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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Sensation from the anterior surface of the scrotum 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: anatomy

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submitted by d_holles(218)
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I ogt stih eno aiv pocsesr fo mit.inneoali otN rues woh oyu rae sepdposu to ermeberm lal hatt i.sht

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by socialismkills(9)
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rFmo b.mKueocHn

  • Laburm pxsule
  • tneaofGlreomi revne g--&t; niGalet ancbhr &=t=;g EERNTALOATAL erfcsau fo osrutcm
  • nlIigaunloii enevr ;g&-t- torriAen astcorl envre g;&t== ORATRINE ascrufe fo octrusm
  • crSala uesxlp
  • uenPadld enevr g-;-&t sitoePror stcoarl erevn =g;=t& IPORESTOR esuafcr of umtsroc
  • sorriPteo euusaontc evrne fo eht ghith --;g&t ePlainer beahsncr =;>= IRONEIFR racfuse fo the mcsutor


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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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hTe Q is inceibrdgs eth lortiegofanem rveen, hwich unrs on teh lexnetar uefracs of het ecirptsam rdco ta eht flcsaipuier inaunilg irng

sThi Q is TON efrneirgr ot nlinoaliiugi enver -- the lainiiuonlgi verne istxe HHUGRTO eth urpicsalefi inglinua anlac rshwaee thsi Q si gsnaik tboau a ernev tath is NXARLTEE to eth sauiiclpfre nignilau

eeS ij.wcouatmnlwt:thwain/po//g/eti.inevfpgncafs/rsereai..apdcekgdc

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trump2020  hisT si roeirccn.t Yuo haev it dac.kbrwas i//cche.iirpr:wtmgSi/aproktpswna_id.ekeit/od +4
medjay7  atuylAcl I nhkti hel@ol is t.ighr sti rF, baeesuc tath's eht ylon ywa isht tyisht nogdiwr snetiqou kmeas ese,ns dnoesc zcu ti yssa tt"ah leis no hte AETRLNXE E"CSARUF ahtt mnase toueisd of eht tpricaesm odcr, adn eth ngaeitl anhrcb fo FG vnree utcallya hd: oseTe egintal acrhnb of hte tnoomlafegrei nreve sntere eth uainnilg aalnc aiv eth deep gniunail gn.ri (KB/sNn3:bthhlowot3.pk7inwbm0v/3no4/..s.g//wci,) adn nthe stxie ot vetrniean hte rionarte dna psioeurr crloats isnk a(sol the eeracrmts .lmuc)se +
medjay7  TCERO:CONRI endrNmvi,e rvgehiyetn I dias si I ehta itsh tusqinoe +3
chaosawaits  tAref nariged lla fo ,hsti I lstli avhe no diae thwa ot lbeeevi eyr.anom I sillt lefe leki eht Q ssieercdb het ntlacioo fo teh naligluinioi veren hwit feeercnre to eth isptracme codr ubt teh lneateofrmgio eervn iwth rcereeenf to eth ne.snstioa Paslee p,lhe naeo!ny +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by meningitis(643)
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lAaclt,uy I rtercco sfm:lye I loeodk socrel adn eht iGoten refloam sah na rxalneet mteacirSp hncarb nad a unliibaLmnoug rh.cnba I hhutgto ti asw eht tmeloearnfioG vrene sceeabu teh iglntae rcnhab assspe rtuhhgo eht depe gannliui ingr, etsnre teh iinalgnu nc,aal seog to cetmsairp cord dan pisulspe hte cmeaestrr nad lstoacr is.nk

Hsere teh egim:a mp/tae.ggkempipGooiow./i/rt4c4an/p/a:aoie.d8nylmdk/2ess/riwuihd

tocCerr me if I ma rgown al.epse

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gh889  I tkhni yro'eu r,hgti A92F01 p44p4 enve staets atth sosneyr to eht utsocrm is aiv hte ieofrGmaonetl erenv +5

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mattnatomy(46)
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I ievelbe rtehy'e fegirrrne to emopcsoisnr of hbcsnaer of the nuiiioIlngal evNre s(posbliy het eAiortnr ocarltS Nsvree.

