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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Sensation from the anterior surface of the scrotum 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: anatomy

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submitted by d_holles(218)
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I tog tihs noe vai sorcsep fo oNt rsue owh you aer sduesppo to rebermem lal atth hits.

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by socialismkills(9)
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Fmro .mKonHuebc

  • uaLmrb leusxp
  • eoainltoemfGr veren tg--;& tnaGlie rbcahn t;=&g= TLTAERLOAENA sfucrae of ucormst
  • oinilIuilnga envre gt--;& rtnrieoA rtosalc erenv =gt=;& TOERIRAN serafcu fo uosrtmc
  • acarlS plxesu
  • aPduedln vnere t--g&; ePsoiortr ltoacsr enver =g=&;t OSTPORERI crufsea fo rmsotuc
  • Psotrrieo cusaueont never of eth hthig &g-;t- rilaeePn bcharnes ;=&=tg IFNEOIRR fsrceau fo teh rmotcus


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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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hTe Q si iscegindbr teh finoglamtoeer nreve, hihcw srnu on eth lexatner ufasecr of hte ieatsrpcm droc at het elpsfiuraci algiunin nigr

This Q is TNO nefrrreig to iigilloiaunn veern -- eth nuiilagiolni nveer sixet GHROTHU teh eruacfisilp nuagiinl nalac seweahr tish Q si naksig butoa a neevr ttha is XRTELAEN to the rpafciiusel glninaui n.claa

eeS a.eeoiepa/gitss.tdacdcg./:nvtrae/oucfeiwmtnniw/kcrp/p.wnlagihfj

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trump2020  iTsh si oec.cnrirt ouY ahev ti sarkwdacb. ehi..tsii/irmporiea_tdgenpocpi/crwk:tk/Sw/ad +4
medjay7  alcAlyut I tkinh leohl@ si .rgthi i tF,sr casebeu hat'ts the yoln ayw siht shtyit rwdgoni quosinet mskae ee,ssn ocnsed uzc it yass thta" siel on het XTRNELEA EU"SRFCA tath amsen soutedi of eth srmpiacte doc,r and teh anetlig rcabhn of GF vrnee yllcuata oeesTd:h ngilaet bcnhra of teh tenlieogmoraf enrev nterse teh unliigan alacn iav teh edep ulgnniia girn. (/./K.0l4imnvotbohcb7/Nt.3hw/gnsw.kwp3B3osni/:), adn hnet teixs ot tvrenneai eth riaeontr nda rspreuoi sotlarc skin (asol eth streamcre ulce).sm +
medjay7  TIREO:OCRCN nie,rvNdem yeihtngerv I adis si wrog.n I teah this unqeotsi +3
chaosawaits  Atrfe inderag lla fo it,sh I iltls ehav no deai hwta to ieleveb amreyn.o I sillt lefe ilke eth Q erbeidcss eth lotnoaic fo eht lniaiilunoig eervn whit ceefenrre to eth pmitrcesa rocd btu eht eiaeftolgmron enrve with eecernref to hte seontsina. Palese ,hlpe neyoan! +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by meningitis(643)
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u,altyAcl I ocrcret :seylmf I oklode rcelos nad het toGeni amelfor ahs an tnlrexea rieSmctap chnrba nda a glLonnimiabuu .rnbahc I thohgtu it swa eht ftGneoromalie nvree esbcaue eht ietalng bahncr psaess rothhug eht pdee gualnini igrn, ersnet the agliunni na,lca eosg ot iseacptrm rdco nad uppissel eht marrtecse and tlarosc in.ks

esHer het :gmeai lom/ge4y/ei4/niiprau.ot.p/oGi:oatmd8csh./ma/esiak/dgpedrki2pwwn

oretcrC me fi I ma gwnro e.aelps

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gh889  I nkhti rouy'e ,rihgt A2091F 4pp44 evne tsetas htta oyernss to eth umotscr is vai eht mioelfGnetaor evren +5

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mattnatomy(46)
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I bveleie ey'erht errnifger ot rnospcimsoe of racensbh fo eth Iugiianlnilo eerNv (piosblsy eht etionrAr latcSro sreevN.

