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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 49-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Avascular necrosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by dr.xx(176)
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RMI is lhghyi ssveietn,i ifiscp,ec dna eccuatra in the ndceietto fo .VAN

ewthd-igeT1 amg:ies ANV tmso fonet pnetsrse wiht a cr,cctesine liinrgke- or ellw ddeinfe abnd of olw agnsil ihitnw hte upoirsre rnitpoo fo the sladonuhrcb roafmle hade nboe o.mrarw Tshi dnab is uttohhg ot tseerpern hte atrvciee icantrfee bweteen hte rconecti nda eetvipaarr nso,ez and ayplltyci tesxdne ot eht nlobcarusdh tplea.


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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by paloma(10)
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oAdignrcc ot ,UW lcaholo abseu is a kris frocta rof vacsurlaa icronss.e heT toms moonmc tsei si eht moeaflr ,aedh which entrspse tiwh naip ttah is tedxarecbae yb wghiet angerbi whoutti nmatmlroaify gsisn on ylhcsiap mteinonai.xa

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cbreland  rSmalii outhhgt rpscsoe evro er,eh d'itnd get a ehwlo tlo mfor eth RIM rtoeh atnh ckal of mr,mtysye utb pt wiht ooalclh spelobmr wsa eth key ofr m.e Juts ypeald eht dods +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by tiredofstudying(71)
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AF 0220: 436

Cessua of avrulcaas rcossni:e CTSAS eBdn li+toissehdt +kl Scrermcoo GL+isi.AocESlCo llce +uSmersaaEL+ies d aT

e“ht+ ed”sBn icosressncopoda(/sinme -deagal+iLésCsgEv-) e Prhetes isedase cudoriieaGh)paht(i+ c p is+selSdadieep acpatli rmalefo ephpisisy

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drdoom  ofr lbdetlue ,tsils be esru to loolfw eht lsup gsin itwh a !pecsa :) +3

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by almondbreeze(110)
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FA 0912 gp 554 on acvulsara eosincrs of oi:neaf nIoctnrb of oben and ,orarmw lluauys ryev aipuln.f sMto noocmm seti is aerfoml ahed desert(hwa one)z ue(d to feiinfiuyscnc fo dmaeli mciexlfruc learmfo y)trrea. Cesaus ucldnei oi,drcrsottoeisC sooAhliclm, ceilkS lcel deesi,as rmauaT, L,ES et"h se"Bdn oc/aeimcrnsepi(dnossso edeiass), ECea-Lvg-gl reshPet edeassi c,()iatpiodhi auecrGh a,iseesd dieSppl atclapi amlrofe isiep-yhsp SSCAT neBd E.LSG

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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)A( isRk aosrtcf ofr ineldopvge aaculravs icnoress :ducenil

)1 Taramu = I s,iunrej ucsh as iph coinalodsti or ueftar,rc anc aegmad beaynr oodlb eessvsl adn erdceu olobd wlfo to onbe.s

)2 oSrtedi s e=u esU of -isghedoh edstscrir,ootcoi scuh sa s,piroeendn is a cnommo cueas fo lavucaars cni.oerss ehT aersno is ,wuonknn utb eno phsyihstoe si ttah rttsociooecsird cna iecenras iipld lleesv in uryo d,bool euncgrdi dolbo .lofw

)3 visexecEs hcolalo eus = nsCoumign sevreal ollcaihco rdsnik a yda rof revlase rasey aslo can caeus yftat estposdi to rmfo in oruy oobld eselvss.

)4 shhpBetisapoon seu = gLnrom-te eus fo disetmncoai to sarience nobe diesnyt tmghi torubtcnie to doenielpgv ssseoiooctrne fo eth w.aj Tish rare amcoctipnlio has cecorurd ni oems eepplo etradet iwht hihg edoss of shtee ieotincmsda for rncce,sa schu as tuimepll mlyameo and taesitatmc barset a.ecnrc

)5 rCtiena dicaelm trtnamstee = aRiotiadn pateryh rof cncrae acn awnkee .oneb nraOg ntatiropa,sntlna lceyilespa deiynk ntarlpntas, alos is ocisaetasd htwi laucvrasa

l )eacMiB(d inoitscndo icaaseodts ithw asvlaarcu sscerion e:licund

r'senucbcshat tesa aiGitarPDeie SSiyAeIeitmsIH edD s/Vasc usulp tatysieeSshk relucmo ellc niaeam

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by warbyparker1(3)
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I tthough it asw pcties traiihrts bc apni htwi egtwih inraegb + ,mir ubt 2 tmonsh wtih etpics tirtrahis omce no, ti was an syae sqiuonet nda I imssde it.

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warbyparker1  vtoiunlEo teim si eyk +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by meningitis(643)
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I intkh the allsm radk raae no the felt daeh of uerfm nad eth akrnddee knce rae teh valacsrua .steis

c:ekN 5ad//o/gpiipmtckctt/.mjep1s./npcie5s5t1dh/eb:/tga9s.mmc1

adH:e bos(uoiv lneios no the RT um,fer btu sirilma ritcdees oeinls no eht letf as ense no eth iacpcetr MB)NE /uo2/pl.0p:hn1unro1oter/a-/j1/p5sgtwats/./ats0ccupedd

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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emyba esoeonm anc exlainp hyw htis si rlacsvaau scosiern adn not issep.s It tde'son oemntin refve ro beaensc fo fver.e hTe RMI ash a sllam amotnu of ynyphetodis but to etg aaaslcvur ciessonr essem dod/

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someduck3  Pg 455 of AF.. oensintm atth acmoloshil anc be a aecsu fo acsaraluv ersoi.cns +6
meningitis  I inhkt teh mlals dkar eaar on het tlfe haed fo fmeur nad the ekddrnea enck ear the alavucsar sctnge5iipdbkaNja1e//m.9 c1t a5o egsds 1tp em t// /mc:/c pe o(bvoisu sielno no eht TR ferum, ubt raimlis tecedirs olnise on eht etlf sa esne no the capcetri u1dahe lp:st p 11w/5pB/0a/tn./2o/o .orNt-r)dEtccje/usMpn0ags/u +4
yotsubato  He tudnwlo eb gyplian lofg if he adh cestpi irhsraitt. avAlrcasu csresnoi si a rmoe oihcrnc tonocidni ahtt ahs a solw .ontse +4

 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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)1 saarluAcv soriesnc sucroc newh oobld wfol to a nboe is rtndtrpueie ro reedc.du udeedRc oodlb ysppul can be aedusc yb:

)2 tnioJ ro bnoe amr.uat nA yjir,nu suhc as a atsoeclddi n,tjio ghimt megada rnaeyb dlobo e.ssvesl Ccaner mstrtetean livinngov taniiroda loas nac nekeaw nbeo nda marh olodb svesse.l

)3 atyFt dieopsst in lodbo .sslseev ehT atf l(ispdi) cna lkcbo amsll lbood svsele,s durengic eth ooldb ofwl atth sdefe

4) inCraet d.aeiesss ceaiMld nio,scoindt hucs sa kselci clle maneai dan Ghscuera' saids,ee slao acn esauc iidmnehsdi ooldb owfl to ne.ob

roF tbauo 25 tneprec of epopel wthi lravasuca ceoissrn, the eusac of upiterntdre dlboo wflo si

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