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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Sensation from the anterior surface of the scrotum 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: anatomy

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by d_holles(218)
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I tgo sthi oen vai espcros fo toN usre how oyu ear psoedusp to bmremere lal hatt s.iht

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by socialismkills(9)
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ormF oKbHmuce.n

  • bmrLau plxuse
  • eorotnlmGiaef vreen -;&tg- eiGatln anhrbc ;t=g=& LNEAALORTEAT sreacfu of morcuts
  • aIuonignilli veenr -t-g;& tAenroir lsocrta ernve g=t&=; NOTRRIEA aecfurs of cumorts
  • Srlaac eplxsu
  • duadnPel neerv &--g;t oertiPors tcsrola evern g=&;=t SOIEPTORR fruecsa fo cmurost
  • reotsPori tocsuaune rneve of eht githh -;-g&t nlaereiP crsabenh &;t=g= RRNIEIOF acrsfue of the oscrtum


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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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hTe Q is inbdirsegc the lomrgeoeitfan renve, hwich usnr no het ratexnle recasuf of hte cmerptsia dcor at het arulipseicf nilaniug nirg

This Q si OTN nerrrfgie ot illnnoiiagui enerv -- het oiauiillngni evner sxeti UHGOHRT hte ialreupcifs linganiu nlaac weasher htis Q is ansikg taubo a ernev thta si NREXATEL ot hte crleupiafis iguninla a.nlac

eeS tfc.eopp.hrisifr/nauegamantelwii//onitt/svepgd/ccacg.e.:wanjdwk

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trump2020  Tish si re.ccnotir ouY hvea it .wskradcba pichktiSdk///.is_pwe:wtcaeoarinreprdig.ti/om +4
medjay7  yltcluAa I thkni lleh@o is gihtr. tisr F, aeesubc t'hast hte noyl ayw hsti ttyshi nrdogiw euostnqi easkm ees,sn coesdn cuz it sysa ah"tt esil on hte TXNELARE EUS"CRFA htat naems tdosiue fo eth eparmicst ,dcro dna eht ltneiag ahcrbn fo FG evren auatcyll e osh:Ted getanli brnach of eth oligomeartnfe evrne reesnt the auniingl lacna iva teh pdee aiilunng n.gir (o.i/wc0.wgwbtNvto3/hK/B43/nsi/.n:hsn3ok7pbl.m,) nda thne esxit to irennetav het otrrnaei dna eroiuspr osatlrc knsi sl(oa teh ertesmacr smu) +
medjay7  ITCOEORN:RC dr,Ninevme heintgryve I aisd si n.wgro I ahte ihst nsqeotui +3
chaosawaits  frteA niraegd lla of ,sith I sllti vaeh no ieda twah ot vbeelei e.aymron I lsilt eefl ilek the Q redesiscb het tioconal of eht ginaouillini neerv htwi eefcerern to eth mpctsaeir odcr ubt het ootgeaeinlfmr enerv whit eenrefrec ot the .tenoassni Pealse hlpe, aonyn!e +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by meningitis(643)
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Alctul,ya I trrocec ylf:ems I kodeol lorsce nda het oGient mrolefa sha an tlarxnee Sptemriac arnbch adn a nubnolLuiigam bhrcan. I gthhotu ti asw eth ielnermotoGfa rvnee ubceaes hte alnteig ncrbah sseaps hohtgru the peed iilnagun rgin, rstene eth naigiunl la,can seog to iatsmcper cdor dna lppseius teh aescmtrer adn otacrsl ki.ns

rHees eht igmae: pns4di/w/ima2emp.ckGswraekiei4doea/gu/otniytdh//imlgo.:8p.aor/p

creCrot em fi I am ngorw ps.eeal

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gh889  I nhkti eo'ury git,rh 0F1A92 p44p4 neev eastts htat ynsoers to the scormtu is iav hte oeaieolGrnfmt veern +5

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submitted by mattnatomy(46)
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I leeiveb hryte'e fngeerrri to reicopsmsno of cbsenrha of het Iliaiuoinlgn eNrve opssli(by eht onirAret lrSctoa vesreN.

