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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Sensation from the anterior surface of the scrotum 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: anatomy

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submitted by d_holles(218)
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I gto hits oen iav copesrs fo ianole.itmin Not sreu owh ouy rea psdoeups ot rmmrbeee all ttah shti.

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by socialismkills(9)
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oFrm bomHencu.K

  • Lrumba plexus
  • aefmreoGtonli evren ;--gt& niaGelt cahbrn g&==;t ALTOEANRTAEL efauscr of mrcotsu
  • ngIaniuillio enrev ;-g-t& rietornA torsacl enrev =&=gt; RAITERON crsfaeu fo ctrmuso
  • aSalcr epuxsl
  • aPedundl nveer -;&t-g setPoorir tlocsra nvere =;t=g& POTSRIREO fraeucs of mrsouct
  • orePoistr nescatouu erven of teh hgith ;gt-&- eriPnale hrnabecs =gt;&= FONRIREI saecfur fo teh otmscur


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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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heT Q is scdegnribi hte gloeetifomrna renve, wichh rnus on eth lteenxra fceuras fo teh cptrsmiae odcr at eth pisceairlfu iuilgnan rign

Tshi Q is NOT erriegfnr ot inaiiiluolng enver -- eth gioauinillin veren xetis GUTORHH het lpiirsefauc lganniiu cnlaa hareews htis Q is iksang ubato a rneve taht si TENEARXL to eth pfileirucsa uainlgin nc.laa

eeS /saseadut.ln.oarg/egiwttjgpdtiwpae.enifpc://vkmcwo/haiecc.ifnnr

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trump2020  Tish si c.noetirrc Yuo avhe ti .bskrcaawd h//piit.gdSkaop/e_sciwminr/reiwrkio:td.eactp +4
medjay7  tyalAulc I iknht elolh@ si .thrig sr,i Ft seubcea 'tahst eht nlyo wya isth siyhtt grwniod qinteosu ksame s,snee dnoecs czu it ssay "htta eils no eth RXETEALN "URAFSCE thta snmae isetudo of the cpteimras r,ocd nda the enalgit rcnbah of GF rveen talyacul T:ds heoe lgeitna canbhr of hte eoormlifegnat erven retens the uglinian lanca via eht peed iunnaigl (/pBn4w.g0w:/3nocvhh/ok.3mosin7b.wK/.b/Ntlsit3), nad nhet isxte ot enevratni teh ietrnrao and isepurro clorast ksni (aols eth ecmesrtar e.ucms)l +
medjay7  COIR:ETORNC reemvnNdi, yeviethrng I adis is g.wonr I eaht tihs teiunqso +3
chaosawaits  efrAt grndaei lal fo his,t I isllt evha no iade twha to lbeviee .aomeyrn I itlsl lfee lkei the Q bsdiercse teh lacntoio fo the ioiginaluiln renve with fecrereen ot teh smcartipe droc tub eth lmetoeianrgfo never hwti eerreefcn ot het esia.notns slePae hpel, aenyn!o +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by meningitis(643)
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uaclyt,lA I rccrote ly:esfm I dlkoeo scloer and teh iGnoet aoferlm ahs na erntxael etSriapcm ranhcb and a bmglauuiiLonn ancr.hb I ouhtght ti aws het oantmirGfeloe renve beaceus eth tnaiegl crnhab esspsa utohrgh eht peed iuinnlga ingr, setrne eth naulinig naac,l oegs ot tpeismacr ocdr adn ppuliess hte meeactrrs nad ctoslra .snik

Hsree eth m:aieg droaioi/gpn/dess8we//hm/y4wlmagonm/:Gaep.ite4k.rok2iidiu/ap.ctp

roCterc me if I am nrwog eae.lps

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gh889  I thkin o'eury gt,rhi F2910A 4pp44 vene tsatse htat onseysr to eht strumoc si aiv the rnoifGeoaemtl rveen +5

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submitted by mattnatomy(46)
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I veeebli yte'hre gnreirfer to rpencimsoos fo rhbasenc of eth inainugoIlil everN y(pbsilso het nrAitoer ractSol reNvse.

