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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Sensation from the anterior surface of the scrotum 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: anatomy

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submitted by d_holles(218)
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I otg tsih oen avi seporcs of .iiomlnatnie Nto sure owh uyo rae dpueposs ot rerembme all that

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by socialismkills(9)
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omrF HmbcKneo.u

  • Lmabru eulxps
  • oeiaftomenGlr eenvr t-;&g- lienGat narhbc ;&tg== TEAARTLNALOE uaesrcf fo mcsoutr
  • oniliuiIngla rneve tg&;-- rtorneiA tslaorc vener &==;gt AIORNTER aesfcru of somcrtu
  • Slrcaa esplux
  • dauneldP erenv ;-&t-g rPsirtooe olatsrc vreen g;t==& OPOERTIRS fercusa fo otmrcus
  • etooPsrir ueaocstun vneer of eth hghit -t&-;g eniPlera acnrshbe &;==tg EORNRIIF acufesr of teh umortcs


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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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heT Q is disgcreibn het oflitrmeanoeg eenvr, hicwh rnus no eht narxleet urcesfa fo het ismectpra rcod ta the islrupiaefc igannliu grin

hTsi Q is TON reiferrgn to ugainiinillo enrve -- teh illnnigioiau nerev txsei ROUHTGH eth scilupfirae iuniglan canal swaereh tish Q is inkgas touba a nvere ttha si NEERTXAL ot eht sfilpcraieu ginuianl alca.n

eeS .njsiofai.wicpgti/tne.mcan:k/epiucdfp/h/ald.ewocewrs/naagttvrge

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trump2020  isTh is eo.cnirtcr Yuo ahve ti swdakbc.ra ri/i.okisSi/cr/m/ptrgt_dikioadpah.ptw:newece +4
medjay7  tlAyulac I tihkn lh@leo si s itFr, ecusbea 'astth eth noyl yaw shit tyitsh rniwdog souteqin smeak nse,se donces ucz ti ssya t"hta lies on eht NTRXEAEL UFCARS"E hatt enmas tdesiou of eht mrtaeispc dorc, dan eth lniteag hnbrac fo GF reven lltauyac sh:oTde e eilgnat barnch of het emloaietgrfno nvere tnerse het ialginun anlca via eht edep nnguiila (Nw7itlvh/3/ocm0/.hs/n4sKgwop/o:ntBb..ikb3n.w3,) nda enth etixs to rvtniaeen eht treorian and irueosrp ltrsaoc kisn sa(ol het errmecast m)elcs.u +
medjay7  OEIORNC:RCT reeniNmv,d rgyhieetnv I asid si I ahet ihts eniqtous +3
chaosawaits  Atref drngaie all of thsi, I sltil ahev on iade atwh ot vebeiel yo.nrame I tisll efle ilke hte Q sdieecbsr hte aonlocti fo eth inlgaioiuiln vrnee ihtw eernfeecr ot teh sprtmcaie ocrd ubt eht gflemoenaroit nreev htwi nreeefrce to the asnnioste. lsaeeP pe,hl nenoa!y +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by meningitis(643)
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cult,yAal I cotrcer :semlfy I dlekoo eorcsl dan the inGtoe elarfmo sha na tnexlare eritmSacp nacbhr nda a aimnnlogbuiuL a.nrbhc I tghuoht it saw eth eofmeGtarlnoi never ecsebau teh nitlega rabhnc esasps otguhrh eth eepd lainguin rngi, rsente eht nignluia nla,ca geso to actiremsp ocdr dan iupsspel teh tcrmerase nad coatslr .kisn

Heres het mga:ie hewldie:ri/esaaniimc2tdmukpk/taoiGp/8/i4ysaew/om/

ercCtro em fi I ma ongwr psle.ea

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gh889  I nhitk yr'ueo ir,gth F910A2 p44p4 nvee ssetta htat rossyen to hte tmsourc is aiv hte noretfamileoG revne +5

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submitted by mattnatomy(46)
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I veelebi ehry'te eiegrrfrn ot seisomprocn fo ecnbrhsa of eht naiuiiglnolI veeNr lypbisos( eht nrrAetio oratScl Nrvsee.

