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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man comes to the physician ...
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tags: endo PTH

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by cafeaulait(11)
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I eevbeli sith mets yam eb rnrginfie MNE 1 odsenmyr - bieoslsp onagisratm ptpi(ec elrcu edsseia ,)dx rdypaioarht a,moeadn dan tptryauii omanead csngua(i .DS)HIA ,utB uoy no'dt dene to enev kwon tish to egt hsti ihtrg - utjs sgniak het tefefc fo ighh THP no het mestsy - seacus eirnecdas oeotassltc tcvyatii sa llwe sa mrnti.outaa

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fatboyslim  heT yostmmsp fo this ttaepni aer ude to yclhaercipeam s,eonst( esn,ob srg,aon OTNRHES [serndecai r,isiue}ds nad sthicycaipr eovtnoers.) lremeHciacpya can soal eascu etipcp rluce sse.eaid oS het prayimr topoglyah si oirpdraytah apeseaha/olnaripdmy isgancu hte rhcelaapycime +6
beetbox  esDo aenyno kwon a'whst pu ihwt hte o'n rilosnmteabia ni uumerhs '?XiayDrd eyth jstu orhwt atth ni orf no a?rsnoe I ogt edokoh no ti, I hotugth ehrte swa no arnisceed eclaostsot hwteerios teh tiaorccl osenb lwodu evah eneb ldody ihtn or etniomgsh +4
topgunber  MNE 1 - P P P . hari,Prydaot nerginsc(atrapas ni iths as),ec ipittayru s.ionle ton key ot girenawsn isth intot ueqps. esocm hwit mmpsytso fo ,lameycahecrpi mn,aso n,ogsar hostner e)enipg,( chsyp L.ovreeson okto ta pth nda camu.lci ew see hhig ac nad hgih ht.p eW wnok htta hhig cculami wdluo olrwe h.s..tihtp amsne hte ighh mcialuc wsa edu to the high thp .ie(. itarpoyradh iemean ds)tQaunoo si ltayulac gsikna: what aer eht csfeetf of ?PHT a, ,c ieptpoos fo PDHT nad E i edbiveel ar'ten draelet ot -soBT uHnPSd onieshtmg leki teh ehosiestpang fo dpdit- yoFrrapehmspuyaoiesh we tyiifedlen wnok taht HPT arnscisee aC , os by iniergsnac oltstascoe otnmyittaivracuiat/ uyo ibrleate cmcaiul oitn eht ihst is eht sebt ra.nsew +3

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by laminin(18)
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nac eonoesm inxplae why it ssya eh sha an t'nc'tai HPT c..a.etnitinoorncs ti ot let us onkw hatt het PTH noantriccnoet is a selrtu fo ahngd oaptloy? tsa'wh ish xd? st!hkan

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yotsubato  I rsawe heyt kaem up emso of hsti sutff. eiLk satwh up tiwh eht ,rthtsi ,oniatrinu nda itcppe lruec iaseeds.s +9
redvelvet  relmcayahecip nca uecas poeirhgnecn tasebied siipnusd; os r,tisth iinouatn.r elhricapyemac cna sloa acues piptec ecrlu dsesiae. iHs styosmmp rae lal tbaou mrehceaiaylcp deu to irhmeytphisdoapr.ray +4
namira  "ycralpeemaHci can cause erlan nndfctysiuo ushc sa neehipcrngo dtbsaiee siipsdiun (D),NI btu eth smnmaciseh grluneidny eurpi-lhdccnmdayaciee NID rae not lelw"tndo(ek10r7ar0orSyo8-tiang3/w6ethu.n0/p5t/.secwt-fi/3lt4l8i0ntl2iwlt5e9n-d:x/)a +2
dulxy071  yhW 'tcan teh otccrer wesanr eb C) hcwih ntiops twoarsd anelr eauifl,r hihwc aym dela to escyorand traapoyphriehmiyrds ghianv hte asme lsetusr I lieebve +2
pmofmalasia  Teh erdaocnys rhoperahiamysiptdyr in nelra freauil is ued ot ossl fo lmcauci ni eth -inctoingfonunn nikey.d nI hsti eoqsitnu hte liaccmu saw ,levatede so yuo cna uelr uto renla u.liaefr +1
sars  yirea-mclpHcea scesua snotse a(uicmcl ses,o)tn rgasno n)ipnosa(,ictto erhntso encaeid(rs )rtonaniui, nesbo eedani(rcs ectssootal i)ntvaa,ioct nad prtyahiiscc oorvsente nsiseo.()prde +1
epiglotitties  y@baotsuto soal as someone eionmnetd in torhean tomnm,ec i iknth eyte'rh ginithn ttha eth xp tigmh vhae .EM1N trhaPirdaoy p-arhaslepiy ,aelymcarecphi puattiiry -ondaaem ASDHI +otrhi,untitsa(i)nr adn recpicatna oum-tr aogimnatrs cpep(it ulrce esaide)s +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by killme(14)
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heT ntcecpo nbegi tsedte si "awth dsoe PHT od htat ldaes to acc"rihe aemlyp/

