I gttouhh: eorlw olep tneh nact be upanelrras ron mhcsato ichwh rea hei"g"rh
enoumudD nad ydBo fo caasnpre tpecx(e itla) rae teepirraorleont nad idlemin
I tnhik htsi is as godo na ixpoenaaltn sa I nca difn
thi hte nykeid os reteatlo.orepirn seelva lyon het ueomdnud adn lnceips exeurl.f yesnidk rea emor laatlre rcsurttesu os inscple leuxfre a(t nrtu of endcsndige noco)l
I edoscsr tou lla of teh rthoe noes and lal fo eth nedusd hatt was lla ttha asw left ๐ค
submitted by โhumble_station(85)
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eTh isutnoqe ehre sdtaet atht eht itpanet aws tbdsbea eehntba teh h12t rib izgrnag the inrorfie elop of eth fetl idne.yk
orFm ihts ouy vaeh to wonk teh cataomnlai oisstosnicaa htwi het ltef .denkyi heT eltf ykiedn si in nacotct with the nse,lpe omshatc ;ma&p nsecpil urfx.eel
utO fo teehs 3 psoiont oyu ahve eth asochmt nda liepSnc refluxe aetrionr ot the idneyk btu tawh kames het lincpes leefrxu the esbt wnraes si eht ipidtreocns fo reewh teh he saw eab.dtsb coSathm will eb ghheir pu anht eth sniclep xleufer.
yplAp the emas tncoepc ot eth tfel n!eykid
Hpoe stih lshpe