uoSe:rc /rnt/agoerivae_ep.otrolkww./iitintdre:re/si_hpscksnAi

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armymed88  onaiIlligu creovs arpt fo teh idlmea ithhg, sbae of snepi dna itnrroea osctrum tes ooriP r crtsoal svener rea a narhbc fo epduldan dan ocver iasd rloaae a rD nveres ceovr the duorms of hte spine iwhch aer slao mfro eht duaendpl +1
meningitis  I htouhtg it was the Graoelfntmoei renev aebsecu het ngiealt hacrnb ulipessp hte mercsrtea adn rtaolcs snk,i btu I odelok it up dn:a The ltinaeg rbchna asspse tuhgorh the dpee* uiagnlni i*grn and etsren hte aiiunlgn aa;nlc lsoa, nouinaiIillg rsapw onduar eht mretapisc dorc sjtu ilek eth eniquost mste +2
jean_young2019  eT"h uuecrtrtss hiwhc asps rghhout het nacasl frfedi tebwnee lmaes and efs mn:liae amlse: het emrptasic r]c6[od adn tis gsoivrecn + teh alioinlgiuni r.ev"ne omfr kwii a"uIlnnig c"ana,l hcwhi amens eth ginunlaoiiil nreev iels on eth telxerna saeucfr fo rstmiepca rdco. ahktniapp/.I//ii/gunkteiog:wrldwsa.nni_acelih Te nnseotct of acpremsti rdco lsuid,enc rnee"v to matresrec aiet(ngl racnhb fo teh inmgoeatorfel rnev)e dna atucertlsi ersenv tic(msyeatph e)r.evsn tI is rothw ntgion that eht gilniuoialn-i neerv si ton ltaualcy ceodatl iesndi hte psrcmteia ,dcro tbu urns ogaln teh odstuie fo ,ti in hte uinanilg calna." from kiwi ectmaspri e/r.kidieosai.eprt:ta//c_pwSi/itochwmpgrikdn +1
kavarthapuanusha  loL ikd all of hseet but, nlyo ihgtn i uoghtht asw ipecrmsat odrc rsnioot seanm ssol of eectimrrasc relxef g-;&t- eniromoeflgat g&-;t- rocmu.ts dkI eth rtes fo eth npistoo llo +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by saifshaikh(13)
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I ikhtn hist trcuiep axinsepl ti le:lw


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hello  ngdAdi to ih.e.h Tt.s Q is esincgridb hte INFOGRELEAOM ve,ern cihhw nsur RXLAEETN TO of epstriacm docr at eth uilicprasfe uagnnlii sgini rTh Q is NTO ieefnrrrg to gnnlualiioii ,renve whchi esxti RHTOUHG eht lruascfipei iaugniln clana +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by diabetes(31)
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heT mpnirafmiop ,supxle rctaeltsui ry,aetr atermcrscei yeart,r rateyr of eht ctuusd ,seferend pclatyhmi svse,sle iraltctseu stpihyaetmc eevn,rs dan sduutc fenedres all run edpe ot the naetrinl tecmrsapi afas.ic ehT iinlnagoluii neevr rusn no eth riiepsafucl urafsec of the exatrlen simatepcr Taiaehfcs inuoligniial reenv si a onrsyes evern taht enreantivs the snik roev het ginro gerino, the ldemia aeptsc fo eht thgih, the pprue ratp of het tscormu dna het lpeein .rtoo tI si mrlyanol cdeueorennt ugrndi pnoe pareri fo gnnlaiiu .aernhi

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by rainlad(33)
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ehT erhot ansrwe ecshc:io

romto ovaiietnnnr to hte obsavunlrseocbu ceulsm = meplscduu/are cahrnb fo hte niereapl eevnr, hcwhi is cranbh fo eth udlaendp enrev

rotom tnroaniievn to teh welor ipntroo of eth ucrtse binoasdmi umcesl = abtailmroaoohcd-n v,eersn chiwh are auonnntitocis fo eth T171T- ntolraciest senrev

tinosanse form het roslad usercfa fo teh isnpe = lrdaos vrnee of hte npise, whchi is eth tedseep iividons of eht udpdnlae veern

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by skuutnasty(8)
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rfaet aoribbgln-iht shti eon for a tb....i sith is het hpoot htat nsaemtoterds it ebts o(t ,em )yyw.naa utms be iiiualilngno n.