eSco:ru rpi/atkAsi_:rnweptwagieecrtrnoins._ii.l/trkvseoe/hd/o

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armymed88  lloaingIiu cevors aptr of hte adlmei hhgit, abse of spnei nad nteorrai stcurom sr iterooP atolrsc eresvn rae a crahnb of euplddna adn erocv idsa l eD oarara revens rovce the mrdsuo of the neips whcih era alos orfm hte pldadenu +1
meningitis  I ohtugth it wsa hte omalGoeinertf nvere eesucab teh aigentl racbhn espuslpi eht actmreres nda otlrsca ns,ik ubt I dlkooe it up d:na hTe engital ahrnbc esspas hrughot eth edpe* iinlaugn irng* nda setenr eht luangnii la;can sol,a ualoigiinnlI rwaps arnuod eht itpecsmra droc tsju elik teh uiontqes mset asy.s +2
jean_young2019  hTe" esusrutrct whihc psas thoguhr eht aslanc drfeif eewnebt elmas adn l ef:masein a:lems hte iaectrpsm ]do6cr[ dna its vcnirsoeg + eth ioliilgnnaiu nvre."e orfm iiwk ninlaIug" n,cala" hiwhc mneas hte lniunilaoiig vrnee lsie on eht elextarn cfsarue fo psrcmieat dor.c iign/olipiw.ipnka/tu.gnha:_e/iIt/dwlenrakcsa Teh tetnoncs of tarseimcp ocdr ndlicsue, vrne"e ot rermceats enl(gati anhrbc fo the ooeimlagrftne )reevn dan atitlecusr vseenr eahscttm(yip s.rvnee) tI si orhtw nogtni that het -ilgoluinniia neevr si otn ayutclla toldeca nediis het psetmrica ,crdo utb ursn along eht dteoisu fo ti, in het nguliian n" ofmr wiki tamricspe .codr /.koot.icwigi/krwircada/Stret_p:d/smnihippee +1
kavarthapuanusha  Llo idk lla fo esteh tb,u ylno gthin i tuohtgh aws mpitcsera rcdo sroiotn snmea olss of ctmareesrci xeeflr -&;-tg grtafnimeleoo g;&-t- csm.rotu kId eht ters of het inoptso llo +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by saifshaikh(13)
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I kihtn iths iupcter spxlanie it el:lw


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hello  Andidg ot e..s.hTt ih Q si snridibgce eth OMAENERFOLGI nev,er hwich usnr RXAENTLE TO fo atspmrcie rodc at the uifilpaercs ngniulia g iinhrsT Q si TNO rregnfeir to illagnniiuio ven,re hwhic sixet OUTHRGH eth ufirpicesal nniluaig alcna +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by diabetes(31)
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eTh mpiopmranif spelux, eustcrital erty,ra cemsirraect rteyra, atyrer of teh udtcsu ,eesefnrd ayimhplct ee,lvsss larsucteti mteyisthapc rene,vs dna utudsc enrefdse lla nur eedp ot eht narelnit psatmcire .sacifa heT liiulanogini verne rsnu on het rufipiceals raeuscf fo het earxntle pscaimrte hacaTesif laiiilgionnu eevnr si a rossyne ervne that vtanisnree eth snik orve teh nogir ,iregon eht iadmel ptcaes fo teh g,thhi hte uprpe atpr of hte mrutcso adn het eilnpe ootr. tI is ylamnrol nceudeetrno gridun eonp raprei of iaunginl na.eihr

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by rainlad(33)
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heT roeht raeswn hocse:ic

troom enovrnitian to eth unserlovbcobusa eclmus = u/seupalemdrc ncbrah fo teh aleipren ne,ver hchwi si abnrhc of eht naedludp nerve

ootmr vtneoairnin to eth worle oopitrn of het ctresu oaiimnsdb smeulc = ch-aroitaabomoldn eve,snr hhwic era ioiunasntocnt fo eht 1-T17T cnsarttleio sneerv

nssanoeit rofm eht saorld rsufcae of eht npsei = rsdola rveen fo teh p,sein chwih is hte etedsep nsvidioi fo eth dpludnae venre

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by skuutnasty(8)
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rfaet ngbriilha-obt hist eon fro a i.t...b isth si the otoph tath sotseamtdrne it bets ot( m,e ayy.a)wn msut eb naiulingiiol n.



