teh tbdionya wuodl dbin to. +

why this is wrong- prtoein y has all epitopes of x and protein x does not have some epitope

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submitted by usmleboy(19)
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An tadboniy anc lnyo ceegrnzoi a slneig pe.ioetp ieScn ew ese eht reom Y deadd lsdae ot less X budn,o hnte you nac aroesn ehyt srhae teh msae nbdgiin s,esti nad Y is opeorgivwrne .X

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srmtn  GOM htis is eth oaresn h!wy nahkt !o!!yu +
srmtn  btu htree ear oidntbisae ttah nac icneartt thwi 10 as.peol.iptepemx.e .gIM.. orrsy got tlos aniga (: +
chj7  oFr eonnya tsill glnlidwe on i,sht het eprcsos tyhe lkat buato ni teh ouitenqs mets is ysliopsb aclnopylol (suth het sesiu fo imullpet .pesotei)p +

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submitted by rhizopusmucor(1)
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I udfno hst,i I nktih ti eisgv kanid of na atonaxlep:in fI hte insrregeos of olg ('A(A)/ 1-) on olg- B is lerain ihtw a osepl of 1,- enth tsih tciaineds ttah het natmsnoiag si eeipctiomtv nda by eifitndoni teh sgntaoi dna gtntasaoni cat at hte MAES oetorgninic sties. So alisbylac eht omer uyo dda ,Y the esls X si ,dobun ihwhc nemsa htye ehav a smae crtlurasut peomcnnot i(tpepeo) dan smtu tac no eth mesa sei?t nDo't okwn if shti seakm nesse...


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submitted by stepwarrior(29)
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thsi oqetsinu swa rttue ,SB tub the wya I isfejtuid am"es "ispepeto aws ttha it idsa i"n hte ntecxto fo ustarmnei- X", .,e.i cihhw etepopsi wuold vhea enbe vdpeeoeld in hte xteoctn fo teh etsanidiob .rpeesnt 'tIs yikelnul htat taXni- niesdtoaib lwodu bdin ot esopteip no Y htat ane'tr no .X utB yuo ldouc ugrea ehtre ear tcerietolah peiosetp no Y atht docul be unobd yb theaorn tbidoyan thta oends't ietsx ni iths oinrs.cea

yVre awnrd uot dan otko em 5 smieunt ot yuactlal ifreug uot no eth tts,e yholesnt a aestw of tiem in ym pniioo,n ubt htree ouy .go

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submitted by peachespeaches(2)
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seaBuce ti is a tiasthrg rdawdwno polse, uoy nac aosl llet ttha Y dan X aer uodnb ni iilrmas yswa yb s.intadeobi aWth eiensrdttefiaf het ,two nt,he tnis' ioetepp iidngnb pc,atyiilba but eht nocnrec.atoint lAl lsee leaqu hwti iigndbn s,teis erom Y hiwt an ignaucnghn oanumt fo X lilw edal ot elss X ,oudnb ni a :11 anm.nre

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submitted by ilikecheese(46)
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hgHi X si bnodu enhw low Y is ddade, nad owl X si dboun hewn Y si odd Sade. ABYME yhte ear enctgmiop rof eth maes ndgbini spopoitee/tp ude to hsti ahpointersil piopete=( abointdy inidgnb ?)????? t?e???si

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submitted by breis(56)
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ouyr essug si as dgoo sa ..........................n.........e......m.....................i.......

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nala_ula  I npest os ngol no shit tuseqino dna hhahaa +

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submitted by am.cassandre(0)
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Ran scasro a ieqsoutn mrliais ot hsit ni earhont outiesqn .nbka In taht so,uqeitn hetre aws on aenchg sa the ticnnoctaerno fo eth wne ntorpie swa dda,ed whhci aetnm atth eht otw ispnteor did ont eshra iasimrl piesteop. In htsi tsoein,qu eth ibnaytdo is sjut ignrty ot bndi sit pe,tepio so idgdna remo ro y aemsn slse dgnniib of riteopn x baescue hte iyanbotd asfrov the ropetsin eth .emas

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This question tests the basis of competitive inhibition. if they express the same epitope, they will bind the same receptors. Adding more X will mean less binding of Y, hence the downward slope.

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