ueS:rco aikAtts/dgsenecivhisreoanrk_tn/i.rielowp/:tw./ope_irr

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armymed88  lugliaiIon evsroc arpt of het edmail gthhi, ebas of iepsn nad oterinra tromsuc sPerot ri o ocarslt vrnees are a hbncra fo ulnpdeda nda rcveo dasi alaraDoer rvsene ecvor eth domurs of teh senpi cihhw ear saol fmro eth lpuendda +1
meningitis  I othghtu ti aws het alftieoGmenor reevn auesebc the gneital rabhcn lissupep hte secrrtema dan calstor nsik, tub I lkodeo it pu adn: The iglneat cbrhna seasps ohhugtr the depe* lignuani r*gni and ntseer hte lingaiun caan;l oa,sl ionillIiuang pawrs nrodau eht acrptisme odrc tusj like teh qenuosit tmes ss.ay +2
jean_young2019  eTh" rttssceuur wchih apss urhtgho the snclaa riffde btnewee emsal dna fe laenmi:s lesm:a het riactmpes ]c[6dro adn tis rgnevcsio + eht langiunlioii ".rneve ofrm iikw luIgni"an ,c"alna hhwci nasem the glinianoliiu eenvr ilse on hte relexnat uaerscf fo spmcretia crd.o aiihIaaar/iidt/nowisl._epnnkug:gpte/ni.clw/khe T tncsoent fo scatmrepi rcod d,elncsiu "nveer ot errsactme tgenila( cnharb fo teh tgfeieomlaonr neevr) adn utielcrtas seevrn tthmasycpie( nr) tI si rhotw ogntni taht eht ia-lgiulniion verne is otn aluclyat atodlce dsinie teh pieratscm c,rod utb unrs glona the teisoud of t,i ni the iiagnnlu ".acnal orfm iwki rsmiacetp ocd.r wmn/wpi_tstopi/hriieo./.eS:/icdkracagitekpdr +1
kavarthapuanusha  Llo kid lal of hseet bt,u yoln thgni i ttohguh wsa tmsperaic cord nitoros sneam olss of aecirctrmse elrfex ;&-gt- troifgamoeenl --;gt& trmocus. Ikd the rets of eth spiootn llo +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by saifshaikh(13)
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I iknth hsti tcreupi nesaxlpi ti elwl:


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hello  dgidnA to .T.. tsehih Q is srdenibcig the OFREAMOLENGI ,rvene ciwhh nusr EAXELTRN OT fo matispcre dcro at eth afipsreuicl gnnuaiil i ighrsTn Q si NOT rrigefnre to inngliluoaii vne,er wchhi sexit HHTROGU eht ulfrisiecpa ilnngaui aalcn +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by diabetes(31)
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Teh nfrmiaomipp ,euxlsp iecrtalsut rarte,y tciremresca yar,ert tryaer of eht dcutus fnr,eesde mathcyilp s,evessl ciartselut speyihtctam senve,r and tsucdu eeesrndf lal urn edpe ot teh eliatnrn aietpmsrc a.scfai Teh igolnnilauii rvene srnu on het esiprcuialf srcaefu fo the elaernxt creaismtp ehfcsia aT nlgoliaiiuni nerve si a yonsesr erevn hatt nsenrteiva the knis eorv the norgi eogrni, eth amidel eaptsc fo hte ,hhtig the erppu artp fo eth urtcoms dan eht enelpi rtoo. tI si mnyorall eortudenecn ndriug peno pairre fo unnlaigi ah.eirn

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by rainlad(33)
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Teh hetro awnres hsciec:o

torom nrivenitnoa ot eth ussalbcueonorvb elcsmu = /persuadlcemu chrnab of the epialnre nerev, hhiwc si cbrhna of eth eaunpdld nvere

omrot vnaorinenti to eth relwo oonitpr of eth ursetc mbdiansoi clmsue = ilbaaomotdarhnco- rsvene, hiwhc aer nontnuitaisco fo hte T7-1T1 scaentoltir esevnr

nsonieast fmor teh aolsrd asfecur fo hte einsp = dslaro rvene of the epni,s hchiw is teh seeetdp ioivsndi fo teh eludnpda nreve

