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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
A 27-year-old man who is a construction ...
Splenic flexure ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—humble_station(85)
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Teh sntqiuoe ereh attdse tath the ieptatn was tdabseb atbhnee eth 1th2 ibr iggarzn hte irfirone peol of hte tlef

mFor ihst ouy haev to kwno het tcnailaamo ocisasotnais tihw eht letf .yinedk heT eflt ikndye si ni taoncct wiht eht ,pelsen tcsamho pm;&a lespcin erfx.eul

tOu fo eesht 3 ontopis you haev teh omtahcs dan pnclSei rfleeux treoanri to the yidekn tub tahw asemk hte lcnpesi flereux eht etsb nsrawe si the iponetsdirc of wreeh eht eh wsa .besdabt Satchmo wlli eb hgrihe up nhat het nilescp e.uerfxl

lAppy hte asem ntcceop to teh felt yie!dkn

eopH sith lhesp

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madamestep  loL my dsbamsu htohugt spcilen flxruee mtaen teh einrn raruveutc of eth snpe.el Eenv tohhgu I am lwle aeraw fo what eth tulaca ipcnsle frxelue .is.. +1

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submitted by โˆ—meningitis(643)
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I :hhttgou oerlw lpeo htne nact eb rnrepasual nor sotcham chwhi aer h"e"ihgr

muoDendu nda dByo of scparane t(peexc al)it era eotierlrpoetarn and dmienli

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makinallkindzofgainz  I rldeu tou nuueddmo eucbesa sti' sortawd the thgri i,sed dna I luerd otu ybod fo ecapnras eucbaes t'asth saiyalblc idenmli. eW era iganklt taobu eht eftl welor y,dekni ciwhh is yb het pneesl dna lsinpec k Ifedruxle. if isth oilgc ecckhs tu,o btu I ogt it thrig +
chaosawaits  heT olyn arpt tath eurrattdfs em uotab hsit uptierc is hatt teh comasht is ebdnylicri aiaverbl in tsi inafl gietrsn eapcl inwiht het ltonoipaup ,dan as hte citperu pveriodd no htsi egap ,swohs eht peinscl rfxelue is a tib aeartll to hte sdiyek.n So I grthtvohuoe ti dna ehcos etoiswno-l-ys +

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submitted by โˆ—johnthurtjr(168)
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I hiknt htis si as odgo an ealnpoitnxa sa I cna ifnd

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submitted by โˆ—sweetmed(157)
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submitted by โˆ—adong(144)
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hti eth ikneyd os tr.leoaenerrtoip vealse oyln teh nmeduoud and psecinl fr.xulee ieksdyn aer oemr aerallt crttsuerus os npicsle erulxef ta( rutn fo isdgdeecnn ocl)on

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jackie_chan  aByilalcs who I ndesaoer oo;t tfle ydenki si esloc ot li,ta tno b,ody of cpaenrsa so that swa ,uto muduedon si igthr es,di hoasmct si ton ntilaereoto,rrpe ersaualpanrd glnda is siprroeu ot ,kednyi ton deatmilymie rt;oranei htus asvlee lnicsep uexfler (nad sti soal lfet eids) +1

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submitted by โˆ—praderwilli(87)
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I edssrco tou all of teh eohtr snoe nad lla of het nedsud ttha aws lla ahtt was tlfe ๐Ÿค˜

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