So:reuc pptkcglne:A_honers//_titiwerd.seawk/ao.orrisren/viiti

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armymed88  agioulInli rcosve atrp of eht ldemia hit,hg eabs fo spien nad rinarote utcomrs r ot oiesPr ostalrc envesr rea a cbahrn fo dpeualdn dan oecvr asid aaearo Dlr ensvre evroc teh usromd fo het nespi hchwi rea aslo rmfo teh pddenalu +1
meningitis  I ughhott ti asw eth ealinofmGoret envre casbuee het ilntega rcanbh lssppiue het cesetrram adn oactslr ns,ki tbu I dokoel ti up :dan Teh agnltie bhcrna saepss hruhogt eth eepd* lanuingi ignr* adn rntsee eht nunilgia ca;aln s,alo lgnlnIiuoiai rpsaw aodnur hte iscpemtra rodc sjtu ikle het tseuqnoi esmt .yass +2
jean_young2019  T"eh stururstce iwchh assp gotrhhu the nlcaas ffedri enbtwee smlea nda asflemie: n emsla: het mtpesirca ro]d6[c nad tis nrevgocis + eht lilniuigoina vreen". orfm wiki ali"Ingnu nc,laa" wchhi amesn teh ngiliiiaonul nreve isel on the xtnearel srafecu of sitacpmer crdo. inewaoti/ngihn_:lap/wurkep/cI.adi.iat/slnikg heT tsnoetnc of raesptimc rdco sl,ieuncd ren"ev ot sctermrea nigeal(t abncrh fo hte genmairootfle )vnree adn csaltertui sevrne ihym(tecsatp It is throw niotgn atht eht iagnlin-lioiu nrvee is nto yalclatu laocetd enidis eht eptramsci dcor, ubt usnr golna teh etdiuos of ,it ni het niniugal cna.l"a orfm wiik smpitacer o.cdr moriddkpitcke_o:ceSirigh.s/pira.pwnie/t//wat +1
kavarthapuanusha  loL kdi all fo eseth utb, yoln tighn i httough wsa teairmpsc ordc onrstoi smean slso fo csaetmiercr eflrex -;gt&- eeriafoolgmtn &tg--; tsu.cmor dIk eth stre fo eht nstoopi oll +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by saifshaikh(13)
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I hntik thsi cuipetr ianplsex it el:lw


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hello  gnAidd to .h. ehsTi.t Q is gsidciebrn eht RELFNEOMGOAI eer,vn iwhhc ursn NERLEAXT OT fo tcsermpia ocdr ta teh uliircafspe iuignaln rTnhgsi i Q is TON ifnegrrre ot inlignuiloia rvnee, wihch estxi HRUGOHT teh psrieflauci anuiingl clnaa +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by diabetes(31)
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hTe oafpnprmiim lxupse, acluriestt e,ytrra imeacrsrect atr,rye ertayr of hte sdutuc nede,efrs ictpyhlam vs,elses lectisurat teiytmsapch ersnve, adn dustuc dsefrnee lal run pdee to het aentlrin pesatcrim s.iaafc eTh inglouniiali eenrv runs on teh ariiueclfsp caufsre fo eth anlrtxee iprtcemsa ifsaT aehc iiuinolnigla nvere si a sersyon ervne htat iansentevr eht skni orev eht igonr gieo,nr the adeilm scaetp of eth hhigt, hte reppu part of the scomtur and hte epinel t.oro It si anmyollr neeontcuedr dnrigu enpo erpiar fo iaunngli harne.i

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by rainlad(33)
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ehT rehot wsaenr hci:ecso

mrtoo aoeinrnvint to het nureclabbuovsos euslcm = cpreda/smueul ahbrnc fo teh reaplnei re,ven cihwh is acrhbn of eth udaenldp verne

omrot eavniirontn ot eth woerl niporot of teh estruc bmoinadis mclesu = tancbh-alamoodori ,envser hicwh aer ntunioncaosti fo eht 7T-T11 aeslcirtont rsveen

iontseasn form het oadslr ucfesra of het pnsie = dlrsao rnvee fo eth iepns, ihcwh si teh tdeeeps oiisdvin of the daplenud verne

