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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man comes to the physician ...
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tags: endo PTH

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by cafeaulait(11)
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I elbevie hsti mset aym be grierifnn NEM 1 dsnoreym - ssoeipbl nagimsarot ietcp(p rucle easiesd d,)x rahotyiaprd ea,ondma and trapuiity oanamed nua(cigs )AISDH. ,But ouy t'ond edne ot neve nwok shti ot teg sith rghti - ujst nkaisg hte eceftf fo high HTP on eth sytems - essuca nidesaerc celstostoa tctyivia sa llwe as oinrutamta.

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fatboyslim  The mympssto of shti itnaept rea ude to harypelaccmie (o,tessn no,ebs ao,gsrn OTHRSNE er[sadcine ds}r,iueis nda cyathiricsp )e.rteoosnv lipyaHemccaer cna osal eacsu epcipt elurc aies.sde So het mrpryia ayhotpglo si hpartdoaiyr asahrppan/iydeealmo gsucnia het raaciyhlmcepe +6
beetbox  osDe yannoe nokw htas'w pu wtih hte no' bostilaaiernm ni uerumsh ?Xrdi'ayD ethy ustj hwrot atth in rfo on nsoe?ar I tog kodoeh no t,i I tuhotgh eehrt aws on sanrdceie alotosctse hisorwete eht oirtclca neobs odlwu ahve eenb dolyd tnhi or ntgmsieoh +4
topgunber  NME 1 - P P P . yado,hPiatrr (rtnaasgapiscrne in sith c)s,ea irttypiau .slneio nto eky to weinrnsag sthi te tpqno.isu socme hitw possmymt of lepcaym,iaecrh snaom, nso,rga hornest ,pe)e(nig phscy tseo.roek Loovn at pht nda aclucim. we ees ihgh ca dan gihh eW wnok taht gihh cailmcu dowlu ewlro emsna eht ighh licmcua saw edu to eht ghhi pth .(i.e rrohidytaap oeQotuaeni )smnda si tlaluacy i:nksga twah aer eht fcteesf fo ?HPT ,a ,c ispotpeo of PT DH dna E i eedvlbie tnrae' radelet to SBo-PuHnsd T iehgmnsto kile hte oiesephatsgn of smapiaeoepisp-oyydudrhtF rh ew ieetynldif wnko atht PHT iacsesrne aC , so by anciisrgne sectotosla otait/cuvianmaiytrt yuo aretbeil aliumcc itno eht od.lbo ihts si teh tbes arnesw. +3

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by laminin(18)
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cna esnoome xlnepia hyw ti sasy he hsa an caitt'n' THP e.trinnncisaootc.. it to let us nokw tath hte PHT cncnaroittneo is a lertsu fo d?ogypa hlnato 'awhst hsi xd? !nhskat

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yotsubato  I ewras thye emak up esom of shti fusft. eiLk satwh pu hiwt the i,rhstt ,noatriuin nda eptcip ucrle ssasdiee. +9
redvelvet  pimacahelcrye can usace nernipohecg edtebsia nudipsis; so htt,ris naiurn.oit cryaacmeleiph acn saol easuc ciptpe ulrce seiae.ds sHi stmmspoy ear lla abotu hapeycrlacmie ude to yhoetyrispadrmhra.pi +4
namira  r"elHyiepmcaac anc uscae arenl ocitdnsynfu ushc sa pheoinrgnce tiaebdse issiupidn )(DNI, tbu het immcanshes ureyndlgin mleepyucaicihd-rednca NDI aer otn lwel ooue dntd"r.st5wdfcp/(iee//s5a)r-t3ni/llg3iSy1rtt/ltth8nawe..0068x0oow04-e-lr7nuitank92: +2
dulxy071  yWh tnc'a het ecortrc wsaern be C) hcwhi nptosi stdwaor narel feirl,ua wcihh may aled ot csardynoe seiaidorthyhpmrryap ihnavg het meas seslurt I iveeble +2
pmofmalasia  eTh saceorynd rehdmtraoaspiiyrphy in nrlea laerufi si ued ot lsos fo cluciam ni teh ton-nnoifnuncgi y.enikd nI iths esinutqo het mluacic wsa a,vdeteel so oyu can ruel uot enlra i.lfraeu +1
sars  ipcHalcyr-amee seuasc nessot accuim(l ,set)nos saorng iosnp,t()iaoctn toherns reie(nscad rnao,)uinti benos rse(eidnca csotasolet ,t)aonicaivt nad priahcytics vtoereosn ee(ispndor)s. +1
epiglotitties  soaobt@tyu oasl as eoemson moneedtin ni rneaoht cmmteon, i hkitn yr'heet ntinghi atht hte px tmihg ehav E1.NM atoPirydahr sril-hyaapep aehcipay,lcrem ittyrapui an-oeadm IAHDS tr+r)iut(itsih,nnoa nda rcaaenptic utmo-r taingoasrm tc(ippe lrceu ases)ied +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by killme(14)
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hTe tpeccno bgnie tseetd si aw"ht does TPH od thta eslda to rpa"eycacilmehbaidsjtom/p/VP.K/pehsgg3ci/

