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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Increased osteoclast maturation and activity 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: endo PTH

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by cafeaulait(11)
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I eeebivl stih mtes mya be errfinnig NEM 1 dnemrsyo - spbsieol tiagaonmsr tpeci(p eucrl iseadse ,)dx yhdairtarpo ,daoanem dna iptyturai aendmoa ngsa(uci AD.IH)S tBu, you 'ondt ened to enve nowk tshi ot gte tihs irtgh - jsut kngias the feceft of ihhg HTP no the tsysem - csueas ecedarsin secttasolo iytticav sa ellw as

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fatboyslim  hTe omsptsmy of ihts peatint ear due ot lccapaheeyimr sen,t(so e,bosn rgoa,ns NESROHT sdcn[eeira }rds,uieis dan ciptiacrshy vre.e)oostn cHypcamliaere cna laos eacus pecpit rcelu ae.issde So the rypmari atlhopgoy is yiptaarorhd rhap/dpeylaamsnaieo cisagun eth hyepmaciraecl +6
beetbox  seoD yonean know wt'hsa up itwh het on' bioaamtselinr in euumshr ?dyrXiD'a tehy ustj whort atth in rfo no n?searo I tog hkeodo no it, I htgotuh ereth aws no ecieandsr slstooceta .av.cyiit.t eoshriewt eth acotcirl soben ludwo veha eneb ddoyl hint ro hoingsmet +4
topgunber  MNE 1 - P P P . yPhraaotrdi, cgsn(niatarserap ni tish )scae, iitutyarp os.enil otn yke ot wsreanngi iths .qup tsietno ocsem htwi msmsyopt of leaech,apmryci nsmao, ogarns, setrnho n)giee,(p ycsph Lo nrkoee.tvoos at pth nda acmcuil. we ees high ca dan ihgh We nkow htta ihgh lucacim ulwod wlore .tit.phs.h anesm hte high imuaccl asw due to teh hihg thp .ie(. athriroaydp ot Qmaeauie)snnod si cltalyua k:nsiag twah rae het fecfets fo TPH? ,a ,c oopsitep fo TPHD nad E i eveldebi atrn'e tderela ot uoTSH Bdsn-P smonhtgie kiel eth aenshpisetgo of r yaopihodpmeiuehatpsr-ysdF ew leeiyndtif wokn htta THP seaiernsc Ca , so yb senanircgi stoalcoest oryi/mcatiuiattvtan uoy eltibrea ccaumil tnio het l.oodb ihts si eth sbet narews. +3

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by laminin(18)
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acn mneoeso apnlxie hwy it yssa he hsa na 'tant'ic PHT it ot tle su wkon atth het HTP nccnoitnaoret is a eurtsl of tg ?lnhpadoyoa 'sahtw hsi x?d ktasnh!

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yotsubato  I resaw heyt maek up msoe of this ftfs.u ekiL awhst pu itwh the ,sttrhi i,trinoanu dan eipctp recul saseeisd. +9
redvelvet  ayeilcmcapher acn easuc grpceoehnni deibsaet s;ipndisu os ih,rstt auotn.irni eemyplcaiarhc nca asol eacsu tceipp lurec se.easid sHi yotmmssp are all obtua rihaaycecelmp edu ot haatp.mhdiperyrsroiy +4
namira  imHpcaleceyra" cna easuc ralne sdtncoynuif uchs as cginehpneor teedsbia dssuiipni N,)DI( utb het ciahmmessn reyglnidnu iuaclpeeda-crdhycnmei NID are ton wlle uo"otsedr n.d.g3ay65e0.:hkiltwa-u1et75s-90rlrx/-0/ilS/n/2ne0tief)pnt(l3dt8it/n84rowcwtao +2
dulxy071  hyW cnta' hte coetrrc anwesr be C) hhicw ionspt dawotsr nealr ,eifuarl hichw may deal to rydscaone atdamsehiiyporhryrp vhgnia the esma rslestu I lveeieb +2
pmofmalasia  Teh nesdcoyar htpyhadproiamrsyier ni rneal uiefarl si eud to sslo of cclmiua ni teh cugf-nointonnni iyndke. nI hsit qseintou teh imlaccu wsa ,ldvteeae so uoy anc urel uot rlaen +1
sars  mcyliarecape-H uassec noests lcaimcu( ss,)eotn srgona pcisoa,tn()noti renstoh (saenreidc o,itn)naiur onbes scei(raden tcoeaolsts naavii),ttco nad ypcstihrcia noreeosvt )oesins( +1
epiglotitties  utyotso@ba soal sa enesmoo oneedinmt in ahotenr ,cmtnmoe i tikhn trey'eh niihgtn ttha the px itgmh ehav ME1.N aroPtrhiyda ariphe-sapyl rmycepehaa,cil ruatipity -eadanom AHDSI tuthiro)n,t(as+rnii adn enartaccip otmu-r sgmaroatin tepp(ci rclue asi)eeds +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by killme(14)
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hTe pnceoct inebg esedtt si "htaw edso PHT od taht ealsd to ihclceray"pe maV.tdgbbimet.a/:go//j.3pKhc/Pinssip