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by skuutnasty(8)
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frtae hali-rniogtbb tshi one ofr a tish is het oothp hatt oaemdesttsnr it tesb ot( e,m .wyaay)n umst be iaugiolininl .n



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drjo  ngliIluniioa .n divrede rfom L1 is olstmy ssrneyo spuplgyni ki sn of upper adn dlamie igrhtohto fo isnep ;pam& euppr uctorsm naos**elm(m )s bipsu pma&; aailb roamaj lie mseta(f) aiomscneapc rsmptceia dcro ohrgthu sifaiucpelr inugalni ,ngri agert pci fo this ^ ykuantus@st +
ankigravity  yhW si siht otn ta teh t.p.o I'st hte tseb amgei yb +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by kevin(52)
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Jtsu to cyrfali lla hte etmcsmno.

  • ()B Ructse tannineiorv dwlou ont be sa dpee as the mseartcip rodc /mbaroloriaotadit(cenntloshac e)resnv

  • ()A ap&;m D() are ohbt ednpluad en,evr I ktnih sti' snlaraeboe to lcedxue tohb as an sewrna hicoce as cush

  • )(C rossceP fo .intoaleniim e,Sur we cna tpckini fi 'ist lfgmnoreaieto ro ulliinagioni utb I inhkt tsta'h lal re'ew einbg eetdts no eerh

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by amd(1)
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It is eth ANUOGLIIyIIuLgsN opts iagmedinls !ppl /apnghnigtne/tt./o.aaoih_iwsowswei:mo_lsuaa/airlaebnptny

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by weirdmed51(30)
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eTh tieousqn easstt sseinmgorpc a evern on hte alnetxre saefurc fo icresmapt cdornfelGia t.roeom veern si nihwti aterpimsc ,cdor otn reanltex to it. eenHc ti is ainiiloigunl vnree wchih plusespi nratiore seurfca of ct.mIo usrf tilsl ni odut,b sdn’eot teatmr , cb elmaferiontgo n aols uslpspie eht ieartorn ucesaf.r hclli ally’

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mrizzle(0)
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Tshi obok reapcht seeicsbrd shit tusff elwl if ouy anc sacesc ti hhorgtu eht ayirbr.l

lainoegR Nveer loscBk ni Athseensai adn iPna haeprTy dotnlaaTiir dna atnuiUoddeslr-duG eusTqnchie 0p.g77

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by lisa(0)
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hTe osuietnq sksa about a vrene hatt is on eth ALXTEENR ruaefcs of eth terciaesmp droc ta teh veell of culeirfsiap nr,gi atht si eht ianiinulgilo never, ceasbue the lntegia arbchn fo eht egmroanlifoet renev oseg desnii.

Teh tkcri si ttha het mgoloftierean is enipseolsrb fo inaevtngirv the reinotra eacrusf fo the ocemtr,us tub hte eainglt hbncra of het nluinaig erven tath seog lenaxetr is psoberslnie fo het ropeusir entaorir afrsceu of eht mourcst

reeH oyu acn see hobt ervnse soudite and ndeiis hte speramcti drco 1-53ne8pso/i7b4rpn9=da://a-117g3sig..s5r?/e1/8h6ij2-ct6l170hsnh-amsd-2eeet.e4rm732pa80ecdeihrrddcead5a0p dan reeh oyu anc see hte ventianroi rfom bhto rvesne ole/u/faodlop-tsh/eja1l07///raitwasr-cvngucftepiaaeczlgmtdpiotee-/tvoec2tm:.srptm1lieaeuno-tnmnmje.u-rta0

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kcyanide101  I tgo sthi fof n:DIiigWOn aloliLRuU revne is jerndiu grnudi aneirh egsy.urr Pani ot eth base of the s,pnie raoetinr scmtoru adn blattuOorarbia ulluays runjyi rngudi derdabl us.yrger sLso fo tcdoaiind nad nipa to iadlem .ghthi Gnoi te raemlfo pipesuls ilmiasr easar as hte ioil gnuili,na uyo isdnhtsigi ti omfr het inlluinigoia eu to the loss fo eth mcreisetrca lexrfe. +

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