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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Sensation from the anterior surface of the scrotum 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: anatomy

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submitted by d_holles(218)
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I tog thsi eno aiv prscose of aito.innemil toN suer ohw you rae esspodup ot embererm all ttah

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by socialismkills(9)
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orFm mcneoK.buH

  • ambrLu psxelu
  • oefreiltnGamo evern -;-tg& Getlina hbacnr ;tg&== AENTALTRLOAE ursfeac of crusotm
  • goiuIililann enver ;-&-tg eAnitorr rocatsl evren &;t==g NTAIEORR facseur fo tusmorc
  • acaSrl usepxl
  • unladPed eevrn tg-;&- oProsriet srtaloc nvree t==g&; REPISOORT uesacrf of comusrt
  • osoPietrr tuncsoaeu ernev of teh tghih &t;--g enleiPra anercbhs =;&g=t IRRIEFON ceasfur of eht somuctr


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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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hTe Q si decrsibing teh ealtonfiormge neevr, wchih runs on eht eaxnterl arfsuce of hte sprcteima ocdr ta the iufsceprila nnliagui ring

hsTi Q is OTN ifrrereng to iliniiouangl nerve -- eth iinlgloniuai vnree eistx RGHOUHT teh luiearfcisp ginulnia lacna hraeswe ihst Q is nisgak abuto a enrve htta si XNLEARET to hte iieacsurplf nagiulni ac.aln

eSe roawwg/ept/iveofasni.gcec.ndnci/kdlj:setc.anfteipahpmwgria/u./t

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trump2020  ihsT is in.rocectr oYu aveh it /cegorta/rd_eais.itp:/iSpkh/woiwpmed.kiirctn +4
medjay7  Alltcyua I hiktn @oellh is hgrti. tr ,isF saeuecb 'htsta eht ynlo awy stih itthsy growdin usqtnoie emksa sn,ese dcneos czu ti assy tta"h lise no hte NALEXTER ARCS"FEU ttha ansme udietos fo eht cpstamrei ,codr nad eth ntageil harbnc fo GF reevn lulacayt de:T eohs glaneti chbanr of eth iteoemonlfagr nevre ntrese het innlugia claan vai eht deep iignulan in.rg (imbhww./okKbn/scn3ivnt3p3.o/7g/t4Bo.hls.0:N/w,) dna nthe xsiet to naveniert teh oeartirn dan spireruo olrcast nisk la(os het seacetrmr .us)lmce +
medjay7  E:CONCTRORI imN,vderne tgveenyihr I dsai si gnowr. I haet itsh tuqienos +3
chaosawaits  frAet eriandg lal of ,shit I llits evha no iade waht ot veeielb ear.oymn I still eelf eikl eth Q ecbsrdeis hte oniotcla of eth uoliagniinli eenrv thiw rfeenecer to hte iaemtcpsr rdoc tbu eht teilgormofane erenv thiw cereneerf to hte Paelse h,lpe !eanoyn +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by meningitis(643)
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tyl,ualAc I tceorcr f:ymsel I koldoe osrcle dna het ietGno ofmaerl ahs na tlxenera aSimctrep nbrhac dna a abligumnnoLui anh.crb I ghthtou it was het etGaoermfoiln verne esuebca het lgieant rcanhb esassp utghrho eth pede igannliu gnir, tesenr eth uaniilgn lc,naa soeg to ptrscmiae cdor dna lspipues the sretcarem dan corlats

reeHs het giame: //ppi/yw:kdomoirstmk.ndnigG4pc/.i4apiwamg.or8hi2l/ue/det/oaseea

rCtreco em if I ma ogwnr .elseap

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gh889  I tikhn uyreo' t,hgir 9102AF pp444 neve stetas thta nersoys to hte ctursom si vai teh eltoefoinarGm rveen +5

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submitted by mattnatomy(46)
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I ieeelvb etrye'h ifrnegerr ot mrsioncepos of recnabhs of hte llonuIniigai Neevr iy(ssblop hte rrtineAo cSotarl eNvsre.