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by skuutnasty(8)
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ertaf ibgoati-hrlnb hsit oen orf a it.b... hsit si the opoth htat smosntetared ti ebst (ot ,me yy) umst eb iuignolinila .n



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drjo  nignolIiauli .n dvedrei mfro 1L si syotlm onssrye nlgpyispu nksi of eprup and adliem thtogirho of enisp m;pa& peupr otumcrs ms*) ms*nolea( spbiu p&;ma aalib amoajr (t imleas)ef aceonimascp isrpecmta ocrd hthguro farpliucsei galinniu gni,r garte cip fo tish ^ ustsntau@ky +
ankigravity  yWh si this tno at het ..pot I'st het best migea by fra. +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by kevin(52)
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uJst ot rifaycl lal hte mtnscme.o

  • )B( teRusc atnrvneioni olwud otn eb sa edep sa het iaescmtpr odcr ocirtcainnlrhdaooaosaelmt(tb/ s)never

  • A() ;a&mp )D( ear tbho depualnd n,eevr I kthin 'its elebarosna to euedxlc btoh sa na nsarew oihcce sa hsuc

  • (C) eosscrP of ieaminntli.o u,Ser we cna itckinp fi 'sit ngomafoeretil or ulagiioiinnl btu I hktni ahts't lla e'rwe ibneg tetsed no eehr

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by amd(1)
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It is eht OsyNIUGAILIguINL stpo daislmngei !plp asaeowinnla:mtutoo_nbagrhp/tan.nhi/oiysgw/ipi_tal/sewea.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by weirdmed51(30)
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Teh tiqeousn estsat isrsncmgepo a evren on eth trnexeal csuefar of pciesamtr coirnerdaflto m.eoG revne si hniiwt tcrmispea rdco, tno xtaneerl ot t.i eHcne it si iainnoiuligl verne hiwhc liepussp ronraeit sfuaerc of uf.crtsoIm llsit in duobt, tose’dn mtater , bc olneromfgteia n slao peipsusl teh noiaterr uscar.ef clihl ’llay

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mrizzle(0)
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Tshi bkoo hraptce iseerdbsc tshi fsuft ellw if yuo can ssecac it rohghtu eth ybri.ral

Rgnoiael Nveer slBock ni eenAaihsst and aniP apyerhT rolditianaT dan UGausiondl-reudtd cuhinesTqe g7p.07

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submitted by lisa(0)
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ehT niusteqo ssak atobu a reven hatt si on teh EXTANREL cuefsra fo hte episectrma crod at eht llvee fo urpafeiislc ,gnri atht si hte ninioliaiugl eervn, eeucsab eht eagtlni nrahbc of eth tgloenmrfoeia nevre oegs i.einds

hTe kirtc si atht teh mlinrgetooaef is ernbioepsls fo ntivrgievan hte etanrori erfausc of the se,umcrto but the lgaietn arnhcb fo eth anlugnii vrnee that soeg rexetlna si pbsionersel fo the iuerposr otainrer ecrsufa of teh ctoumsr

reeH ouy nca ees btho eevsrn ieutdos nda ideisn eht pmritacse docr -r57ece8r4i.d18ers/1db9.8j5aha0reo-07t/7//at/3dpcnpde60:r7=2lgimds1nah2p4?aha.sic31i-e23-pee6-sdnm1g5she nda rhee ouy cna ees hte iintanevor fmro tohb veners 0e/u.rcoittllat1ofeaetjcrloen1tdorvi2aeaulanm-hnm-cpgedtotge7epuvr-p.z0anim/-/settom-sjm:ic/e/p/tus/awfal

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kcyanide101  I ogt ihts off WIlgiOLauiion DU:nlR eenvr is njuired nurgdi ieharn eu.rrygs niaP to het besa fo het psn,ei erirotna cutsrmo dan alrot iuaatbObr sayluul ynirju uindgr blrddae s.yguerr Lsso of dnacdioti nad pani to eimald gh.thi i tGoen fmraoel ielspspu iirmlas aesar sa the iilo inalniu,g ouy ihsdgnsiit ti orfm hte auioingnllii eu ot het slso of eth crsmrietace xeefr.l +

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