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yotsubato  hu,g hitllsu.b I aws ngrity to iergfu out na utacla sadeesi erospsc .eerh +7
rio19111  tsi pmaryir ierhsorryidaypptham csdaeu yb ihroatarydp emd.onaa taonddii of teh pecipt rulec tgussge iroZgnlel --t&g-; 1MEN bt u neno of atht is pmi easubec 'thats ton hatw yteh ear igkans. All eyth aer asngki fro si eth tnnficuo of HPT. +3
topgunber  EMN 1 - P P P . rPh,aoidrtay (tanenicpassgrar in sith s,a)ec apyruitit lsi.noe nto kye ot arnesingw ihst qeut .tnisop mscoe with tsymomsp of aac,rmyileepch on,mas ,rgason hnresot i)pe(n,ge hspcy o ookevseornL.t at htp dan ew see hghi ac nda hihg .thp eW nwok thta gihh culmiac olwud elorw stph.hti.. mnesa teh gihh acclimu was due ot eth hghi hpt ie(.. iardrpotayh amstoQan)ioude en si lcaualty nk:isag what rae eht eeffsct fo P?TH a, c, eitsopop of PDT H dan E i debeveil tr'nea edaeltr to s -nBSodHTuP sgoetmhni elki hte hptasgeneiso of rFhoham-ietupssy rydpaeidpo ew lyedtenfii wokn ttha THP crenaises aC , so by insencragi sescatloto iatvmntraio/icttyua oyu reltiaeb cmcaiul otni the ldobo. stih is eth etsb sen.awr +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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nI ddinoati to HPT = oeosltcats aviytcit = dcsienear mu,lcaic sith norsep odcul laso eb igitbihnxe ptmmsyos of E.N1M

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topgunber  MEN 1 - P P P . rPoy,aithadr ngnsaeasrta(ricp ni htis c,esa) utypirati lni.eos tno eyk ot ngnraeiws this nqtep s.utio ocmse hitw omstpsym fo mcylpraiahcee, oasnm, gnosar, sthenor ni),epge( pcysh krtneo.ooosev L ta htp adn iauc.cml ew ese hghi ac adn high pt.h We oknw ttah high mclcaui owudl leowr samne the hghi lcmucai was eud to hte ghih hpt i.(e. yrdrhioapta eQtesamu)dnoni oa si uytaallc kgiasn: waht era the tffeces of TPH? a, c, oppestio of TP HD adn E i vibeldee r'aent areetld ot nPso-TSudH B enmhsoigt like eht hsetasengoip fo dpmo aishpiF-eauptrhodyyers ew eylnftidei ownk tath HTP nearessci aC , so by icnsieargn aeotlctsos tttrnaaici/ovtmiuay you eeibtlra clmcaiu nito eht .dbloo itsh is hte estb nrsae.w +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rio19111(16)
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tsi armyrpi peihymrpyirhroastda cudase yb rdhoyatpari nemdao.a dioantid fo eht ippect cuelr ggsstue loiregZnl --t&;g- 1MNE

btu none of ttah is imp eabusec ttsa'h ont twha teyh ear ng.kisa llA tehy rae iaksgn rfo si teh nuotcinf fo .HPT

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rio19111  tS,nose oansgr, trnsoeh, ysptiahcirc oesonvter gt;---& tsysommp +1
topgunber  MNE 1 - P P P . a,iaroyhdtPr prrataisgnc(snea ni hits ,)aces iirtyuapt e.losni otn yek to erainsngw this eq o.utistpn moces with spmytmos fo ic,mhapelracey mnos,a r,ngaos tsrnohe ig)ne,p(e scphy tkoevn.oLes oro at pht adn icmulac. we see high ca adn ghih .pth eW nkow hatt ighh icuaclm uowdl wroel ..ttishh.p enasm the ihhg mccuila asw ued to het ghhi htp i.(e. rairdpohtay m toadseaneoiQun) si tlaculay i:gsnak wath are teh eftfecs of H?TP ,a ,c eoiotpsp of PT HD dan E i eeelbidv n'erta teedalr to dTousH-BnSP nogtihmse klei the intshegpseao fo aypoy aFsiphuhmride-opesdtr ew eiiyednlft kwon thta THP cseaniesr aC , os by gncaiensri ctoetssoal iatotmvatancr/yutii oyu ireltaeb aimuccl tino the b.dolo ihts is hte bets seanw.r +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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soeD anoyen knwo teh niiaecnfigcs fo cntoemyo t?ioyimlt

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submitted by arthur_albuquerque(1)
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Wtah hedlpe me ot srwane stih one iuqte lseyai swa eht lgonfloiw en:aailtor

aeleparymHicc + hhig PHT ;&t-g i"rraypm imdytarpo"hesraphryi

oHw od hghi HPT dale ot acierc?plmaeyh nIrseinacg tseotlaocs vita!city

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by topgunber(67)
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NEM 1 - P P P . idtaarPh,ory caninesa(rrpgsta in iths sea,c) aupriytit olnie.s nto yke ot nawrgensi htis i.nsqeuot

pt osmec ihwt oymstmps of heie,aclpamrcy ,asmno arngso, sthenro pne()eig, ycshp evroesn.ot

koLo at thp adn cica.lum ew ees ghhi ca dan hghi .hpt We kown ttha hghi lmicacu wodul owrle .t..ptishh senam teh ihhg ucmlcai aws due ot eht ihhg tph e.i(. hrtyioaapdr adeoan)m

nesotuiQ is lcaltuay kgsnia: ahtw rea the tfceesf of PH?T ,a ,c opepoist fo HTP

D dna E i ibeedvel ret'na eleradt ot PTH

Bs-oSnud ogeismhtn eikl hte stgpeohieasn of eopstyieyrhpmpsaoiurhdda

F- ew eefnltydii nkwo htta PHT seeniascr aC , so yb enncsaiigr oltsacetso uaoct/aivmtnatrtyii uoy aeibeltr ccliuma noit the lobd.o ihts si eht btes ewsanr.

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