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drjo  Inionguliali n. eievdrd form L1 is oltyms oenrssy ilnupgysp ki ns fo reppu adn lieadm otih htrog of sipen &m;ap puepr umtocsr es*am onm*s(l) ispub p&;ma libaa jroaam se)file(m ta iemsccnapoa sirceampt rdco ruhogth rcapsiuefli liagnnui ni,rg tagre cpi fo stih ^ @ttnysuksau +
ankigravity  hyW si isth not ta the tp..o 'Its hte btes giema yb .arf +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by kevin(52)
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tusJ ot frcalyi lla hte mecoms.nt

  • )(B eutcsR noiniarnvet lwoud otn be sa epde sa eth teaispmrc orcd oboarl(htcnmt/codiesoatnlaira e)evnrs

  • A() &mpa; )(D aer thob uaedpdln revne, I htikn 'sti aeerbaslno ot cedulxe hobt as an srnaew eohicc as hcus

  • C() sesPcro fo imonetnila.i ruSe, we nac iktnipc fi s'ti iooemgltefnar ro oangiliiunli utb I inthk h'atts all 'ewer begin stedet on ereh

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submitted by amd(1)
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tI si eth OILsILUGyIAguNNI post ilsemgdani !plp aaon.n_iaee/an_e/tppwmghyluohtwnitrobis/.aansw:oii/gltsa

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submitted by weirdmed51(30)
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Teh qsnetoiu ststae snsegrpomci a renve no het entralxe sreuafc fo etcipsmra moir ofanr.Gloectde venre is whtiin tcaesrpmi do,rc tno xnetlrea ot .it ecneH ti si iinuiigollna nreev cwihh ulpspsei rnoietra uefscra fo cI r.mfstou stlil in ut,dob ’tndseo meratt , cb alegimrneofto n sloa uiplsesp the neriaort .usefrca lhcli ’llay

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submitted by mrizzle(0)
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sihT obok cetharp cebrsieds shit uffts wlel fi ouy cna essacc ti hguohtr the aryl.rib

anRlegoi evreN lcBoks in Aatehsines and iPna eTpyahr iaditTlraon and ddsul-eurndUGatoi einuTscqeh g.077p

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by lisa(0)
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The toqsineu kass otuab a revne tath is no eht NXLERTAE fucsrae fo eth atpesirmec ordc ta the levle of ecuaplifsri i,rgn atth is the ilognaniulii vrene, saeuebc teh ialgtne bnrcha fo eht oifarnogeemtl vneer goes .esindi

heT rictk si thta hte eagrinlemfoot is nespreisblo fo renignvtiva eth naoeitrr fsacreu of hte cs,roemut utb hte naigetl abchrn of eth uiialngn eernv htta oseg xrenatel is ebilsorsnep of eth peousrri trnreoia cafrues fo eth cmuorst

reeH uoy acn ees hbto esvenr itdeuos dna sinide eth ecptmisra cord ./aaec-g73n0ha68d886=9ltis45t/-ba1ede-/r-snen35isppep?./720e3eiedsreh11dm/2crhdo:cj74517h01mi-rgsp.dr2aa nad ehre you acn ees teh vaetrinoni mrof ohbt neresv vaa/-lmeo1afj0tuclimaeic/slt-.etspwanofertct-oeultz/dninugmg-/uta-eeohjr.m/e2tl0na/ripo7t1osrvae/pmp:tecd

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kcyanide101  I ogt htis ffo niUi:IL lROlaDniWguo enver si ieunrjd ruidng nhirae .grursye aPni to teh esab fo het pesn,i erotiran customr nda ariabu trobalOt yluusla nyuirj ruingd lbrddea uyre.srg osLs fo ctidndoai dan ianp ot dlemai gthih. ineotG mleafro sueplpis ismliar esraa sa eth iloi nnlgiu,ia uyo sdnshiigit ti mrof hte ninaililoigu ue ot hte slos fo het aircrctmese .flreex +

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