rcuSeo: aks_:ni/weiinesigeoek_.drnttoie.partc/ov/srlAprw/hirt

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armymed88  naglioiIul svroce atrp fo eht lamedi ,gtihh sabe fo npeis nad nairtore corsmtu ot esiPo rr lcroast nreesv ear a rbhnac of dnaedlup nda voecr aisd r ealDaaor nveres vorce hte mduosr fo eht spine cwhhi are lsao ofmr eht dalepndu +1
meningitis  I tothhug ti swa hte tfeeoaGimonlr neevr eeasbcu hte agtneli canhrb ppsuisle teh rrmcteaes dna saotclr si,nk tub I olekdo ti up an:d The ngelati ahbcnr ssepas gourhht the eed*p giulnnia rn*ig nad sneter eth iugnlnai an;lac lo,sa agloiiIninul prswa nduroa teh rstcmpeia rodc sutj like eth qneousti emst asy.s +2
jean_young2019  T"eh ettruurscs hicwh spas ugorhth eth anlsca iedfrf tenwebe almse nda n:maesflei seml:a teh arismcept 6dc][ro dan its rvsoneicg + eth iioillainngu " morf iiwk uIalgin"n "laa,cn whihc esnam het iiolauniginl rneev esil no eht nraltexe secfrau of picrstmea drc.o lksu/caiaon/trwikenp/nwaihgdagit.eIin._i/p:lThe oecnnstt of isamcerpt ocrd ,cisnleud vnre"e to actsrreme l(eintag rcbahn fo eht rinmgteeoaofl )verne dna rtuiatelcs enrsve eamp(ityhstc se) It is thowr noingt thta hte inigolaniiu-l evern si otn lulaycta deotcla niides teh pectirsam o,rcd tub usnr anglo het etidosu fo it, ni teh uningila n.claa" romf kiwi tcrpimsea d.cro md/pr:_hnSwiec/wi.rkoe/itadktrsticgp.eipoia/ +1
kavarthapuanusha  Llo kdi all fo shtee ,utb lyno inght i tuoghth was mstreipac rcod osinrot easmn ssol of cestemarrci exferl &-t-g; frioneogtealm -t-g&; ctos.umr Ikd hte ster of het tnoisop oll +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by saifshaikh(13)
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I tinkh siht ietuprc nlaxseip it :elwl


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hello  Addgin ot .t.Thshei. Q is biiencsrgd hte AEGNIOORFELM eer,nv ihchw srun NLEEXTAR OT fo pctasemir rdco at teh pciisfleura aiinnugl i nrgsThi Q si TON rnfrerige to ailoniugilni re,env ihhwc sxite TRHHGOU the pesiiclrfua nalniuig ncaal +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by diabetes(31)
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The ifiprponmma xselu,p tsiecrautl eyra,rt ctmrarescie rtaey,r raeytr fo eth udscut ,rdsnefee lthcypaim seless,v lutsieratc cihmettypsa res,nve dna tusduc ersnedfe all nru pdee ot het niatnlre cmteprsia acfsa.i ehT lanuligoinii nreev ursn no teh raieufpcsil fcrueas fo teh xatrleen peirmctsa icasfeTa h glinoiilnaiu enrve is a snosyre ernve atht srvinnteea eth skin orev hte gnori grei,no eth mdeial patsce of teh ,ighth the rppue prta fo eht mrcsuot and eht linpee oo.rt tI si nrayolml nneereodcut ignudr epno aperri fo niauginl

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by rainlad(33)
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heT hoert enaswr iceo:hcs

ormto irnneonivat to eth conbrubaoeslsvu suemlc = ce/aumusdelpr bacnhr fo hte erlipnae ,veenr hihcw is hbcrna of hte unaldepd evrne

omtro niaetoirnnv ot teh reowl iorpont of eth rsecut aoinsbmdi cslemu = onmitcdo-raoabhla ens,ver hcwih rae ouattnoninisc fo eht -7TT11 iastcnltoer nevers

sneontias form teh oasrdl eucafrs fo eht nisep = ldaosr ernev of teh pes,in hcihw si hte ptedese noiisivd of teh punldeda ernev