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yotsubato  g,uh ilthubsl. I saw ygitrn to ifeurg tuo na uactla daieses sscrpoe .heer +7
rio19111  ist pmrairy sperdparohimhirtayy sadecu yb ayrtophadri ao.damen dnidaito fo teh ppctei crule ggseuts nloeilZrg -&g;t-- 1MEN tub enno fo atht si pmi sbeueac s'that not wtah yhte era .ksiagn All tehy era nakisg for si eht ntfcnuio of P.TH +3
topgunber  MEN 1 - P P P . atdyarri,Pho pniaes(sragartcn in thsi c)s,ae iiuytratp insl.oe ton yke ot gsniranwe siht iu.pqesott n scoem thiw ympstsmo of mir,heceapcyal sa,nom ogsan,r htrsone i),(epgen yshpc .ortLonvooekes ta tph nda .iualccm ew see ghih ac nda ghih tph. We ownk htta hhgi ulmicca odwul orwle ..phtsih.t nmesa the ihhg cmliuca asw ued to hte hgih thp (i..e yprtoaahidr dnm nuoiaoe)setaQ is ualaytcl :kisnga wtah rea eth feecsft fo PHT? a, c, sietoppo fo TDP H dan E i edelibve na'ret eelrtad to dos-TBP nSuH hnmsoitge ielk het sepsngahetio fo i- urpamesFypdteopdhhairosy we ntfideeiyl nkwo thta HPT eracesnsi Ca , os by aniensirgc otltcsseoa oami/nicatttrativuy uyo atlrbeei mcuacli nito het tsih is teh tesb +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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nI onatiddi ot HTP = osceltosta ayvctiti = isrencdea acil,cum itsh orpnse odclu olas eb etgibxihin symtopsm of N1.ME

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topgunber  NEM 1 - P P P . iPad,rahtryo ntna(gsrierscapa ni itsh s)a,ec rutiapyti e.ilsno otn yke ot agewinsnr stih o. tuqtspine cmeos htwi myoptsms fo hmrlcyice,paae n,aosm noa,grs tsnehro (pnegi)e, cpshy oto vokesLoern. ta thp nda we ees high ac nda gihh .htp eW konw ahtt ihgh cmlcuai uwdlo leorw ..ipst.hth esnam eht ihhg cuaicml swa ude ot eth hghi pth i.e.( rphiryodtaa s donntoe)aaiuQme is caltulay :ganksi thwa aer the fetcefs fo HPT? a, c, itopopse fo T PDH nad E i elievebd r'tnae lteadre ot uTo sPd-nBHS htmisoegn like teh hgesitoanpse of adFmsreryaeopsopi udhthpy-i ew ideenlyift ownk tath TPH eanecriss aC , os by iesnnicrga coesstotal taramti/aivniytcout uyo ilrabtee acmuilc niot eht dloo.b iths si hte best wa.enrs +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rio19111(16)
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sit rmaypri hyarsodprmiietpyrah scduae yb atdiphrrayo ndm.aaeo ntoaddii fo hte ptpeic lrcue eustgsg lZorigeln -g&-;t- E1NM

ubt neon fo tath is mip ubcaese astth' ton ahwt yteh rea s.kgina llA ehyt aer ansikg fro is teh tocuinnf fo PH.T

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rio19111  teS,nso nosarg, sn,hrtoe rtyahipscic ooevtnsre -gt&;-- msyptmos +1
topgunber  EMN 1 - P P P . hrota,diarPy arsanan(gsperitc ni tihs )eas,c irtyuipta isoe.ln not kye to rgisannew this iu qeosp.ttn cesom whit mtmoyssp of acimypleacreh, nma,so so,nrag ntrsheo ep,(i)neg cysph evLroosk .ootne at thp adn c.alcumi we ees ghih ac dan ihhg ph.t We wnko atht hgih cucalim ldouw rleow ptt.hish.. amsen het hghi caimclu swa due to teh high pht ..i(e trdopaaryih i)tn aoenmusdeoQa si cutalaly :gskian thwa rae the fcfeets of HP?T a, ,c ptsoopei fo DP TH nad E i bvdeiele 'ntaer elaedrt to Hod -TusSnBP tgonhemsi ielk hte hgstipanoees of oumFao pihhty-rpipyrsedeads ew enedlyifti wonk atht HTP eceniarss aC , os by nncraisieg osastotcel ntvrtyatmituca/iaio uoy etelabir uiacmlc ntoi the obol.d isht si het btes a.eswnr +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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Deos yenaon owkn teh sciaifgcnine of ocynmteo iyottil?m

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by arthur_albuquerque(1)
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hWta lhpdee me ot rwanse hist eno teqiu aiyesl was the gwolfolin inloe:aatr

ypmraccHleaie + hhig TPH &;tg- yriam"rp oyhi"rpdrpytiaremhas

oHw do hhgi PTH eadl to ae?alrcycihemp gnsaicnrIe laootsstce !vtticayi

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by topgunber(67)
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NEM 1 - P P P . ti,hdrProyaa nrsaetcgsrn(iaap in siht sc),ae iapuryitt eilo.ns not yke ot swgnainre ihst .tqsineou

pt ceosm ithw smysmpto fo ah,iceeamrlycp aos,mn asorg,n hsenrto )p(ne,ieg cpyhs erost.oevn

oLko at htp dna clu.imac ew ese hhig ca and ighh eW know ttah hgih imcaluc dlouw wrole itt.sp.hh. enmsa eht hihg acmilcu wsa deu ot eht hhgi tph i(..e dtraihraopy emd)aaon

tenQuiso is lyatlcua :sagkin wtah era hte fteecfs of T?HP a, c, poteposi fo HTP

D adn E i eieeldvb tnr'ae aeretld to THP

BsSnu-od tesogmnhi ekli teh egneoshpsita fo ehioyhimyerpadupssroatdp

F- we eilndifety oknw atht TPH neiserasc aC , so by aiegnsncri etcoosalts tuvat/inttayricmioa you bielrate ilcamuc iton eht oold.b shti si eht setb

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