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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#4 (reveal difficulty score)
A 29-year-old woman has an inflammatory ...
Immune complex-mediated cytotoxicity 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by welpdedelp(270)
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ihsT asw EL.S syrptu1m-:3lc..1t/iald/1spcos0tebsheumtt/uypessme2ehotks9/usm/st-elm

:ihkTn 2,1=,3 SLE--

gUnsi DACI: eyTp III si fro uInmme pexleCmos

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jurrutia  tahW od you enma yb ?CAID +
skonys  rujtui@ra A - Tyep 1 = pclligAiCherl/sx aAna - ypTe 2 = oictyCtxo b)-(tdn AoIyi - yeTp 3 = mommxpIC-leune emidetda tc ooDtxciityy - peyT 4 = ealdDey ytpe ch(iwh I ndto lkie cbeueas it todnse' lalytauc ellt yuo atnhyngi all)rey +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by airhead5(2)
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soDe noaeyn oknw teh desasie yeth aer igktlna bt?oua I saw iktgihnn luusp whhci mksea sesne iwth the asrew,n btu i ’cant difn ayhntngi no atnrreio cbrmaeh fo yee and cdhoori ulpexs.

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liverdietrying  tsI' ,ulups lla eht stympmso ldetsi era slsccia llapeeicys het rsetsi.osi ronertiA hmcbaer of the yee = vsiiut.e ioorhdC lupexs = . e b ritrsioe crF a egatr ri,woevve hcekc uto isht re)(fe v:odie tood//euat/cgra/suemlee:ogta.puhiryolpp/ruqmsensdnl/ih +5
in_a_pass_life  I ktinh hsti was ictaeevr ,atsiirtrh ont s.uplu ooCrhid pelsux ton tusj in the nrib,a laso ni eye ac(’tn ees, tn’ac pee, nac’t lbcim a )e.tre aeMiscmhn of ecervtia satirriht si inmemu eclpmox odpt,eniiso epr d,rUlWo whhic asw etrcroc nwsr.ea +5
trichotillomaniac  eTh ediisn of eth yee si edididv inot two brcmes:ha eht oteinrar achbmre nda the erospoirt rma.cbhe tBoh rcaesbmh tnicaon ui,fld dna nhwe re’htse nmlafnatoiim in eth ee,y a pselisicta cna ntfeo see mltfyanriaom ellcs in the i.fudl psw/sclpwm_buipheseusslttu/ew.-e..sdoynro/s:ad-hniotp +
trichotillomaniac  I agere htat tihs is upsuL retfa igndo oesm omer are!csehr +1
nwinkelmann  I fdin iths recitla rcnsieibgd eht SLE lrcoau nataetfi,ssionm glunincid itsveiu and rei.rebtsic C/bi/twtinm6/5.n:..s/0/h9rop4s0p.cvn8wcm/wtPlaleghcMi lAo s itsh klats toaub the luusp iircetsrbe (oirchdo psleux itml:minanfoa) regaii//dtnswtbp/ +
medulla  yeerv itme I daer utaob uupLs teehr is gnhtoemsi !we!n +1
aakb  mwoan of ldhci giebnra gea + soetirsis + riaitalsithstaraghr/r 2=tg&; +
aakb  kneiyd iessus mian( uecsa of dahet in s)le +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by jsmoov(25)
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eTh main inetldfifare ereh is AR vs LE.S Thye vaeh yamn niavgreoplp sisgn dna opysmmts incudlig(n uislpetir adn erctiisipdra - as llwe as t,irics)sle tbu hte kye intagiedtfnfrie torcaf si hatt AR tlciypaly o'sdten enliovv DNKIYE ma.dega

usuL,p eeorvw,h si ellw wnonk rof nuaisgc P.GND

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by fallot4logy(11)
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hwy tno mraoiosihostc 1sidd?ur.ea trsiiarth ikel in enop.o.y.tmm3s2k u.edyts.ilvyssi iisesostr si a itb sceitnrovlora

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drzed  eNde esmo mnourplya msompyst ot ekma iosrcda I konw ni arel flie eleppo anc nesptre ihtw ryamipr ocdsrueioanr ro esohntgmi cyrza ubt no emxs,a t'lli be slsicca etanptiesr.on No lrgos,mnaua hrial hmt,ylpdnaoeypa ro liiertnsatit lung aesidse = byorablp ton oaicdsr +1
peridot  Jstu sruicou ubt if it dha eneb iaroossi,sdc louwd cetsym"is eearsel fo -L1I adn "TFN be an ucarctae dpioniscert ofr the nepieogss?aht +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by fallot4logy(11)
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why not 1mtouh dc?rr.eiosdaisaios trhasirit eilk oim.2ye okmsvt3 sit p.sny.en.sdiu.yl soreitiss is a itb norretovsclai

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seracen  I asluyul oolk for hte hlrai e,omttnfaiansi ehnw inignosdecr dssioirca,os ro hte skin miftaanst.nisoe a,Psoenlylr I guohhtt gjrosn'eS henw I eadr +1
peridot  r@aeencs I nac ees why you hguohtt rejo,Sgn tbu I tnikh nrjegoS woldu vaeh eomr eimhspsa no sdnyrse fo smuuc msneamrbe nad eeys nlehltc(ycia the enioquts tmes osde sya airronte" mehacrb fo hte ee"y, ubt ergnjSo si eomr elik het fucresa fo eth eye so eaotr"nri mhb"reca si a dwire ywa to utp ti - lausluy taht rfesre moer ot vtu.e)sii ,Asol dhcroio pxuels hr(hwtee atth eerfrs to eey ro thb dik autob hatt ,e)ty ubt hterei w,ay dos'ten llaery tfi orgejS.n eindKy nmtvoenveil is aslo ehartr rear iwth ahtt I ieelbe.v +1

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