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by skuutnasty(8)
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rafet bianlthibgor- sthi eno orf a ..t.ib. ihst is eth hotop that eendmsarotst ti setb (to m,e .a)nywya stum be ionaguilniil .n



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drjo  guiliaoiInnl .n iderved fomr L1 si ysoltm esnyros nuyilgspp k ins of uprpe and daliem gihotrtoh fo nspie ;a&mp eurpp tcsrumo *salo*(s) menm bsiup &m;pa baila jmraoa l(masf t)eei oaecnsmipca asmcrepti crod ohruhgt eripliaucfs gnanuiil ing,r eratg ipc fo sthi ^ takysunu@st +
ankigravity  hWy si htsi nto at het .po.t sIt' het tbes giame yb far. +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by kevin(52)
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sJtu to ficalyr lal het c.metmnos

  • (B) uctRse netvaronini louwd tno eb sa eedp sa teh cemiatpsr orcd onrdltaaaeot/ctobrilmcshioan( e)srnev

  • A() &;pma )D( rae boht nuadlpde vee,nr I nhtki 'tsi branoelaes ot eeucxdl ohbt sa an answre coihce sa uhcs

  • C() soserPc fo noimiite.nla ,uSre ew acn ticnikp if i'st ngeeotmiarflo ro igaonlniuili btu I nkthi sha'tt lal erwe' iegbn tesdte no rhee

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by amd(1)
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It si het IIIGLyNUgILONAsu psto gldainsime p!pl /uginnieotewaat_blnnanp/aamahpo:tw.igolaiiwr/s/syt._hsoe

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submitted by weirdmed51(30)
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hTe osquniet tssate seprongcsim a rneev no het aernlxet ecsufar of mptsraice timclofeora.nerdGo vrnee is whitni crtpemsia c,ord otn neraeltx to .it Hcene it si iginnliouial revne ihwhc ulepsspi tnrairoe sfcuaer of fI .mroucst ltlsi ni ,tbuod ’dsntoe rettam , cb eogofilnratem n lsoa pislsuep het ionaetrr cru.fsae chlil ly’la

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submitted by mrizzle(0)
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sTih obko rachpet seerdibsc shti sufft well fi ouy nca sacsce it ghthour eth rl.iarby

legnaoRi Neevr Bckols in sthiesaeAn nda aiPn Tehpary laitandroiT nda udaeUntGul-dsoidr cihuTeqsen pg.770

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by lisa(0)
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eTh unsqtieo sska oautb a veenr thta is on eth XTRENLEA scerfau of teh amecripets dcor at hte leelv of sfuliraecpi ,nrgi atth si het oangiluiliin erevn, besueac teh aingtle carnbh fo the otrfimenageol nveer eosg idsin.e

The rktci si atht het oiogeremanftl is plsibeonesr fo enativirnvg the roetnira cesrfau fo teh ucert,mos but the aetlgin rcahnb of eth unaniilg enrve ttha seog txrealen is obisreslepn fo teh eruprsio oeinrtar rusecfa fo hte murocst

eeHr oyu nac ees htbo evrsne esdiuto dna eidnis the pasmitcre crod dp4sppgr./nip5.ed/t8a--0c/eie3na79s:eie-d78r3m5dahl.trh5c41-/1e2/316d2sd2hbaoa7ji0mrne=g78-c6eash1r10?es nad eher yuo nac ese eth niinrotvea romf obth enesrv 7vip-uzit.mn1tei/m./aoe/atdngctl12tm/sleo0fu/jco:aeudhajtln-na/-lovu-aoceroempsrwg/epcsirtfalterett0-maep

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kcyanide101  I ogt ihst fof u:UDaInloglR iWiLniO erven is nujdier urgndi nirhea aPin ot eht bsea fo the psn,ie teaoirnr mucsrto and talrtbobu arOia slluyua jyiurn urgnid lrabedd .yrugrse ssLo of aionciddt dan ipan to amedil .hgtih oeGint lafmroe ppsislue iimaslr raase sa hte iilo ng,iinalu yuo isnihidstg ti fomr eth inioiiugllna eu ot teh slos of hte csartreicme l.rexfe +

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