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drjo  lniiaongliuI n. rdvieed ofmr L1 is ostmyl nerysso ylpsgnpiu s ikn fo uppre dna daimel iohr thotg fo senpi ;&pma epurp smorctu la)s*o(m*enms upbis m;a&p iblaa aormaj sf l)ea(temi scmaiocepna iaermtcps rdoc urghoht rpiselicufa iilnangu nrig, rteag ipc of hist ^ ssyukuattn@ +
ankigravity  Why is tsih not at teh .otp. tI's het bets iameg yb .rfa +

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submitted by kevin(52)
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utsJ ot riafcyl all eht tm.nmeocs

  • ()B ceusRt neraoinvitn uowdl nto eb sa depe as eth ripsmtcea dcro aiaoootltrmao/hnsiaccdnlet(br vsee)rn

  • A)( ;pa&m )D( aer both adpndelu enrev, I kthni tis' laroabsene to lexecdu obht as na srwena ecochi as usch

  • C)( eorsPcs of aeiminnoitl. Sru,e we nca inpkcti fi ist' atenmlofeirog or oiliuglniian ubt I tnkhi tt'ash lal erw'e ingeb dtseet on heer

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by amd(1)
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It is eht ysNLAIUIIIGLugON tosp sigildmnae l!pp .aopw/ieiaphitn:ai/w/gao/_nse.naarll_shynesgtonbwmoituta

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by weirdmed51(30)
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The esniqtuo saestt senogsmcpri a nerve on teh xnlerate uecafrs of tscimepar ofmice.t dGronrolea evner si nitwih atesrpicm rdc,o not antreexl ot ti. cHene ti is uiiiaignlnlo nvree whhci siuplesp noiratre rsfeuac of omrfIsct.u lilst ni buo,dt snotd’e armtte , bc netfreoamlgoi n sola lssuippe eht noreirta sceau.rf hllci laly’

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submitted by mrizzle(0)
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iTsh ookb ethrpac seredicsb tsih fsfut lwel if yuo nca cacses ti ruothgh het ri.rbyla

onaeigRl Nrvee lskBco in assieetAnh dna Pian rapTehy iritnldaTao and duoUutiedsdranG-l chTueqenis .07p7g

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submitted by lisa(0)
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heT eiutnqos saks ouatb a verne atht si on hte XERATNLE fsceura fo the retcipmesa crdo ta eth eelvl of rcpsiialeuf rng,i taht is eht lounlgiiinai evnre, esbecau het nalgite bacnhr of teh eeriontalgfmo eevrn egos siidne.

The tirck is htat eht eatoreoginmfl si olprnseeibs fo gteirnvvani eht oiraertn scaufre of het oe,tcsurm utb the gtlneai hanbcr of eth aiinlung renev htta sego eatenlrx si lernsobsiep of het oserrpiu nitroear facrsue of het cmtsour

eHer ouy nca ees both evresn isuedto nda sienid teh tcipsaerm ocrd rdsh6nc4th877-31i-dpdd:ca55/h1it20s2.p8esmrp//1h07nd.a0nd6e-p5eraore3.er1ii/4/cga79-egm3bj=aals-?12eese8 nad reeh ouy anc ese eth nniiearvto morf btoh sevenr tetnfsu2/pfapg-setvtu1omeilhraecdmere/i0tcircl/zte-wpueatta/n/cmoia/od-s-1jvlnamo/mlj-.7gupe0natltea.oo:r

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kcyanide101  I got hsit off aiO gl:inIuLUnoRilDW eenvr is erndjui ngrdui rinhae .rursyge ianP ot the sbae fo eth esnip, arneroit tmcosur nda oibr btauOrtala uulyasl yuirnj udrngi edbdarl s.eyrurg Lsos of dndtiiaoc nda apin to eailmd gti.hh toG ien alfmero eplsspiu liairsm sarea sa eht oili ,iuangnil uoy hdsgitiins it mrof het nuliaigiloin eu ot eht ossl of teh sieermtccar eexflr. +

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