r:oecuS n.rog/.tatsoe/t:iapeehiAkpswk/ese_irictviron/r_rwildn

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armymed88  gulnIliaio cvosre trpa fo teh ademil t,ghhi bsea fo ensip and roarinet mocrust sPori rote orclsat resnve rea a abhcnr fo uladdpen and vecro dias ar arlDo ae nsvree ceorv eht dmruso of eth iensp hhwci era slao rmfo eth ldduanpe +1
meningitis  I thghuto it saw the fotnaemiGrloe rveen bueeacs het tliagne nbahrc epsiplsu het crmteersa adn corsatl ks,ni ubt I dokole it up d:an eTh ltngaei cbrnah espssa htgoruh eth d*eep ugnilian ngri* and treesn the gnainuil ;calan a,los Inloaliiunig arswp aondur eht epstcimra rodc sjtu lkei teh useiqtno estm y.ass +2
jean_young2019  he"T tsecsurrut hcihw sspa orhghtu eth cnlasa riffde tenewbe ealsm dna safl:ieenm ea:msl the tsmpiaecr rc6o]d[ nad its esroivngc + the giaililnuino vr".ene morf iiwk iulnga"nI n,acal" hhcwi nsmea eth aigoiininull erenv seli no eht nexrtlea surafec fo tirmeaspc ro.dc gai/hca.g:tntiilw/_ipoplna/kweIranksdi./uneiehT tcsnenot of eiptrcams drco icneu,dls vn"ere to stremreca g(lntaie nahbrc of eth otmrfoilnegea e)vnre and aluseitrct revsen htm(iayectps ves.e)rn It is trowh ngiont taht teh nagiil-inuoli ernev is ton ayauctll tcadloe ensidi the msperitca cord, btu rsnu lgnoa hte udetsoi fo it, in teh ngnuliai .c"anla fomr ikiw ietmcsapr cdor. korrpitk_a:.cidhS/imiagis.tcerwont/p/die/epw +1
kavarthapuanusha  lLo kdi lal of sheet t,ub nylo nhtig i ttgohuh asw termcpasi crdo oirnots maens ssol of trcarceeism frleex t;--&g lrnfmigtooaee ;&g-t- osctrmu. kdI hte rtse fo hte oipotns lol +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by saifshaikh(13)
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I tknhi isht upectri nxiplaes it elwl:


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hello  gidAnd to . Q si gdncibersi teh EMROGLIONAFE r,enev whihc sunr ALRTNEXE OT fo prmeicast droc at hte easlipicurf niangiul ghsriT in Q si NTO fieenrgrr to niinuiglolai re,nve hhwic stiex UHORGHT eht uiparlscfie nuinagil ncala +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by diabetes(31)
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heT rnioampfpim puls,ex luitcesart ,arreyt mesricercat rta,eyr reryta of hte stcduu enrfe,eds imchlptay slseesv, rsictleuta ptmethsayci eev,nsr adn uctsud srdefnee all urn dpee to eth letirann mrcitseap a.csfai Teh loulngiiniia evenr sunr no teh ceiairlfpsu esfuarc of teh eetlanxr epsmraitc faeaihTsc ilioliniugan vrene is a syenors vnree ttah entiesnavr eth ksni eorv teh rngoi io,egrn eht mileda sctape fo teh ght,ih hte eprup ptar of the mosuctr nda teh einlpe roto. tI si ymrlnaol nureecedton idungr noep eiaprr fo anguliin a.ehnir

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by rainlad(33)
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eTh etrho wsaren hecci:os

rmoto rainvntoien ot eth cbuvnlrobuesaso ucmsel = pcual/seruedm rnbahc of teh apneriel re,nve chwhi si bnhrac of teh nuddlpae ervne

mrtoo nnvirenotia ot eht rwleo oonprti fo het utsecr iondsbima ueslmc = habliomroaca-otdn nvsere, whchi rae autonintscoin fo het 1T7-T1 oirlntactse esrenv

sosnnatei mofr het srdalo sreafcu of hte psein = arldos eenrv of eht epnis, ihwhc is teh eestped sidnoivi of the apnlddeu rneve

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by skuutnasty(8)
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rtafe li-ogrtnibbha tsih noe fro a stih si eth ootph hatt tnsdrestoema ti tebs (ot em, aayw.)yn mstu be ilniignaloui n.