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yotsubato  ,uhg iubhtsl.l I was gtryni ot rfeuig out na acltau eeaisds ssprcoe .hree +7
rio19111  sti pmraryi rhytppaioireyhsamrd sueadc by dahrroiatpy emadoan. dadtioni of the teppic lercu segugts grZleonil -;-g&t- M1EN tub enon of atth is pmi beeuasc tt'sah not atwh eyth aer a.gksni All hety are insgak for si het iuftcnon of HPT. +3
topgunber  EMN 1 - P P P . rPoyihtrada, canaapsrtnie(rgs ni sthi as)ce, ttirpaiyu snil.oe not eyk to saeigrnnw hsit neti uotq.sp emsoc ihwt tmypmsso fo hcemci,apyaelr ,asmno ,srnaog nesohtr ),ip(egen hcpys ntLvoeokeo.ors ta htp adn c.laumic ew see hghi ca dan hghi .pht We nokw taht gihh maucilc woldu owrel ithh.p.ts. aemsn teh ghih clamuic swa ued to eth hihg hpt .ei.( iphaoyatrrd nisdQetm aoonu)ea si tyllauca ankis:g hawt rae the sfetcef of ?HPT ,a ,c tpoiespo fo DHTP nad E i evielbed rtn'ea detaler ot HBuTosP-d nS nsmeoigth ilek teh iashestopgne of syaihppdp-iueooshe Ftrmryda ew ydteineifl nkow atht HTP resenisac aC , so yb erangcinis solttcasoe ataaiuycmttiontvir/ oyu ribaeelt umlcica onti eht oob.dl tshi si het ebst .rsnawe +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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In dintoadi ot TPH = lsoseoctat itavycit = ircnasdee cmaic,lu htis enpors locdu salo be hnteixbiig otmspsym fo M.EN1

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topgunber  MNE 1 - P P P . a,rdtPhaoiry ctn(pnasrasegria ni iths ,e)asc ttiuyaipr .eosnli nto yke ot awgirensn htis epoti.uqn ts eocsm twhi sysotmmp of pamlyceh,ireac omsan, a,grnso stnreoh )eegnp(,i scpyh vtoo.e oeLkrosn ta pth and .ciuaclm we see hghi ac and hgih thp. We wnko htat ghih iumaccl uldow lorwe enams the ighh maccuil aws deu ot het hhgi pth ( iparoyhtrda Qda)t ooanisumeen si cuatlaly s:igkna ahtw ear the fsetcfe of H?TP ,a c, sopotipe fo PH DT dna E i bedeliev n'taer drteale ot PBuosHS- ndT giehmnots ilke hte oietgpnhessa of ymF srphddishouaai-typereop ew eitedyfiln kwon taht HPT rceassnei aC , os yb nngiesrica tseclsoota aatoy/nauivitmcittr you eleaibrt cimulac otni het .oldbo thsi is het sebt swnaer. +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rio19111(16)
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sti yraimrp yisaihrhypatremdrop aeudsc by yrhrtaodiap aenadm.o doaniidt of the peipct cerul sugsteg lZonlerig &-g-;-t ENM1

tub oenn of ttha si ipm euceabs as'htt ont waht htye rae gin.aks llA tehy rea iksnag orf is eht onnfitcu fo T.PH

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rio19111  neSo,ts rgonas, sre,ohtn itycisarphc sntoerveo -&-;-tg osytpsmm +1
topgunber  NEM 1 - P P P . ,darhryiPota asagnrrtpncasi(e in this se,c)a atpyitrui sil.oen nto yke to ngwieansr stih ttipqesou.n ocems wtih ytsmsmop of yipclrhceeama, an,smo nrg,sao eshrnto )iengp(,e pcysh vsrt.eoo keonoL at pht and cc.imula ew ees hhig ac dna ighh t.hp We oknw thta ihgh cuaclim duwlo welor pt..htsih. mnase eth hhig ccamlui swa edu to eth high hpt .(ei. radirhaoytp idemtn Qnsuaeooa) si uytaallc kng:ias atwh rae teh efeftcs of HP?T a, c, peootspi fo HDPT nda E i edeibelv rntea' relatde to T-PusHd SBon msiohgetn eikl eth oiphantseseg of dmupe-syerooihdthyiarpspa F we tdlneeyifi wnko ttah HPT neasirecs aC , so by gncaeniris scteoatsol tvryitoaiimuaatnct/ uyo bliteera cauilcm into het bolo.d htis is eht bset swanr.e +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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Does ynenoa konw het cnsiaiengcif fo nomcteoy t?lmtoyii

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by arthur_albuquerque(1)
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aWht ehdlpe me ot anrwes tsih one eqtiu yleisa asw teh olwifnlgo alaeir:nto

aeHaemcprcyil + hhgi THP tg-;& rirm"pay ieaptisrmaryr"oyhhdp

Hwo do ighh HTP lade to hraiceplm?aecy nIrgcsaien ttosaocsle cavti!tiy

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by topgunber(67)
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EMN 1 - P P P . rPth,ayarido ctnsiprra(nasega ni hist c)se,a ptiiryatu o.insle ont kye ot nwsrengia hsti oqni.seut

tp semoc ihtw pmysmtos of acyeiprm,alech o,asmn n,gasor hentsor pg,ei()ne yhpcs t.eenroosv

okLo ta pht dan ew see ghhi ac nda high eW konw ahtt ighh imclauc odlwu eowrl .hs.tihpt. eansm eht gihh ccmuila swa due to het gihh pth (.i.e taryaodhrpi d)meoaan

otsQenui is uallcaty isakg:n hatw rea eht efecstf fo THP? a, ,c psipoeto fo TPH

D nad E i delveieb n'erat teaedlr to TPH

-udBsnoS eonhgtmis ielk teh etihpasgneso fo hiarphidyrtaodmssppueyoe

-F we dnitfyelie wkon htta TPH nrciessea aC , so by niragencsi atoslcesot aiivtamnittcrt/youa ouy raleebit mlcauci toin eth od.olb sith si eth tebs n.saerw

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