morF m.bHcouKne
hTe Q is dceirgsinb teh etogairfmoeln evnre, wchih srnu no eth rlxeeant crefuas fo hte pirtmscea dcro ta eht lifpasreuci ilnnugai ring
ihsT Q is TON feeirrngr ot liiiuolgnian envre -- hte niiuilonlgai nreve itesx OTUHRGH the upafeclsiri nnuglaii nalac hwrease tshi Q si ingask btauo a renve thta si XLEETANR to eth clpiraieusf uinlgnai l.naca
eeS .gte.a//wewp/spnu/regtnaifgpilej/acvasocoanihf.rmkdtetdic.cinw:
lc,Aulayt I cerrtoc fsem:yl I kdoelo rlceso and eth Goenti relaomf sah an enelartx epScmarti hcbnra dan a ioinanlgLumub nc.habr I gtohuth ti was het taeGfemoornil rneve baeuces the genaitl hbcnra saessp oruthgh the eped liignanu ring, rseten het ianulngi caln,a egso ot itceasmpr rcod adn lsppseiu the rscetrame nda slaotcr .knsi
serHe eth :aeimg nest/g/dd8c/2ia.eounsyGme.aip/o4imw/4marwolt/g:h/irkakdpi.peipo
orrcCte em if I am owrgn .peseal
I eielebv yeehtr' nfegrrrie to pmnesisrooc of crbenhsa of the oniIlunliagi Nvere isbpl(soy eth rirotAne tocSlar evesNr.
creu:oS .vkcle/o:/osanwwapi_kinhe/Ast_rrt/piitgrd.eesriietnro
I kitnh shit iecutpr pxaisnle ti l:ewl
ehT mmapirinofp ,sxelup ucesttiarl yarert, ctimerrcsea rrtye,a tareyr of eth udtusc dsn,eeefr ialtychmp ,vlesess urtlcaiets ctthyameisp vesre,n dan utscdu fdsreeen all unr depe ot teh ealirtnn scimaterp aiascf. heT lgiuianlnioi reenv snru no eht creiifasupl usarfec fo teh xerenlat pmiscrtae heaTiscf a iolniagnulii ernve si a nseorsy vneer ahtt enrivteans the snki vroe hte nrigo ,igeonr hte eidlma spteca fo eth htgh,i hte peupr ptar fo eht tuorcsm nad hte enilpe It si amonlyrl encoederutn igrndu onep raiepr fo inlauign irnh.ea
heT htero srenaw hescioc:
ootmr iaveoirnnnt ot eht nluvscbeusrobao ucmels = lmpseduac/rue rachbn fo het alrpinee never, ciwhh is abnrhc fo teh nluddpae venre
rmoto inrnavnoeit to teh rwole toinrop fo teh suertc oidnambis scueml = ar-ocdlohanbtioma e,rsnve hiwhc era nsiinotcotnua of hte T1-7T1 altotsiercn nrvese
instnaseo mfor hte arldos ucafser fo eth psnie = darlso vnere fo het siepn, ichhw si eth spteeed oiniivds fo hte nepluadd evner
rtaef nbgoalhir-tbi tshi neo for a bt.i... siht si hte oothp atht notadmtssree ti tbes (ot me, awayn.y) usmt eb nagiliolunii n.
tsJu ot fclyair all eht
B)( Rctuse avnentinior udlwo nto eb sa epde sa hte tscaimpre cdro omeo(tcabdasrnhatolcaolirni/t vsr)ene
A() p;&ma ()D ear hbto lndudape vneer, I kntih s'ti roaesbaenl to excuedl btho as na enrswa cohcie as ucsh
)(C ssoecrP of inimotia.len ur,Se ew can pnktici fi tsi' rageonftmloei ro lalngiiiionu tub I iknht tsta'h lla erw'e ibeng estdte no ereh
It si het yIuALIGNLsONIIgU tpso asignledim plp! /sipwna/hal._yiooitgmwtr//au.wnea:stniahleeasbpno_aignot
The tnsqiuoe stetas scimnrespog a vrnee on hte taenerxl caseufr of icmatesrp cfm.o rilrndGaeetoo eevnr is twnihi iarpsmect ,rodc otn eaelrxnt ot .ti eeHnc ti is uioliiglnnai eernv hicwh elssupip ianerrot fsaurce fo r osumcIt.f still ni duto,b sdtn’oe ratetm , bc iorlogateenfm n asol spesipul het etirrnoa urf.ceas lhicl yla’l
iThs boko hertcpa ssecdrebi htis tsffu llew if uoy acn aescsc ti grhhtuo eht iarr.ybl
loaRnige eNvre Bcslko ni taiesAnhse dan nPia ryhTepa rotnidaTial dna danlUuruetG-siddo Theucesnqi 0.7p7g
heT otiqunes ssak bouta a eenrv ttah si no the ENLARXET uarscfe fo teh preimaecst codr ta hte ellve of airfcpsuiel rngi, tath is het llginiuaniio nrvee, cebueas eht inalteg nhrabc of het elgrnoafetimo veenr sego dsii.en
eTh irktc si atth het iafooteegmlnr is pnosieserbl fo aenivnvgtri hte ainrerto acesfru of eht tmcurseo, ubt het iatgnle nhcabr of het nnauiigl evren ahtt osge entelxar is peloisbrens of the seuirrop rrtaenio ruecfas fo the rsumtco
eerH ouy nca see thbo nverse iesutod adn iidnse the saepirmct rcdo =i5h./epp7egre0nndpp2dm7m2.-dsaherdr/cboa4h:7r89ta10c.8n5-0l?ehc6-78jai3sarei-te/-3ss152a3dd/e6i4se/1g11 adn here you acn see eth vatnironei mfor boht snvree o:cosespfzaajpoetp-.iuauvlec/0aelght/atnu/j-sdnrrimdtrtemai112t/-twmpielroto./lt7oeacmavmlec-ng//e0t-enfu
submitted by ∗d_holles(218)
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I tgo siht eon aiv rpocess fo iontaieminl. toN esru ohw ouy rae psodpsue ot mbermere lla atht .hsti