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drjo  nllniaouiiIg .n vrieded rofm L1 si mslyto nreossy unpspgiyl iks n of epurp and ilmdea i hgohtrot of nesip m&;pa urpep crotmus m* senamos*l)( ipusb map&; biala oramja im()aeel fts mciapeaocsn tsmreaicp rocd uthgrho riplaufiesc ulniinag ,nigr aertg icp of iths ^ sn@sutakytu +
ankigravity  Wyh si tish ont ta the pto.. sI't eth ebst eimag yb far. +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by kevin(52)
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Jsut to fylcria lla het osmnmce.t

  • ()B eRtusc ennnviiarot wduol ont eb sa eedp as hte tiamcserp orcd toarcia(bner/losnoctlaohdmait ners)ve

  • A() pam&; (D) rea tbho dpuleand ,verne I iknth ti's erbseanaol to dxecuel htbo sa an srnaew hoeicc sa scuh

  • )C( sPcerso of ilntmiio.nae eru,S we can pikticn fi is't eratoofgnelim ro llniiaiouing utb I ntikh s'taht all ree'w gnbei ttsdee on eerh

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by amd(1)
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It si hte GIIIIsNAUugONLLy ostp limidesang !ppl _ntureeie:ptiwwabotsn//pogaiolalws_ainhi/tasagmhyo./an.n

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by weirdmed51(30)
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hTe sqtniueo tatess mnrsspoicge a reven no teh xetlenra cuasefr of imsptcera edfnrmr.o coGteaiol venre si tiniwh mtipreasc rcd,o ont rtealenx to i.t Hneec ti is loliiiiunnag vrene ihwhc upissple anoritre crsfuea fo mIscortfu. ltisl in ubt,od ’tnedso rtemta , bc oaemfgienrlot n soal ippuless hte rnreaoti ca.usfer hillc lla’y

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submitted by mrizzle(0)
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sTih koob hrapcte sbrceides hsit tfsfu ewll if yuo nac seacsc ti hogruth eth i.aybrrl

eoglRani vrNee Bkscol ni hsaesAtine nda nPai Tpyehar dlTtianoair nda soudu-dGredliUant cqnihueeTs 77.gp0

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by lisa(0)
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eTh eontuqis akss aotbu a revne tath is on the RELNATEX fcuesra fo teh piareesctm cdor at teh lleev fo ecifsurplai ,ginr ahtt si the nioialgiiuln ernve, cbeaesu hte ageinlt bhnacr of teh olretmnafioeg nreve sego nsdei.i

hTe crtik is that the mtloeiarneofg is enosbriespl of trgnnievaiv het rrionaet racsfue of teh stermouc, btu eth gteilna rcnhba fo het gliniaun vrene thta osge tarlxene is seeirsopbln of teh iusorepr torriena cesaurf of the tucorsm

Here yuo nac ees thob sverne esdouti dna sieind hte itpscmare dorc n--.27?e7ca2b1:e0ohejht1/na90epcl6-0e/gtie-r4s48=81ai6ca3shdd/a/7r1dhis/73mpspmd2855nrr31pe..eddrsaeg5-i adn reeh uyo cna see het itvneniaor mfor btoh esvenr l-e/7mipcjr-uato:uhdacl/o0gi.emro1tidvntuf/aa0samtwe.ltnrmseo1en-z2t//-aopettioje/lsleap-ctegpvfcmunaret/

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kcyanide101  I tgo tshi fof aIUlRnLiDiinluo:gOW neerv is dirjneu rgidnu ihearn ur.gyesr naPi ot het aebs of eth p,isne rateoinr rucsmot nda uiartobr tabOal yuluals jnyiur ndgriu eldarbd .uerrsyg Loss of tidocinda adn pina to ademil ihhgt. oit nGe lraomfe sluepips islrami eraas as hte ioli unlnii,ag uyo ghsdnistii ti morf eth llagnnoiiiiu ue ot eth olss of hte ertmcareics efer.xl +

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